Lorie and Zoe


Hershey, PA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've wanted a Pembroke corgi for years now! I finally found my little girl and brought her home about a month ago. Thought it would be fun to coorespond with others in who have corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Welcomed Zoe into our house about 4 weeks ago. What a sweetheart! Now we just need to get the hang of potty training! :) The vet said that she is 'petite' so she'll be on the smaller side. He asked if she was the runt but since I rescued her from another family who didn't want her, I wasn't sure. She was born in July 2009 and is about four months old now. Love her!!!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome. Very cute. Our Jack is a lil guy just 16lbs.. Maybe she comes from small parents.
  • Sunni A.

    Welcome Lorie and Zoe, very cute pic on the profile up there!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lorie and Zoe!
  • Sunni A.

    No advice at all, really, because I'm a first time corgi owner myself! My Eddy is really smart and polite in general, but cannot stop eating our house up at this point (9 months old). Bringing your puppy to places/on walks around dog-frequented areas helped me with potty training, because he started (around 4-5 months) only wanting to "go" where other dogs have! -Sunni
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    No problem! Yeah, he won 2nd place. =) the biker costume sounds adorable. =)
  • Edward and Gemima

    Welcome! zoe is very cute!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Saw Zoe featured on the corgi of the day today!! I told you she was cute! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

    Hello, you ask if my 3 are siblings and the answer is no. . .but I like to think so. . .they get along beautifully and even like my cats. . . .lol
  • Paula Hess

    Hello Lorie, I would love to get together with you. We have added a new addition to our pack today. He is a little samoyed pup. We lost our 11 year old samoyed in April and I was devastated and needed to have the samoyed smile back in my life. I also have an 8 year old Australian sheperd and Wookie that is a year and half. Wookie has nervous issues with other dogs and has a tendoncy to lash out. He also has issues with tagging things that are his and is not sharing. He is a work in progress!!!! Keeping the puppy close for now is my gameplan. Keep in touch...I would love to swap stories and good luck with your new pup.