Doug & Sarah Haag

Fishers, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Fishers, Indiana
About Me:
We are Doug and Sarah...two drummers who got "real jobs" and now Doug works in auto insurance and Sarah is a research analyst. We're a low maintenance couple with no children yet (our puppy was a big adjustment!!) and like to have a lot of fun.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tank...born 2/7/09. Favorite things to do are chew, play, and sleep. He also is just now getting into obedience classes and loving it. He has the "superbark" (if you have seen Bolt) and we're currently trying to rid him of this super power!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Sarah and Tank!
  • Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt

    Welcome! Tank is soooo adorable!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! : )
  • Christiane

    Welcome Sarah and Tank! He is just a bit older than our girl. And he's sooo cuuute! :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    welcome Sarah and Tank. Awesome name!
  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome guys!
  • Marion and Vern

    Welcome. Tank sure is a cutie. Congradulations.
  • Elyse & Caese

    oh my goodness! so precious! fuzzy friend!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you. I do love it but there are days I could use a break. hehe Don't we all?!.

  • Linda Brock

    What an adorable little one! Reminds me a bit of OC's mama, Mist. She was a black tri, too. We lost her to cancer a few years ago at the age of 10. You can see her in the center of our avatar.
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.
  • Boo Buchheit

    I love your little Tank, what an adorable puppy. Tris are my favorite.
  • Zach and Lisa

    Meetup is posted under events with all the information! Hope you can make it.
  • Zach and Lisa

    I am so glad you are able to come. It should be a lot of fun. I was able to get the place for free because the place is trying to get more breed specific meetups at their place. Lucky us! They just want people to come so bad I guess. And also you can tour the place to see if you would ever want to use the while on vacation, doggy daycare, etc. So it's good for their business to get the word out too I'm sure. And for those first two pictures Midas did all that and yes it's on the living room carpet. Hey got that huge bag of potting soil that you see in the picture and tore it open. He really likes dirt. He has done this before when he was little like yours, he went for the planted pots. Needless to say, those were abolished from the house. We try to take pictures of his beside all of his messes, he just looks too proud!
  • Zach and Lisa

    Just wanted to check but when does your pup get his last set of shots?