
68, Female

Waunakee, WI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've always loved corgis and found out you can't have just one!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We no longer will be breeding. Thank you to all the people that have purchased puppies from us.
I have:

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! Your pictures are adorable, I especially love number 11, so precious!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Spartan

    Welcome Boothill and pups. I love your pictures. My favorite is #5.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Boothill! I love your video! Were they saying "kitty kitty" to start the stampede? When Sidney hears us say that he goes nuts!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Love the graphic.
  • Sam Tsang

  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Hello Joan! My husband told me he spoke with you today. I visited your website. Wow, the pics and the website are so well done and just beautiful dogs.! I am really excited. I think you will really like her. Her dam looks very much like your dog Dixie. I will try to find some of my pics of Riley, this pup's dam. I lost most of my pics when my computer crashed a few months ago. Yes, I will get some new pics of your puppy tomorrow.
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi Joan! Welcome to the site, it's really a great resource. :) Hope all is well with your family and the dogs too. Exciting to hear about the litter on the way, can't wait to see photos of those pups!
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Hi Joan,
    It was a long night here yesterday. I don't know if Cliff told you when you spoke to him, but our other female, Hannah, was also expecting. She delivered a beautiful, healthy litter of seven last night, without a hitch. The only problem was my lack of sleep. Cliff took our daughter to an awards banquet today and I stayed home to puppy sit. He also took my camera. So pictures tomorrow, I promise. These will be our only litters this year. Cliff or I will try to call tomorrow as well. I am off for some much needed rest, since mom and pups are settled and doing great. We will definetly be in for lots of puppy fun this spring!
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    you've got some of the cutest puppy pics!!
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Thanks, I love the picture. Your puppies are absolutely adorable. Molly will fit right in.
  • Deanna

    Good Morning, thank you for viewing and commenting on my video where Frankie is eating oranges. I was so surprised when he did it the first time, but it's now a regular treat for him. Thank goodness we've gotten a really sweet crop of them in this year; they actually taste like candy even to me! If they were bitter I probably wouldn't give them to him -- but that might be a funny video, too, to see his reaction. I'm worried about the acid upsetting his stomach or not being good for him -- do you know anything about whether or not they should or shouldn't have oranges? I don't give him too many, just a couple of slices at a time. I've never known any dog to like oranges, so I'm really curious to know about the health risks - if any -- for him. Thank you again. Have a great day with all of your beautiful furkids running around the house!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Ohhh so sweet Corgi's :o) your Pics are amazing ,,this is what i love to do,,Photography,,,and Corgi's,,their so much fun thanks for your comment on Cooper in the snow ,,have a great week
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Too cute!!!
    We were playing with the puppies tonight and realize personalities are starting to show and Molly is definetly leader of the pack.
  • Tina and Cooper

    Too cute,,,Thanks for the laugh :o)
  • Spartan

    Thanks for the comment, I needed to laugh today.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the corgi smile, so cute!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    My corgi picutre you sent yesterday isnt smiling anymore tonight. :O
  • Lisa B

    Your puppy pictures are soooo cute you should have one of a puppy sticking out of an old cowboy boot! Its nice to know your out there so many people stop and ask me where i got Corky from and never see corgis for sale!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Okay this is really weird, now tonight, the smiling corgi is back! This afternoon his teeth were back but not the there a ghost at mycorgi, LOL!!!
  • Lisa B

