Patric Westmarc

59, Male

Tulare, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Tulare, CA
About Me:
Just moved back to Tulare County after 14 years in SoCal.
Where are all the corgi groups!?!?!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dodger came to me through Stablemates breeder Cynthia Johnson in April of 06. He turned 2 Nov 19, 07. A few weeks after Dodge moved in, called and asked if I wanted to adopt Genoa who had been rescued from an illegal puppy farm in San Diego. One look and I couldn't say no. I joined pwccsc and became active in the SoCal Corgi Rescue. In March, 08, they asked me to check on and then bail out, an 8 month old Sable Pem from Riverside Animal Shelter. I was to foster him until a permanent home was found, but I became his permanent home As of May 10, 08. Little Koda rounded out my Triad quite nicely.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Patric, Dodger, Genoa and Kona!
  • Kim

    Hi! I so admire what you do. Thanks for rescuing these awsm dogs! Your triad rocks!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Patric. . .I have 3 too. . . .you'll enjoy this site it has loads of valuable information. . .there are great Corgi lovers from all over here at . . .
  • Sam Tsang

    He he he, that was taken at Key West, Florida :) The Sheraton that we stayed at had a private beach there. Thanks for posting those rescue info, keep them coming!
  • CorgiLove

    Hey, thanks for the info :) It's really too bad how often people get pups from stores just because they look cute and then they dump them only a couple of months later. I totally admire what you do, I myself volunteer at a local shelter, and it's just so rewarding!
    I'll be looking to get a Corgi after I move in late June. I really hope a young-ish rescue pup will be available around then. I'll be sure to fill out an application once I have my new housing settled!
  • mikonami

    I wanted to ask you about the herding classes. Do I have to run around a lot? I know it sounds bad...but I'm a really bad runner and wouldn't be able to keep up with my Corgi if that was the case. I really want her to try it out though. =)
  • Juel

    Welcome to the corgi wanter's club! I guess corgi's are like potato chips, you can't stop with just one. I am looking foraward to bringing one home, I just have to wait till things calm down with my job and my living situation. It has to be true what they say about good things, They come in small packages, and you have t wait for them.
  • Juel

    are you going to post pictures of your wards, what are the Prerequisites for adoption?
  • Juel

    oh,I'm pretty far north, I live in eureka
  • Sasha

    Welcome Patric to the Corgi Wanter group, and to Thank you for starting that discussion. It is well appreciated how much you and your co-workers spend time on giving abused corgis a loving home. Thanks! :)
  • Tabi

    Hi Patric,

    It was nice meeting you and your 3 dogs today at the Rancho Cucamonga meetup. It was definitely a lot of fun for Tabi and for us. We're definitely looking to add another Corgi in the future and I think a rescue would fit the bill perfectly. We'll definitely let you know when we're ready to do so. Hopefully we'll see you and your dogs sometime soon.

    Angelo, Chelsea, & Tabi
  • Kristen

    Tell me about the Fashion relay. The dogs looked great!
  • Kristen

    Sounds like an absolute riot! That and bobbing for weenies. I think I'll start doing that for treats! I hope to attend an event like that one of these days!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I'm so jealous, Patric! That was way too much fun. I've seen a relay race involving changing clothes, but it was only t-shirts. That one looked way more involved. I'm sure that a fun and good time was had by all. Your pics are great and conveyed what a wonderful event this was.
  • Kristen

    Tried the Bobbing for Weenies with the gang. Fergi is the Queen. No one else could get any because she was too fast...Now she can't walk by the wading pool without looking to be sure there aren't any weenies in there!
  • Patric Westmarc

    LOL. Well, Koda's started checking out any pools of water to see if there's food floating around, which would explain how he ended up in my brother-in-law's koi pound this weekend. He's such a goof!
  • Richard

    Hi, love your dogs and thanks for doing the rescue work.
    We'll probably add another Corgi in the future and we'll consider the rescued corgi next time. We'll bring our Toby to the meeting when he's old enough. :)
  • Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari

    It was nice meeting you and your corgis today. We had a lot of fun and will be sure to go to the next meetup.
  • Tabi

    Haven't been able to get out to Riverside because we live in the San Fernando Valley and it's one long drive. We have been going to local dog parks, but have not found any other Corgi playmates. Maybe we'll come down again one of these days :)
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!