

Miami, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Our names are Randi and Kevin and we are brand new Corgi owners and we live in Miami, FL.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Milo is a red and white Pembroke.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! I have a red and white pem girl who will be one on the 23rd. They are very pretty dogs.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Love the name Milo! Lookind forward to seeing pictures of him.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Milo!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Emma

    Did you get milo from celeste?
  • Emma

    Jack and Emma are doing great. Took them a little while to really settle in(by sat afternoon they were good) . Our vet said look very healthy. Emma is a little trouble maker (good thing she's so cute!)
  • Tracey

    Awwww he's cute, was he from Celeste too? I seem to remember a Milo in her litter?
  • Tracey

    Hi yes little Baxter likes to nip at everything! Butterball did that when he was little too, it stops after a while! Baxter is up to 5lbs already, how much does Milo weigh?
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Howdy! You should join the South East Florida Corgi group!!
  • Tracey

    Yes Baxter is the runt! But he is growing like a weed! Baxter actually nipped my nose today and yes he has prickly little teeth too! They are like needles, ouch! Getting him was the best thing ever, he and Butterball play all day and they both get plenty of excercise now! We just sent a friend to Celeste, they saw Baxter and fell in love! She really does have some great pups!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    YAY! Another Celeste baby!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Awww Milo is the cutest! I hope your problem with the biting ends soon. I too am working on Chesney not She's got a little bit of an
  • Luke & Jess

    Hey, our little man is also named Milo and we are also going through a lot of biting with him! He is starting to get a lot better now, he is 13 weeks tomorrow and we have had him for four weeks now. The yelping when he bites works pretty well, but we are also working with him on learning "no bite." Unfortunately both of these methods mean that we do still get bitten from time to time, but he is so much better than he was even a week ago.
  • Toby

    Wow, another Celeste !!!!!!
  • Toby

    Oh wow, so they are cousins !! Where abouts in Miami do you live? I would love for them to meet one day.....of course, I have to wait till he get home first !!!! LOL !
  • Toby

    We live in Westchester, near FIU south. Definitely should get together when we get Toby home.......I can't wait !!