Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

Carson City, NV

United States

Profile Information:

Carson City, NV~Monterey, CA~Lodi, CA
About Me:
We love Corgi's. Started with two rescues and now have our first baby!
Tucker Killian Takoda

imikimi - Customize Your World!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have three Pembroke Welsh Corgis. 2 are rescue and we have a 4 month old that is new to the family.

We started with Lodie. He was 15 months when we learned about him. Long story short. A young mother of 3 children had acquired Lodie. She had been living in an apt. and kept Lodie in a very small crate a majority of the day. He was let out to go to the bathroom and eat. Needless to say when I had heard about him and how this girl was looking for a home for him we couldn't resist. I had always wanted a corgi. The moment we had seen him locked in that little crate there was no question that he was coming home with us. He will be four years old on Aug. 20.

Izzy was our second rescue. Izzy was 8 months old when we welcomed her into our home. Izzy had more social issues than Lodie. Her owner's had taken her to the Vet to have her put down...The vet called our local rescue and told them about her. Thank god they did that. She wouldn't be with us today if they would not of made that call. Izzy had and still on occasion has aggression issues. Food was the main factor. We have had her for a year and half now. She is the most loving dog I have ever known. Very affectionate and very protective over our baby Tucker. She has wonderful mother instincts.

Tucker our baby! Wow! We decided we wanted a baby corgi. We fell in love with our rescues and wanted to experience a corgi without embedded issues. We love Lodie and Izzy so much but they were so mistreated. We will have to deal with the embedded issues they acquired from little pups. We hope to do well with Tucker. Obedience, maybe agility, perhaps herding. And of course a lot of love we have to offer him.

Anyone that is able to rescue, whether it is a corgi or any breed is a very rewarding experience. We are so blessed that we were able to give a loving home to Izzy and Lodie. The abuse and neglect they went through before they came to us is so sad. How anyone could hurt such a loving breed is beyond me.
I have:

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  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Welcome!!! And you live so close too! We must get together and let the 4 legged kids play. Baby Tucker is so cute. You named him my most favorite boy name! You'll have to join the "Northren Nevada Corgis" club. So far we only have 2 members! Where do you take the kids to play? I try to get up to Dog Park by Costco once a week or so. Let's get together soon...
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Brent and Mona!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    YES!!!! We must get together. Maybe I can get Denise and Brewster (the other member of Northern Nevada Corgies) to come too! That would be fun. 5 long dogs!! What fun would that be!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Your right! Nice weather would be nice. Last week Scooter was mud from her toes to about 2 inches up her sides by the time we left the park.... I love Tucker's picture #25 and #35. #40 is cute too. I had a picture of Scooter when I brought her home at the age of 8 weeks. She was inside a empty bag of dog food. All you could see was her "bunny butt" It was so cute I sent it to the dog food company and they sent her a certificate for a 40# bag of food!! At that age the bag lasted for ever!!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Scooter is a water/snow lover too.
    Summertime She rides the Jetski with me and loves to be in the pool in Key West. Better yet walking on the beach in Morro Bay or Key West. She also love Topaz Lake. When we walk in the summer she know right were all the irrigation canals and streams. She is in then in a flash!
    Wintertime She loves to ride the sled with my grand-kids. Every morning she wants outside to roll in the frozen grass and if there is snow it's even better. Then when we walk she will find the last of the small patch of snow to roll in. They are so funny, and what an enjoyment..
    Where is Tucker going to class at?
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Here is our regular e-mail address:
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Is Tucker's class a Puppy Class with just other puppies? I hope so. You don't want a big out of control dog with a handler who know NOTHING about dogs to be in Tucker's class and jump him and scare him forever!
    That's the one by Lowe's right? I think it is the one with a enclosed area for their classes. I have heard they are good. What day and time is Tucker's class? Maybe we can get by and see you there.
  • pegi & austin bottom(muffinbutt)

