Gabby and Lilly


Redding, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I grew up in SoCal but now live in No. Calif. as a stay at home mom to two daughters. When I'm not helping with homework, doing chores or other mom duties, I love to play the piano (for my ears only!), ride my Quarter horse, and cuddle with my pooches (a Corgi and a Schipperke).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have the privilege of owning a sable female Corgi, Lilly, that we adopted as a puppy in June 2008. She is my second Corgi, though I acquired her under unexpected and sad circumstances. My first corgi, Sammy, was a black headed tri that went missing when a construction worker left our gate open in my absence. We were blessed to have Sammy for 9 great years and, though it has been awhile, I still have a shred of hope for our reunion. Back when I got my first, I read elsewhere that Corgis are either "worriers" or "party-ers". Sammy fit the worrier personality. Well, Lilly is definitely a "party-er"! I love to watch her bunny butt run and play. She is very confident, smart and loving. I am having so much fun and my family is just nuts about her.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Sorry for the loss of your BHT but congratulations on Lilly. Sables are great.
  • Elaine

    You've got some great pictures of your family here, including beautiful Lilly. Your son has even adopted a corgi sleeping pose while on the couch! LOL!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome what a gorgeous family.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. LOL @ giving you sudden kissing urges. I know what you mean and watch out..its contagious.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Karen

    Lilly is a doll, but your daughters are real beauties! Welcome!
  • Kate

    Your pictures are great. I especially like the last one, of your daughter and your puppy in the car. It's like they're just the perfect size for each other!
  • Karen

    What is it about corgis? They're upside-down almost as much as they are right-side up! ;-)
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Thanks! No, I didn't make it and I don't own it either, but I wish I did. It's just a pic I found on Google.
  • Michelle & Molly

    Thank you!!! Molly definately is a huge part of my life!!! She makes me laugh all of the time!! Your girl is precious!!!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    You have good looking kiddos (both canine and human)! That last picture taken in the car is cute! But I also have to say that your corgi sleeping is pretty cute too! I am very sorry to hear about Sammy - I can't imagine something like that happening. Algy was once left outside in the yard for a few hours when he was a puppy but he just sat out front until a neighbor saw him and put him in our garage. Lilly is just adorable and I hope you have a long, happy and healthy life together with the fam!!!