
51, Male



Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a Corgi owner living in Taipei!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 2 male Corgi named Yoda and Chewie. They were born in 2009. They are nothing but fun!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome david and Yoda! That is one adorable puppy.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! Your puppy is adorable!

  • Krista Meyer

    He's so cute!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the sweet comment on Lance! Your pup is adorable, its so much fun to watch them grow up, it goes quick! Did you get his name Yoda from the movie Star Wars? I used to watch that movie with my brothers all the time, I like the name for your little guy!
  • Miss Myra

    Thank you! I hope to go pick my puppy up this weekend!
  • Boo Buchheit

    Yoda is such a cutie pie and what a great name he has.
  • Susan

    Yoda is a very handsome boy!
  • Susan

    Hi, David and Yoda...thanks for the friend request. We are very happy to be your friends! - Susan and Annie
  • Dexter Young

    My babys name is Temple, and he LOVES our cats!
  • julie

    Hello, Thank you for the comment.Yoda is so cute! In the picture he looks ready to play any minute.
  • Nicola Porter

    AAWWW Yoda is so sweet.
  • Kyle, Megan and Loki

    nice puppy, he is so cute. Looks like he has the spaz in him though, of the fun of it.
  • Laura

    Oh such a cute puppy! He looks like a yoda. ^_^ Thanks for the welcome!
  • Kate & Brandon Hesson

    Yoda is so precious! Bonus points for the name. My husband and I are big Star Wars geeks. :) Thanks for the comment. We <3 this site!
  • Florence

    Hi, thank you for your visit to my page !
    Yoda is very cute ! Oh, I miss to have a baby Corgi.......
  • Melisse Fowler

    Thanks for the welcome. Our second Corgi, Teddy Bear, would've been named Yoda if we'd had him from a puppy. But, he's a rescue and was already named, so we didn't want to confuse him. His ears are quite side-set, so he really looks like a Yoda. Plus, I just love the name.
  • Gina

    awwww, just a baby. I used to live in Taiwan and Hong Kong, many moons ago. But we lived in a place called Grass Mountain. Is that still there? I went to TAS.
  • Gina

    I'd like to see some updated pictures if you have any. I also lived in Hong Kong, this was in the 70's so I'm sure so much has changed. There wasn't any fast food places back then and as a little american kid I wouldn't eat anything and would cry everytime we went out to dinner. ha ha.
  • Danny and Kate

    yay for corgi's named after star wars!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Diana Z.

    Aw thank you! Glad to meet other corgi lovers!
  • mae schneider

    she will be two in aug
  • Dooby

    Yoda is so cute!
  • Kristina Marcussen

    Lucy is ours- the redhead. Shadow on the right was picked up that very day! Shadow lives and romps in Santa Barbara. Lucy is on the road!
  • Pat Grissett

    Hi David, glad my furry friend isn't the only one to eat insects; her personal favorite are the hard shell beetles that fly around at night! Yum!
  • Vanessa + Dobey

    Hi David! Thanks for the welcome! Yes, happiness is being in the middle of a puppy pile! It was sad to take my new puppy away from his pile of brothers & sisters, but he seems to be adjusting well!
  • Amy & Jasper

    Jasper's going on 2 days now - the toy is still in tact! Thanks for the welcome!
  • Rachel & Zee

    Thank you! It's good to be here. :]
  • Heather and Ella

    Thanks for the welcome David and Yoda. Yoda and Ella's noses do look very similar. Ella's dad was a tri-color so I think that's were she gets her little black nose spot from. Yoda has a cute head line.
  • Chester

    thanks for the birthday greeting!

    i'm old now. =(