    Hi to Mona and Tucker! Tucker you are just as cute as J'Amie says you are! i can't come see you 'cause you might get in my car and follow me home! tee hee!
  • pegi & austin bottom(muffinbutt)

    did j'amie tell you that they passed a new law that all baby corgimus (maybe thats corgimi plural) have to come to my house for the first yr or so??? a starbucks, huh?......
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. Enjoy the site. Cute puppy...enjoy him..they are the best.
  • EvilTwin

    What a great corgi family you have! :)bunny butts drive me nuts!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! How awesome of you to rescue those corgis in need! :) How much fun you must be having with all three of your bunny butts! Its great that you have 2 rescues and are also experiencing raising a pup, how much fun you must be having, your pictures are awesome!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Very cool, I like that idea, aww they share the same birthday cool! Lance is October 30, 2005!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome and Thank You so much! : )
  • Courtney & Tucker

    aww yay another tuckie haha. and yes he is a a character! i got him when he was 5 weeks and have loved every min. of it! he has been such a blessing :) good luck with your little guy!
  • Bobbie

    I love how you did your pictures, what a beautiful family you have.
  • Bobbie

    Let me know how the training goes. I would love to join that group, how do I do that? also, my best friend Vicki has Brodie's brother "Todd Manning" she would like to join as well..I look forward to meeting you and your baby..soon
  • pegi & austin bottom(muffinbutt)

    hi again mona and tucker and sibs! did my last message get eaten? how's our baby boy today?
  • pegi & austin bottom(muffinbutt)

    when i was working at the vets, they always sd. ears have to do w/ teething, and its typical for them to kind of go "up and down". i'm sure he's not defective! don't worry, its pretty rare for corgis' ears not to go up. i think i've only seen one in all the corgis i've seen, that had one up and one halfway down. i can't remember exactly when austin's, cause that was 9 yrs ago now :( but i do remember i worried too!
  • Susan

    LOVE your dishwasher!! Ha ha ha ha ha...
  • Tina and Cooper

    Your Photo's are wonderful and your Rescue stories even better,,you are truely wonderful people,,,I thank you as a corgi ;;dog lover :o) I love the pic's of your family and outing's,,do you use photo shop ?? their awsome :o) ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Great camera my sister has the same one too,,,,My son's into kyaking too and wants us to try it,,sounds like fun,,,,93% today in Missouri so we were enjoing the weather :o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    I can just see Tucker with that plant pot on his head lol lol :o)What a little sweety,,you just cant get mad at them,,whats up:o)
  • Susan

    Ha ha...can't wait to see the pic of Tucker with the flowerpot on his head!! Somehow, I think that would be a funnier trick...outside!
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

  • Alexandria Sawada-Escamilla

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I just finished looking at all your corgi photos. They are beautiful. Lizzy and Lodie are both lucky puppys for having such wonderful people like both of you to have rescue and saved their lives.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks so much for posting Cooper's Vote tag,,,Thats sweet :o)
  • Amanda & Tuck

    Horray for Tuckers! Your little Tucker is so sweet!! I am sure he is going to have a blast with his Corgi siblings.
  • Leslie Dupont

    The pics of your corgis remind me of mine soo much!!! How typical to find a corgi in the dish washer looking for scraps no doubt. Maybe we should have a play date at Fuji park in Carson sometime???
  • WhiteDove


    I had tears in my eyes reading about your fur-babies. . . .I, like so many here, can't imagine how people can be so cruel to these precious little gifts. . .they rely on our love so much and give back in so many ways. . . .

    Take care
    and be well,

    Here's a picture of my Sid & Babs doing the Bunny Butt Hop!!!

