the Doaks

Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Louisville, KY
About Me:
New corgi him to death! We just moved to Louisville, KY, to teach at a local high school. We are originally from Zanesville, OH. We love to meet new people, especially those who share the corgi love!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dante, also known as drumsticks, precious, or jingle bells (because of his collar), was born 3/3/09. We bought Dante from a corgi breeder in Zanesville, OH, and he has a beautiful coat and curious personality. His treats of choice are ice cubes, green beans, and biscuits during long car rides . His favorite toys are stray socks (even though they are a no-no), rope toys, and anything that rolls on the floor or squeaks. He is extra cute when he goes down stairs and we even take him down a slide in our apt complex. He loves little kids and wants to play with dogs even if they are 3 or 4 times his size. He just got neutered so he has quite a bit of hair to grow back now! He has one very perky ear and one that is flat as a pancake, so he looks slightly unbalanced but I don't think he'll topple over anytime soon. Overall, he is just a happy, smiley corgi who gets excited by the simple joys in life :).
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!! Dante is cute!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Doak family and Dante. I love that name...too cool.
  • Marty Lawfer

    Hi! Welcome to Louisville. Where are you from? Dante is adorable. I can just smell the puppy breath! It's been a long time since I've had a puppy. My Dixie just turned 14 in June and Tenby, who I got as an adult, is 4 1/2.

    I live very close to you all. If you take Lyndon Lane north, it becomes Herr Lane and then Lime Kiln Lane. I live in the area of Lime Kiln and U.S. 42. If you're at all familiar with Ballard High School, I'm near there... probably about 10 minutes from you.

    As far as the floppy ear, I've never had that issue, but I've read of people taping the ear up. A great resource for Corgi owners is the email group Corgi-L which is made up of over 1000 Corgi owners all over the world. If you have questions, there's nothing that hasn't been asked before. Go to to join the list. I've been a member for many many years.

    Welcome to the world of Corgis!

    Marty Lawfer, with Dixie and Tenby
  • Ashley Kelty

    Oh my goodness, you're close! My husband and I live off of Dutchmans and Browns Lane, maybe 5 minutes away from Mall of St. Matthews, and perhaps 10 minutes at most from Oxmoor Center! Miso is about 5 months old now, and still hasn't gotten to meet another corgi, let alone another puppy! A playdate would be awesome. I have this Wednesday and Thursday off (I work for Kentucky Humane Society), so perhaps we could consider a play date then. There's a really nice park nearby, Browns Park, which would be great for that.

    Hope to hear back from you. :)
  • Marty Lawfer

    I live very near Dynasty Buffet and often walk the dogs around that shopping center, so you know exactly where I am. I'm glad you're getting to know Louisville.

    My only concern about the ear is that the longer it flops, the more unlikely it is to stand up. I would definitely tape it up at his age to give it some help. You might ask the Vet when you take him in for neutering. My Tenby has really huge heavy ears, too. I can see where they might need a little help.

    Good luck on his surgery. He should be up and running around in no time. I noticed that Ashley mentioned Brown park. That's a great place to walk. Even closer to us is Warwick Park in Lyndon, off Washburn. We like to walk there sometimes, too.

    Dixie and Tenby
  • Ashley Kelty

    Wow, Dante is only 2 days older than Miso! That's amazing! :) Miso isn't fixed yet (we're waiting until she turns 6 months old), but she's still a total doll baby!

    Thursday sounds great. My hubby won't be there (he has to work), but I can make it!

    I'll keep in touch. :)
  • Ashley Kelty

    That's fine. :) I completely understand, poor boy just got his special bits snipped!

    I usually have the weekdays off. It's very rare for me to have a weekend off! I'm the girl who always covers shifts for folks. :) Wednesday and Thursday are almost always my days off, and I may occasionally have a Friday off.

    I'm sure we'll figure a day out for a meetup, once Dante is feeling better!
  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome to 2009 Puppies. Dante is a good looking boy...with a cool name.
  • Lauren + Winston

    no way! do you know who his parents are?! maybe theyre brothers!! yourpup is so cute :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Lauren + Winston

    Yes, his dad is Star Views Action Jackson and his mother is Carson's Redneck Girl :)
  • Chris

  • Deanna

  • Ashley Kelty

    Sounds like Dante's going to definitely outweigh Miso! Seems like she's staying pretty small. Haven't weighed her yet, I might have to do that soon!

    We probably won't be able to make it the 12th. I think we're going to be going up to Indiana that day, to see a friend. We'll have to figure out a time to get Dante and Miso together. :)
  • Jason and Kerry

  • Jason and Kerry

    that's a picture of Abbey, who is dante's sister when she was about 8 weeks old...our dog Belle is Daisy's sister so she's technically Abbey and Dante's aunt :-)
  • Jason and Kerry

  • Jason and Kerry

    there's a more recent pic of Belle and Abbey with Abbey on the right...she's still growing into her ears...