Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari


Loma Linda, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Manila, Philippines. Currently residing in Southern California
About Me:
I am a college girl working towards her Music Education degree. I give piano and classical guitar lessons on the side. I love corgis and the sounds corgis make. I think if corgis could sing, they can definitely carry a tune.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The first corgi I've ever owned is Faye Valentine. I rescued her from a careless breeder in Illinois. She's not spayed or housebroken, she's very obese and she has bald spots because of allergies. She's on her way to being rehabilitated.

Oh, and she's very camera shy. When she's scared, shy or unsure she folds her ears down. It's so hard to keep her still for a picture! Any tips for taking good pictures?

Faye is now 4 years old :)

**UPDATE 04/22/09**
Faye is doing much better. Her coat has improved, she's not so shy anymore and has been making those trademark corgi noises. She likes to make them when I play the piano or to wake me up in the morning. She still has some weight to lose still and learn how to be more social around other dogs at the park.

06/01/09 - NEW CORGI!!!

I just rescued a corgi from the Devore Shelter, which is a high-kill shelter. I was so lucky to have found her just in time. Most of the dogs had kennel cough and the conditions were horrible. I saw her eating food on the floor next to the other dogs' fecal matter. She ran towards me and tried to squeeze her face through the bars of the cage. I knew I had to get her out of there and give her a good home.

I named her Katamari. "Kat" for short. One of my favorite video games is Katamari Damashii which, roughly translated from japanese means "lump/mass of spirit/energy." She is approximately a year old. We will be working on potty training as soon as she recovers from being sedated after spay surgery.
I have:

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