
Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a stay at home mom with two boys and our pet corgi, muffin. She is a very important part of our family. I am a sustitute teacher in the elemntary schools. I love decorating, reading, wine and gardening. Our two boys keep us busy with sports, school activities, and taxi service to friends houses, birthday parties, church activities, etc. I have a very blessed life and my Corgi is a big part of it.
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi has adapted to our habits in our household and she knows by certain cues what is about to happen. We get the newspaper every morning. So when I spell p-a-p-e-r , she runs to the door. When my husband begins to put on his work shoes, she will come running from anywhere in the house to sit beside his chair while he eats breakfast (peanut butter toast) hoping he will share ( which he always does) . When I get my purse out and get my keys she will stop what shes doing and go to her "spot" because she knows i'm leaving. When we're at home her favorite place to be is spread out in front of the glass storm door watching the world go by. We call her "chicken legs" when she is at the door because her little short legs stick our from beneath her big rear end and they look like little chicken drumettes. She loves to chew rawhide bones and milk jugs. She plays football with the boys until her tongue hangs out. She also loves their baseball "ZIP N HIT" which slides a ball down a rope and they hit it back with the baseball bat. She chases the ball back and forth down the rope, barking the entire time. She knows where I am at all times. She never meets a stranger and all my sons friends just adore her. We thank our Lord every day for bringing her into our lives. She amazes us and amuses us with her sweet and good nature. We cannot imagine our life without her. I wish every family had a Corgi for a pet.

Comment Wall:

  • Shannon

    Love the pic, My first corgi girl is named Muffin also hahaha
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Debby Barrs, Muffin and family!
  • Dominique

    she has a nice big white collar!
    what a doll.
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Welcome Debby! My neighbor to the south! =) Muffin is a gorgeous girl, and sounds like she's a lot of fun. Love the pictures, she is beautiful. Happy to have you here, you're in good company with many corgi owned and soon to be corgi owned people. =)
  • Kristen

    Welcome DWBarrs and Muffin! Great to have you here! Muffin is striking with her beautiful coloring!
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Muffin sounds like a hoot!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome DWBarrs. . .Muffin is sooo cute!!!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Thank you for the compliments - you have some wonderful photos as well. We did very well in the contest... 4th place overall. Thanks for trying to vote - they actually closed it earlier than I thought they would - bummer.
  • irischickster

    Hi DW. We heard about our Spencer from the Lakeshore Corgi Rescue. We had just gotten in touch with them when he came into the shelter. They didn't have any space for him at any of their foster homes so they asked me to check him out. Well of course I fell in love and got him out of the shelter as soon as possible! He was an owner surrender due to illness. He was so sad when we got him, his happy personality is coming out more every day.
  • Butter

    Thanks for your compliment on our video. They are sort of funny but it is how we play (they crack my husband up!). I was just reading your blog and yes, I keep waiting for Buttercup to speak...I wonder....ahhh....Joy
  • Butter

    Your Corgi is called Buttercup too? It is the perfect name for them, I think!
  • Butter

    I can't wait until Xmas or Thanksgiving and then I'm going to call him Butterball. Any other ideas?
  • Butter

    PS Did you see my video, the Butter Butter song (can't remember if you did....)
  • PreciousMolly

    Haha, Muffin, what a great name. My uncle has a Cocker Spaniel named Biscuit. In family tradition, we rename things, so my dad calls him "Bagel" and my great aunt calls him "Muffin."
  • Butter

    Thanks, your Buttercup is pretty cute!
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    Hi! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on our video. By the way, Muffins pictures are great and you're right...Corgis are wonderful family members. Our 6 year old daughter refers to Monty! as her "brother".
  • Karen & Bailey

    glad you enjoyed the video! thanks for your comment. =P corgis are the greatest!
  • Patti

    Hi - I give kai his kibble and usually 1/2 cup frozen green beans. he likes the "chomp" - luna the younger one without a weight issue, has gotten in on the act, so now she has to have some, too! our vet has said it can't hurt her, so every now and then of she hasn't "killed" her brother, she gets them! - my daughter has just left for college - so the dogs are a little sad - which means Luna will rip something up! good luck with muffin!