Marty Lawfer


Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Louisville, KY
About Me:
I have two Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Dixie (6/14/95) and Tenby (11/25/04). They're my constant companions and roomies since my sons have grown up and moved on. (The dogs are way easier to live with than the boys!) I lost another Corgi, Dylan (1/8/97 -6/17/08) to hemangiosarcoma. He lived a great quality life for 19 months after his diagnosis. I miss him terribly.

I'm an attorney currently working for the government. I'm looking forward to the day I can retire and spend all day at home with the Corgis! I'm a graduate of the University of Kentucky with a BA in Political Science and the University of Louisville with a Juris Doctor.

I'm a fan of CorgiAid which helps pay medical expenses for rescued Corgis and Corgi mixes so that they may find their forever homes.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dixie is an adorable 14 year old girl.
Tenby, a beautiful rascal who came to live with us in the summer of 2008.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Melissa Bee

    HI, Marty, Dixie and Tenby!!! I'm glad you like the site and will be hanging around with the Skeezer and me. I found putting the page together to not be too much of a hassle. If you have any questions just send me an email on the site or to my home one you already have. I hope you'll be putting lots of pictures up soon! I can't believe how much Tenby resembles The Divine Miss E. There are a couple pictures of her in my photos that I think you'll like.

    Talk to you soon.
    Melissa and the Skeezman
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thannks for the great compliment on Lance! : ) Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your corgis.
  • Ed and Michelle

    We too lost a corgi to Cancer...Lymphosarcoma to be more specific. It was so devastating. We got Jack not long after she pasted on because we just couldn't bare to be without our Corgi. She was only 4 years old when she died. Sorry to hear about your lost but I know exactly how you feel !!!!! Corgi's are the best dogs in the WORLD :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Marty, Dixie and Tenby! Aw, they look so cute together on santa's lap!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Melissa Bee

    Hi, Marty--we likes the new pics of Tenby an Dixie and Dylan. We likes the smiley Tenby, the wistful and smiley Dixie, and the two of Dylan especially. Now we know what handsome Dylan looks like after reading about him for all those years on corgi-l. Hope you're doing fine. It's rainy and cool here--Momma won't let me stay in my kennel because last time I did, I came in all muddy, even on my back! She has 750 pounds of pea gravel to put out there . . . if and when it ever stops raining. Your pal, Skeezix, an' my Momma, Melissa Bee
  • Melissa Bee

    Hi, Marty

    We're looking at a nasty next several days--the wind is kicking up, perhaps to gusts of 65 mph, cold temps, and even snow early next week. Please pray for my spring flowers. Skeezix doesn't like the wind . . . I guess because his big ears make it such that he might take to the skies! Have a good weekend, too. Melissa and the Skeez
  • Ashley Kelty

    We live out in St. Matthews, right next to Jewish Hospital and Norton suburban, and Baptist East is right on the other side of 64. Miso is going to be 12 weeks as of tomorrow! Hopefully Miso, Tenby, and Dixie can be friends!
  • Ashley Kelty

    Good news! Miso is going in next Friday to get her last set of shots, then I won't be so paranoid about taking her out to Browns Park and meeting other dogs!

    Perhaps we can meet up some time the week after that (I usually have Wed. Thurs. and Fri. off unless I'm covering a shift like I am today)! Miso needs to meet other dogs so she'll be well socialized with doggies too! She LOVES people, but all the dogs she meets in our neighborhood are bigger than her, or just plain mean (there's this mean little chihuahua looking dog that has tried to attack her TWICE! I want to kick that stupid thing, but I'll probably just tell the lady to not let her dog down around Miso). She needs some sweet Corgis!

    Also, I met a sweet Corgi named Ester at my work (I work the Humane Society section of Hikes Point Feeder's Supply!), so maybe we can include her in the plans, as well!

    In any case, I'll keep you updated!
  • Ashley Kelty

    Perhaps we could meet up the Wednesday or Thursday after next? As far as I know, I'm not covering any shifts. Weekends aren't really good for me, as I have to work Saturday 5 - 9, and Sunday 9:30 to 6. Also, I want to give Miso a few days to recoup from getting her last set of shots, as I'm sure she won't feel too well afterwards!
  • the Doaks

    Hi Marty, I just joined this website and my husband and I just moved to Louisville to teach at J-town high. We have a 5-month old "son" named Dante who is a bundle of joy. What part of Louisville do you live? We live near the Owmoor mall and Lyndon dr. Maybe we could meet up sometime! Your pics are adorable.
  • the Doaks

    So funny, we were just up in that area for the first time yesterday because we had a coupon for Dynasty buffet, where we ate so much we felt sick, but yes, we drove right by Ballard high school. It's a very nice area where that is, very serene. We live no more than 10 minutes from there, probably 5. We have been to Herr lane a couple times to get to Westport for errands. Hopefully we could meet up sometime!

    Thanks for the advice about the ear thing...we hope it will just come up on it's own but they are just so daggone big. The problem too is that he always lies down on his side where the ear that is already up gets the airtime.

    I love the pic with'll have to let me know where Dante could get that done too!

    We moved from Zanesville, OH, which is about 5 hours from here. We got Dante from a breeder there whose website is We'll have to stay in touch, and maybe we could meet sometime at a park near where you live (if there is one) so Dante and your gang could meet!
  • Wind Dial

    Who did you get Tenby from? Just wondering because one of my girls Spike, has the same smutty face like he does. It isn't the most common traits among Pembrokes so just wondering if they are related. Spike was bred by Marla Blumm of Buckeye but I actually got her from Sue Griffin of Birdwing. Her dad is CH Coralie Ryde The Fyre and mom is Jeager Roller Blades.

  • Wind Dial

    They are related then. Tenby is Spike's uncle. Both of Tenby's parents are on Spikes pedigree but they are actually split. Spikes grandsire is a half brother to Tenby by dam and his name is his name was CH Jeager St. Pats Lil Houligan ,,,,and Spikes grandmother is a half sister by sire and her name is CH Jeager Goodie Two Shoe's. Those two were bred and created Spikes mom. I thought I seen a resemblence. Cool.
  • Wind Dial

    Spike has been shown as a puppy, she is only nearly a year old. Didn't do alot then, she was just too immature at the time which is understandable. But we are going back out this weekend to a show for the first time in a few months and she has matured quite a bit. Spike isn't nearly as dark as Tenby so I don't know how much it will affect her in the ring. The handler I sometimes use did make mention of it when I had her look at Spike when she was 6 months old, but her smutty face has lightened up some. She did say at the time it can maybe cause them to be overlooked. It's hard to say unless the judge actually tells you that though and really that isn't a breed fault. But I have heard the same thing though.
  • Wind Dial

    We are going to Fayetteville, Arkansas. She has been putting on quite a show when we practice and go to town all the time to see how well she holds in distraction and she is doing good. The shows as a puppy were to get her used to being in the show ring so when she matured, she would be more prepared. Hope it all pays off this weekend.