Kris & Reaghan


Idaho Falls, ID

United States

Profile Information:

Idaho Falls
About Me:
I've been around dogs, horses and cows all my life.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Reaghan was born April 9, 2009, and came home on June 5th. She is a major water enthusiust already, and loves to walk the river. She is AKC registered. Her latest accomplishments has been mastering the tricks of: Dead dog, Roll over, High five, Shake left or right, Sneak, and Spin. Useless things to be taught, but so fun to watch her do! She's very spoiled and very loved!!! :)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kris and Reaghan! You guys are in for some great adventures and good times.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Boo Buchheit

    Very pretty girl and already an accomplished ferret herder. I lived in Idaho in 2007-08 at Burley. Welcome to 2009 Puppies.
  • Melissa S.

    Yes i cant wait!! i am tired of bein picky and over protective!!! lol next month we will have to do a river walk and duck herd ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • Melissa S.

    have you wormed your pup yet?????
    You should check with jess and see when it was last done!!!!!!
  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    Reaghan is so cute! She has similar markings to Stella. They are really close in age, too--Stella was born April 1!
  • Boo Buchheit

    You should post a video of ferrett herding, that would be a riot. Wyoming is good, it's a different kind of place for sure.
  • Dawn Kellogg

    thanks ! he does seem to attract a lot of comments wherever we go : )
  • Susan Stanton

    I think your video is hysterical -- and believe me, I'm sure the ferrets can take care of themselves (and they could get away from the pup if they really really wanted to!). Your puppy is a cutie pie -- now my guys are jealous and want their own pets, too! My neighbors have goats, and I keep offering to get them one to herd around the yard (in the hopes it would eat up all the poison ivy), but we'll see...
  • Tauna and Kota

    ok, jsut checking. WOuldnt want anyone to be hurt. :D
  • Susan Stanton

    First I need some $$ for fencing for everyone. But funny thing -- I took Bertie to a herding fun day to see if he had "it" -- but when the handler took him into the pen with the sheep, he's such a momma's boy, he wanted to get out and be with me. I had to go in the pen and chase the sheep to demo for him! I figured he was laughing and pointing out to the other dogs just how low he can make me go. But once we weren't separated, he had a blast driving them around and around the pen.
  • Melissa S.

    you should join my new group!! Corgi Happy time!!!!
  • Melissa S.

    there is also a group for idaho corgs!!!!
  • Jenny and Kilgore

    So adorable!!!!
  • Melissa S.

    have you got your papers yet??
  • Derek

    My dog does laps too. She has always had that mentality. I think it is a corgi thing, like they think in circles. She loves our house for that reason because all the rooms open to eachother and she can do laps around the house.
    Morgan is a corgi mutt, so he does not hurd the house, but he is just as nuts.