  • Twolves

    Thanx for the welcome, I have never fell in love with a dog as quickly as I have these lil goobers. They do fill me with joy
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    How adorable!!!
  • Kimberly

    Those dishwasher pictures are priceless!! I love it.
  • Christiane

    Really enjoyed your photos, your Corgis look adorable everywhere!
  • Bobbie

    I added new photo's 2 or 3 days ago! the default pic is one of them...
    have a great day, hopefully we will get to go next time..
    Next Saturday he has to have his shots...he'll be 12 weeks old.
  • Jane Christensen

    Thanks for the info yesterday! I am glad that you have rescues as well as you own pup! My rescues are so great and I always think of what they may have gone through and how sad it is BUT we now have them and they can have better lives...I hope you get that place in the country some day, there is nothing better than watching all my corgis running full blast, rolling each other or just hanging out enjoying the nice weather...
  • Francine

    Sorry for taking so long to reply, I haven't logged on in awhile! Yes, Kona is from Whimsy Corgis. Do you know Angelia? I have been really happy with her dogs. Angie is great to work with too! Do you have a dog from Whimsy?
  • Francine

    I just looked at your photos and got a kick out of Tucker in the dishwasher. Kona LOVES licking the inside of the dishwasher too. Must be a corgi thing. :)
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    They just had to make sure he Brent did everything the right way!!
    I have a pill cutter but the half just won't get in the middle to be cut...
    Does Lodie hate the vet or his office or all the above? Has he always been that way? Or is this something new?
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Where do you go? I think I might check into another vet. He shouldn't of been able to put 2 and 2 together and come with -2 nuts!! I'd think something has happened othe than that...
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Gee I almost forgot!! I talked to Carrie at the vet today and here is her e-mail address:
    She is the one who teaches Agility. She said she is trying to get enough puppies to start a puppy only class. The would be great!!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    We will totally have to share stories! Chesney is so funny. She can always put a smile on my
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    How's Tucker doing after nutter cutter?
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    I think next weekend is open, so far. Bob (my husband) and Casey (our son you meet) have gone to Key West for the next 3 or 4 months. They are down they working. I have Juneau ( Casey's Alaskan Malamute) with me. Scooter is doing much better. The tremors have stopped and she is eating good. She is still thin and her coat is very course and dry, but I understand that is part of what is going on with her. Hopefully with time that to will return to normal. I'm just glad to see her happy again!!
    This weather sucks!! I want the warmth back!!
    Keep me posted on next weekend...
  • Melissa Bee

    Hi! Thanks for the note about ear fixings! Unfortunately, Miss Daisy has no right ear except for the little part you can see in her picture. She is a puppy mill momma survivor whom I adopted about a month ago. She is about 4 or 5 and basically spent her entire life before being rescued in a crate having puppies. Somewhere along the line her ear was bitten off or so damaged from a bite that it had to be removed. Just another joy of life at the puppy mill. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Daisy also has dry eye in her left eye, but we're going to a eye specialist vet for that and hope it will begin to get better--can't make it go away but it can be made lots better. We're keeping our paws crossed. Daisy is my second rescue -- both pems. Mr. Monty only was with me for 5 months before being helped to the Rainbow Bridge when his kidneys failed. I have always had cardis till my rescues. My current boy, Skeezix, is 2 this month and loves his Daisy Mae. Tell your pack hi from us! Let us know how Tucker's ear goes.
  • Stephanie

    OMG the pics with the babies are too cute!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Hello~~ How have you and the pack been doing? Bob and Casey have gone to work in Key West for 3 months. I have Juneau while he is gone. Scooter is not sure she like having her all the full time. Jun step on and runs over poor Scooter all the time. Scooter get mad and fires on Jun, for what good it dose, but they are working it out.
    Scooter is feel normal and we are slowly lowering her meds. That is a worry that I lower them to much and she goes back into crisis. That would not be good. But so far so good.
    We are in Morro Bay playing at the beach. We'll be down here until the first of the month. We need to have a swim together after the first. Either at Tahoe or Topaz... What do you think?
    We'll talk to you soon..
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    The girls and I are back from Morro Bay. I posted a message on Northern NV Corgi's for a meet-up but haven't heard for anyone. First I posted just on the website (6-2) then again (6-4) below where I thought it would go out to all members. But still nothing.. So I'm not sure my message is getting out..
    How has you spring going so far.
    How is the pack? I bet Tucker is getting big by now...
    We are having a garage sale tomorrow so I need to get back to that "Stuff". Hope to hear from you soon...