    If i was a corgi breeder i wouldnt be sucessful I dont think i could sell any of those adorable cuties!!!!! Another corky out there?? I actually got him from a gal in oshkosh in Sept. Doemmel her last name was i think. But you know his sires name was scooby doo and i think you have a scooby doo too??!
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Hope all is well. I am going to try to get some updated Molly pictures this weekend and get them off to you. She's doing great.
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi Joan! Any puppies yet? :) Mikko just got neutered on Monday... he was really quiet/lethargic for a day, but is already back to his old energetic self! I can't believe he turns one year old on April 14. He is such a great dog, we just adore him - too bad we can't take on another pup right now, otherwise I'd be tempted to join your waiting list. :) Well, hope you guys are doing great and good luck with the new litter!
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Hmmm... I am not sure how far that is. But we would love a visit. Pictures coming before the end of the weekend. I promise. Molly is still doing great.
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    I cannot wait to see your puppies! Saw Molly's page on your website. So glad she's going to such a great home.
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Congrats! May they all grow up healthy and strong. The shipping container arrived today. Thank you.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Hello...No I have never had to bottle feed a litter. I have had fading puppies and have had to stomach tube feed to get them through the worst of it and had them survive nursing off of their mother. May I ask why the question? I do know of a couple who have bottle fed puppies.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Syringe feeding is dangerous since it can go down the wrong pipe and cause them to aspirate. If they are fading and not thriving they maybe to weak to nurse and need to be stomach tubed for a good 24 hrs and give them some karo w/water. Make sure they are warm and not chilled since feeding a chilled pup will kill them nor warm them up too quickly since that can kill them too. Its not your room temp that is important its the floor temp that makes all the difference. The brain is the fastest maturing organ and the one that takes the most energy..the liver stores the energy (glycogen) but is the last organ to grow so if you can supply the energy through supplementing for a bit then you give them the chance to mature. This gets very involved and would be more then willing to sit on the phone w/you to see exactly what is going on. Take your pups temps to make sure body temps are up..many think their pups aren't chilled but once they take a temp they find out they are. Also..weighing your pups can tell you alot. If those pups are not nursing off of mom you are going to have to milk her out as well to keep her body producing it for when the pups are ready she has supply of it. I hope this answers some of the questions but like I said...don't hesitate to call me. I've dealt w/this alot and have pulled the pups through several times. Good time restrictions on you calling me either. I'm up late. 440/653.1859
  • Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

    i just saw your website and your baby bunny butts are just 2 stinking cute!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    They are so cute when they bottle feed. I wish you the best of luck w/them and hope your are on the path to success. It really is so draining and upsetting. Good luck and keep me posted on the progress. Your more then welcome to call me anytime.
  • Twolves

    Hey Joan,
    Audra told me about this being in love with Corgi`s(THANK YOU !!) here I am. The new addition is absolutely adorable. Willie
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Your more then welcome. Congratulations on your newest addition. I'm sorry to hear about the passing of the bottle fed baby. Somethings just aren't meant to be at times. You gave it your best shot to help him along. Glad to hear the one pup is doing well. Would love to see pictures of your newest member. Good luck w/her.
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    I am so glad to hear she arrived happy and healthy... the little rascal. We'd get the gang out to play and Molly was always off like a shot. My daughter loved that about her and misses her. We cannot wait to see her grow up.
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Sometimes we go through a few names in the try out process with a new pet. We were calling one of her litter mates Shiloh. Her new family changed it. So good to know we still have a Shiloh in the bunch.
  • Fagin, Dodger and Poppy McFuzz

    Thank you for the compliment! And you betcha, we Corgis are the absolute best!!
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Oh, how cute! Thank you for sharing. We don't get snow very often, but all my corgis absolutely love to romp in it.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Lisa B

    Do you have pics of the new puppies! Cant wait to see those little cuties!
  • Lisa B

    Oh that is sooooo sad what happened?
  • Lisa B

    Awww so sorry, is Boots the fat little survivor? He is a cute little buddha!
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    I would love to see an updated picture of Shiloh. I see the resemblance between her and Crosby. Is she doing ok? How is her temperament?
  • Glendonwyn Welsh Ponies

    Wow! What a pretty girl. I am determined to keep one of her full siblings next time. Thanks for sharing.
  • Boo Buchheit

    You have beautiful puppies. I just love the tri color.
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    She is a beauty! They do look alot alike. Keep the pictures coming and I will try and do the same. How much does she weigh now?
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    Just weighed in at 11 lbs at 12 weeks old.
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    How are things with little Shiloh? We are doing very well. Crosby is up to 14lbs. Has she started changing colors? Crosby has red hair on the back base of the ear so I am wondering if her will shed red...No matter.....he's amazing, but curious about whats to come just the same!
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    Wonderful to hear your updates on Baby Shiloh. I left my Crosby with Grandma while we were gone on vacation and weighed him today he weighs 19lbs!
  • Lisa B

    Are you having any more puppies anytime soon? I have a guy who is looking for one?
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    Crosby is 22lbs and I think the black mask stays. He is so much FUN! How's your little Shiloh? Crosby is stubborn and quite the comedian.He rules the roost!
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Hi and thanks for friendship invitation :) I LOVE your stampede video! I watched i over and over and laughed harder each time. How precious!