Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies


Lawton, OK

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We live in Lawton, OK and own three Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Hannah, Riley and Nubbins. We breed the occassional litter every once in while. We truly love the breed and cannot imagine having any other dog. I first fell in love with the breed when my mother read the book, Corgiville Fair to me as a child.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hannah - Black headed tri female. The female who thinks the word revolves around her and that people were put here to serve her.

Riley - Brown headed tri female. One of the sweetest, most loving dogs I've ever known.

Nubbins - Red and White male. Happiest dog alive, who realizes his girls rule the roost.

Everyone of them loves to help out at the barn and especially love to help work ponies.

We currently have a house full of puppies, 15 to be exact! Black headed tris and red/whites.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! Your pups are adorable! : )
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. Their true beauty is much deeper then their exterior. They are magical and couldn't imagine living life w/o a Corgi in it.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome! Looking forward to seeing some pictures of the furkids!
  • Geri & Sidney

    There is a chance I might know your San Diego pup. We have great big corgi meet-ups once a month, which are great fun. Upwards of 50 corgis in one dog park!
  • Sam Tsang


    Welcome to you all , you are sooo lucky to have three!!!
  • Chris

    Don't forget to join the Oklahoma Corgi Group! It's good to have another Oklahoma horse person on line!
  • Boothill

    Hi Guys,
    Can you send me an updated picture of the female tri I purchased?
    Boothill Kennel - Joan Viney
  • Boothill

    HI Heather,
    Can't wait to see the pictures. Glad to hear the dam looks like Dixie. The pup will be replacing Dixie in our breeding program down the road. Dixie has a bad disc in her back and we can't breed her! So we'll just love her for the rest of her days! Please call me.
    (608) 216-6850
  • Boothill

    Congratulations on the new litter! Glad everything went well. We have only had 2 litters without problems. The other litters didn't go so well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on our litter due March 20th. Hope you get some rest and we'll talk to you when ever you are free and rested up!
  • Boothill

  • Geri & Sidney

    Hello again!
    Here is the link to the San Diego corgi meet-up page!
    If you send it on to your San Diego family, they can go to the calender to see the big event, or to the message board to find out about our smaller ones.
  • Alicia Byrd

    Hi Heather, looks like it won't be until the end of the year for us for another puppy. We are currently having a couple of training issues with our Rottie. We also have a shepard mix visiting for a couple of months who is our Rottie's buddy. When he leaves though, we will definately need a friend for her.
  • Boothill

  • Rocky

    Yes he is. :) We heard so many good things about them andwe are finding out first hand how quirky and full of personality these dogs are!

    We love him!
  • Boothill

    Leader of the pack huh? hehehe That is probably a good thing, since she has to merge into our pack!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks for the add,,And how wonderful your mother read you a Corgi Ville story from Tasha Tudor,,Shes my fav,,, thanks ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Just beautiful photo's :o)
  • Susan

    Nice to meet you. Welsh Corgi's and Welsh Ponies you cant ask for a better combination. I looked at your website, and noticed you were in OK. My daughter's Small Pony went to Prospering farm Texas. Her Show Name is Peek-A-Boo. We miss her, but went to a great home. She now has a large that will be showing children's ponies he is turning 5 and a med that is 7 showing in the medium greens. BTW. you have beautiful ponies and of coarse corgis
  • Susan

    Yes Boo is the strawberry roan. Erin loved that pony. Although she does have an attitude. Tyler the gril that owns her now was doing short stirrup her first year with her. Erin did the pony hunters. Erin learned on her. She was just broke when her first trainer said she would be a gret pony for her. Little did I know that green ponies and green riders usually do not mix. When she got her she was learning to canter and went from walk trot to pony hunters in a year.
  • Cassie Morton

    That was not my baby that was missing. It was a family here in Shawnee. But thanks for asking and caring.
  • Chris Mason

    Hehe, your dog has an awesome smile. =) And sooooooooooooo cute.
  • Boothill

    Do you know how far it would be from Branson Missouri to your place? I still would like to come out and visit!
  • Boothill

    Hi there,
    Annie had a litter of 8, 3 red-headed tris and 5 red/whites. There is one male red/white with a beautiful full collar and blaze. He's going to be pretty. I had a long night last night with Annie birthing *stressfull* and my boss gave me today off! What a guy! How is your new litter doing?
  • Boothill

    Molly is doing great! Thank you again for this lovely addition to our "outlaws" Joan

  • Boothill

    Just to let you know...we had to change her name again!!!! Molly sounds too much like "Mommy" to our other dogs...everytime we would call Molly, our other dogs would go nuts and bark and run to the door. Mike always says "Mommys home" when I get home from work. So we named her "Shiloh Dream" aka Shiloh!
  • Boothill

    Shiloh's first encounter with snow! She did not want to come in, she was biting at the snow falling in the air and having so much fun! Even Annie was trying to "herd" her in! Sorry the picture is blurry, I shot it through the glass door.
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    I am so less than 2 weeks Crosby is coming. Are your kids sad to see them all go? It looks like they have been playing with them quite a bit based on the pics you have sent.
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    I'm sure it is tough on them. You however might be able to get some rest!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's
