Robin Evans


Cobb, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am married to a wonderful man, Adam, have a beautiful baby girl, 2 Corgis (Male and Female) and many, many other pets. We live in northern California and absolutely LOVE LIFE!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
They are both just over a year old and are absolute CLOWNS! Our male is Levi and our Female is Birgitta. They are absolutely our main source of entertainment!!! Last year, we ended up buying 2 plastic kiddy pools because they each needed their OWN pool to splash around in! We love our Corgis, and all our pets!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Robin, Brigitta and Levi!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Robin,

    Your family is absolutely gorgeous. . . .Here's a little Corgi humor to start your day. . . .

  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome Robin, Levi and Birgitta. Very good looking dogs. We love when they lay upside down! :)
  • Kerry Lopez

    Hi Robin! Gosh! I love the photos you put on your page! Thanks again for introducing me to Corgis and for letting me make Q.T. McBoots part of my family!
  • Sarah, Sadie & Dexter

    Sadie might possibly be the runt of her litter. I did not see the other pups before they were all purchased, but I have been looking at the forums and noticing when other people posted their dog's weight. But, at 12 weeks Sadie was only 6lbs when other people were saying their dog was 12 lbs at 12 weeks! She is going to the vet again this friday at 15 weeks and I will see if she has gained much weight, which I think she has!
  • Kerry Lopez

    Hi Robin - Thanks for loving Q.T. so much. He is a sweetie, isn't he?
  • Sarah, Sadie & Dexter

    You mentioned the runt looking slightly different than the others, and looked like Sadie, what have you noticed different in the faces?