Lou Ann Lemaster

68, Female

Newark, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Newark, Ohio
About Me:
Computer operator for a well known major business. Married for 13 years.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a Pembroke Corgi and a Corgi/Chow mix that we adopted about 3 years ago. Duncan, the pure corgi is the second one I've ever owned. He'll be 4 years old this May. My first corgi I had over 25 years ago, and swore that if I ever had a chance, I would own another one. Chloe, the corgi/chow mix needed a home and I persauded my husband to go see her, cause he said one dog was enough. Well, she walked right over to him and roll over for her belly to be scratched. That's all it took with this tough guy.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Hi Lou Ann, I look forward to seeing a pictuer of your corgis
  • Lou Ann Lemaster

    I will post a picture of my dogs as soon as I figure out how to get them to copy properly from the old computer to the new one. I keep running into glitches. Trust me, my work title has nothing to do with knowing the ins and outs of a computer LOL
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Can't wait to see pics of Duncan and Chloe!
  • Kristen

    Lou Ann, Thanks for thinking of us. We won't know for a few days exactly what surgery they think is best for Fern. Hopefully it will be within our means, but we will make it work no matter what. I am a little fearful of the sticker shock, but that is not my top concern right now. She is a terrific little girl and deserves the best. Thanks again!
  • Tabbi

    He did just strain his foot. They took ex-rays to be sure, i didn't want to take the chance on letting it go too long. The cost was worth knowing he'll be fine. Hopefully he takes his meds okay.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Yes it's the funniest. Oreo seems oblivious to any changes but Chesney notices right away.
  • darlene

    Lou Ann thanks for the info---house ruled by spoiled corgi is just what i need....
  • The John Family

    Dogs are so awesome! Its so crazy how they have such a connection with you, and just know. Its wild! Kyuubi was such a mommas boy all weekend. Its was funny. I worked on the dog run a little bit this weekend.. Made designs last night... hoping to work on it more this weekend. A u-topia for my babies!
    How was your weekend?
  • Kris & Reaghan

    Don't worry, they get along great. Ferrets are the kind of animals that like to play hide and seek. Kind of like stalking. They'll run and hide, then jump out of their hiding spot to play attack. This video is after they did this to the pup many times. She kept trying to get them in one spot and stay. Can't hear it on the video, but the ferrets were doing their play chirping. But this experience is just like litter mates playing, which is much rougher. She'll learn to calm down once she figures out how they play and stops trying to keep them in one place. Don't worry, I keep a very close eye on them.
  • sharon dickinson

    My vet said that you rarely see a fistula in a dog that does not have a tail-for obvious reasons. Does Chloe have a tail-since she is a mix? I realize that from a $ standpoint things are tough,BUT IF it is a fistula, she needs to start on antibiotics as soon as possible. Also, fistulas require a lengthy antibiotic treatment-sometimes several weeks. Hopefully Chole does not have one-but just wanted to let you know what COULD be ahead.
  • Norma

    Thank you for your nice comments! I think Duncan has a beautiful smile and definately looks happy!
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Thank you for your comments. I feel so bad for allowing him to jump down but I am so careful now. The only thing I worry about now is him going down the few steps to get in and out of our house. He is not reluctant to do it so I may not bother him. I am an overprotective Mommy now.
  • John Wolff

    Lou Ann, the way you get photos like that one of Megan involves an assistant waving the dog treats just behind the camera. You can't say, "Look here!" or "Smile!", and if you say, "Dinnertime!" or "Treat!", they get wise to that pretty fast. FYI. :)
  • Deanna

  • Tammey & Caven

    I thought that we were already friends. Bad me. Happy Birthday!
  • Tammey & Caven

    Do you know where in lubbock?