Christopher Zincone & Monty!

Massapequa Park

United States

Profile Information:

Massapequa Park N.Y.
About Me:
Monty! and I are Agility pals and we've got a few movies of our finest moments. We're into having fun, and of course, Agility!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Monty!- 1/25/99-9/30/11. All I can say is what an INCREDIBLE time we had! Check out our videos and share in our fun! Monty! always had a blast!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Team Monty! Glad y'all made it! Invite your corgi friends to join us too!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Christopher! We're thrilled to have a real champ joining us!
  • Laurie

    loved your videos! Hope you are having a great time at USDAA championships. Good Luck!
  • Bonny

    Hi fellow LI corgi owner! I see you are an active agility person, and would love to get involved in this sport. where to get started? We're out on the North Fork. Cheers! --Bonny and Junebug
  • Bonny

    thanks for the tip...I just wrote Lise, and hope to hear something soon!

  • Laurie

    Hi Christopher and Monty!
    I added the link to Bella's youtube videos to my profile. They are nowhere near as good as Monty's but it shows her first few trials. The videos were done by my friends Teresa and Stephen. My husband still has to hide when Bella runs! Keep in mind, she's only 2!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Christopher. . .your fur baby is adorable. . . .great pictures. . . .
  • Laurie

    I read about Team Monty!'s achievement on the Performance Corgis list. Congratulations! Those were some really great runs, you are a great handler and Monty! is a very special Corgi. We'll keep cheering you on.

    Laurie, Bella and Rudy
  • Laurie

    We've updated our youtube videos! Check us out at "agilitycorgi" on youtube. I've watched all of Monty's videos several times. You guys are an inspirational team. Bella is a bit of a challenge and I almost quit agility, but I'm so glad we stuck with it, we are having a great time together!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Thanks for the comments, yes Timmy loves his flying squirrel. We use it in the park almost everyday.

    Can't wait for your next adventure together and of course the video that follows! Give Monty a swat on his bunny butt from his pal Timmy = )
  • Kristen

    Thanks for your kind comments. MyCorgi has been a lot of fun for me and I don't know what life would be like without dogs. Life without dog hair...well that sounds good, but you can't have one without the other so i'll tke the hair!. I really enjoy your videos. I have wanted to get the gang involved in agility, but haven't been able to find any local training--I'm the one who needs the most!. I am heading to the Nebraska Kennel Club show this weekend and hope to make some contacts. I'm a firm believer in benefitting from someone elses experience!
  • Butter

    Thanks so much....OK, you must be an ABBA fan too. Good for you!!! Your video was the first one I saw of any dog doing agility; I didn't really know what it was. I see your dog is 9; so is mine. Do you mind if I ask you what dog food he eats? I want to keep mine really healthy. So far he is. What else besides exercise contributes to your dog's health, do you think?
    Thanks for the compliment re Baby Butter's cuteness. I think he is adorable...Joy and BB
  • Butter

    Thanks again!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Laurie

    Chris and Monty! I was so excited to see you guys run in the USDAA finals! What an awesome run you had. Congratulations on your placement - what an incredible accomplishment!

    Laurie and Bella
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Happy Birthday Monty!!! You're my hero, so keep going strong for another 10!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much and your welcome. I love Enya..very relaxing and rejuvenating. Cleanses the mind.
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday Team Monty!
  • bill and maggie mae

  • Laurie

    Loved seeing Monty! representing the Pems at USDAA nationals! Bella has finally recovered from her broken toe and we just entered our first trial in 6 months! We have a couple of new videos on our youtube site (agilitycorgi)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Laurie

    Carly, are you available to come to Seattle and run a little girl Corgi? What a great job you did, congratulations!
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Hehe thanks for the comment! Well, my husband and I are moving to a house next month, so I know right now is not the right time, but once we're settled in and have some spare money, I think it'll be time to get a corgi. :)