Rachel & Zee

Nashville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Nashville, TN
About Me:
College student in Tennessee. Vegetarian. Bike enthusiast.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My family has always had Pembroke Welsh Corgis, for as long as we've been a family! My little guy is named Zee, and he was born on July 16, 2009. His mother had to be put down as a result of complications from the pregnancy when he was two days old, and he was the only surviving member of his litter. I've been bottle-raising him since then. I've always been an "animal person," but I've never felt an intimate connection like this with an animal before. I'm crazy about Zee!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Heather and Ella

    The beagle I had growing up, had to be bottle feed as a puppy, due to the death of his mother.
    It's a big responsibility, but it sounds like you have everything under control.
    This puppy is lucky to be alive and lucky to have you as a parent.
  • David

    The puppy is indeed lucky to have you as a surrogate mother. This website has a lot of experienced owners, breeders and vets. People are helpful here!
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Oh my goodness how wonderful! I hop everything works out for your two-keep my Corgi-Brutis posted!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Rachel and Zee! Wow, what a start for your little guy. Sounds like he is in very good hands now. :)
  • Heather and Ella

    Thank for your comment about our Ella. I've only had one other dog, and that was over 10 yrs ago. And I always thought I was a cat person. However my husband and son are both allergic to cats, so I'm now a corgi person. She sits on my lap like a cat, but says off the counters. :)
    I can't wait to see more pictures of your baby. My son says Zee looks so tiny, but very cute.
  • christy fry

    Welcome to the group! Zee certainly sounds like a special and strong little guy to overcome the loss of his dam
  • Sunni A.

    Welcome to you and Zee.

    welcome Rachel and Zee. So sad about his mom and litter mates but Zee looks like a fighter. Gud luck with ur baby
  • Sunni A.

    Thanks, it was patriotic themed for July 4th. He hates to wear them.
  • JH

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that Zee lives a long and happy life with you.
  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome to 2009 Puppies. Sorry that I hadn't checked out your page before. I'm sorry for your loss. Best of luck for Zee.
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Good morning, hope today finds you and Zee doing well-any new pictures? Brutis sends his Corgi love along with a "high stub" to little Zee.
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Aww, what a cutie pants Zee is! I am very sorry to read about his mom and the litter mates. I hope Zee really takes off and grows big and strong!! I love his little nose and his little feet and his little, hairy belly!! I hope to read more about how he is growing.
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Hi you guys! How is little Zee doing?