
17, Female

Miami, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Jackie and I'm a new dog owner, and I love playing with Bella and watching her grow and learn and play with my 2 cats. My fiance has had plenty of dogs, so he leaves all the fun and exciting things for me.
About My Corgi(s):
i was born 3-31-07 in Miami, and even though I'm almost a year old, I still like have a lot of growing to do. I like to play with my brother and sister, even thought they are some weird looking dogs. I love to play in the snow and run around. I love people and dogs, but when big dogs are off there leash, they sometimes scare me.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Bella!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Hi Jackie. Bella is a doll. Wecome!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Jackie and Bella. She has a very charming face. Looks like she is full of fun!
  • Kristen

    Two does make things more interesting. It is nice when they have a buddy to hang with when you are away, but it can also be a challenge.
  • Cindi

    Hi Jackie! Bella is so cute!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Jackie,

    awww, how cute Bella is!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


    Thank you for the compliment. The blue merle cardigans are unique looking dogs.

  • winnie_the_dog

    Jackie are you in the city or the burbs? - Sarah
  • winnie_the_dog

    south in the burbs
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I love the name Bella, my brother in law has a pembroke named Isabella, is Bella short for Isabella? Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Yes I agree with you Bella does flow better. That is too funny about calling her bunny. My uncle called Lance a bunny when we first brought him home because his ears were so huge compared to his body. Cardigan ears are so big for their body when they are pups. When I took Lance on a walk some old guy roll down his window and aske me if those were is real ears, I hope he was joking, he he! Looking back at pictures his ears were so big for his head, he he. Lance hops like a bunny in the snow too. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Lance plays well with the neighbors dog Bailey and Lucky.
    My sisters has a pug the same age as Lance and they have always antangonized one another. Although I took Lance over there last weekend and they seemed to do better, hopefully it is because they are getting older. Lance wants to play with every dog he sees except not every dog he sees wants to play like yesterday on our walk. The other dog was growling and Lance did not know what to make of it, he wanted to play but then let out a growl, which I corrected because I dont want him to think he should growl at other dogs. He still wanted to play after I corrected him though. I believe the other dog was not socialized and hasnt played with other dogs. Lance gets so excited when he sees other dogs on walks it is hard to walk him, otherwise he walks fine. I would love to sign Lance up at Petsmart for playtime, I just hope all the dogs would get along and hopefully the workers could handle it. I worry alot!!! So far Lance has done great with the dogs he has met. We are going to visit my brother in law in June and they have a pembroke corgi so it should be interesting they have never met before, I hope they get along. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Isabella is 4 and Lance is 2, we will see. Keep your fingers crossed!
  • Alex and Elizabeth

    We play at the Lawrence Ave. dog park, near Lawrence and LSD. Where do you play?
  • Alex and Elizabeth

    That's good to know. I don't have a car, so I like the Lawrence park because it's within walking distance. I've only seen one other corgi there.
  • Anne Dettbarn

    We haven't gone to any parks. Having 4 it's impossible to take them ALL out at once. Where in Miami are you? Bella is beautiful!!!
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Welcome Jackie & Bella!
    Corgi Hugs!
    From Chantel & Bella :-)
  • Ziggy,Tequila and Sambuca

    Wher are you in Miami. I love to see another Miami Corgi. I have two, my Sambuca is shy but Ziggy loves to play.
  • Ziggy,Tequila and Sambuca

    I live in Miami Shores, I take them to Greynolds Park it is OK. But I don't see many Corgis. Maybe one day we can meet. My to like the side of the big dogs. All the toy dogs are to annoying to Sambuca.
  • Bart

    What dog parks do you go to I live In west kendall. I wish there were more dog pareks closer to me.
  • Bart

    That would be good maybe after the new year we can arrange a miami corgi get together
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Jackie! Long time no talk! You are so lucky to be living somewhere warm all year round now. We wish we could live somewhere warm too. This Chicago winter weather is awful. Well hope you are doing well in Miami! : ) Lance says hi to Bella. : )
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    HI Jackie, I'm a Jacki too! Nutmeg and I live in Hollywood. Nut is 5 months old.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Moved from NW burbs about 5 years ago. Don't miss the cold, but DO miss the food! Just can't get a decent pizza down here. Nutmeg just had her first day of school. She's doing good with the "choke" collar. She's never been so tired!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Bella's markings are adorable! Is she social?
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Nutmeg loves everyone! She is great with all dogs. I bring her to TY Park evrey Sunday, and she gets to hang out with her two Chi buddies- Thor and Nori-Chan. She can also hang with the big dogs too. We have many dogs on my block, and she greets them all with a Corgi smile and Nub shake. I took her to the Hollywood dog beach on Sunday, and she did really well. All of the other dogs were off leash (but Nutmeg). I am too protective, and she's still working on coming to her name when I call. I let her run just a little with the leash trailing just in case I needed to step on it to catch her. Those little legs are fast! Just this weekend she had her first lesson with a trainer. Ok, I had her first lesson with a! It was a huge breakthrough on Sunday when she didn't play-run from me when I called her to come in from the backyard! YAY!!!
  • Bella Doggie

    Hi from one Bella to another!! We live in Olympia WA and my Bella is 3 years old... Your pup is a cutie!!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    I was the one who just left! LOL! I think TY will be better, but no fence. That park was very smelly, and had big dogs there. hmmm....
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday Bella!!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Happy Birthday! YAY!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Carmen

    Happy Birthday!
  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday!