
Belleview, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Malina and live in central Florida . I are first time corgi owners and so far I made the right choice! Emma makes me laugh everyday. She is so smart and so sweet to everyone.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My Emma was born on Dec 25, 2008. Emma loves to run and beg for cookies. I got her from Celeste.

I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to MyCorgi.com!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! Can't wait to see your babies.
  • Denise

    Your babies are so precious! I've never seen Corgi puppies this young. Thanks for sharing!
  • Dannielle

    O how great!! maybe when they are older we can do a play date :o) R u getting ur pups from Celeste?
  • Kyoki

    I love my puppy very much and I'm positive you will love yours just as much. Congratulations!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks Malina and Hank!
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    What Cutie-Patooties!!!! SO adorable:)
  • ZdogZ

    Congratulations! Jack and Emma are just too cute for words!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    yay! you got your pups from Celeste!?love their cute faces!congrats!
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    You have Celeste babies! YAY!! She's the best!
  • Milo

    Yes, we got Milo from Celeste! We met you the other day when we picked him up! How are Jack and Emma doing? Milo is adjusting well so far. We took him to the vet on Saturday and she was very impressed with Celeste's paperwork and said Milo is very healthy. Hope you are having fun with your new babies. :)
  • Howard and Sookie

    Hi, would love to compare. They're hilarious together. Tiring but wow what alot of fun. Do yours fight to get your attention? Ours practically knock each other out of the way.
    Have a great day.
  • donna g

    hello and welcome.. jack and emma are so adorable!!!
  • Sky

    This is somewhat a coincidence, Luna was born on the 27th, and we got to see her four days after she was born and had continuous visits. But its really neat that your pups were christmas babies! How are they doing now?
  • Tracey

    Hello, we got your Jack and Emmas brother! We got Baxter from Celeste also and he was one from the Christmas Day litter too! We love him so much, we remember Jack and Emma from the videos,good to see you on Mycorgi.com!
  • Tracey

    Thanks guys! Hey Baxter was wondering how much his brother and sister are eating daily? I give him a 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup at night, he seems to be ok with that. I also give him a few treats throughout like when he has to go in to his playpen if we are leaving the house. Just wanted to see if your little ones are eating about the same, like you said Baxter was the runt but he seems to be growing quickly now!
  • Tracey

    8 lbs, oh my! Baxter just barely reached 5lbs! I guess he is still the runt! lol
  • Beth

    They are sooo cute! I love your pictures!
  • Tracey

    I am looking at your recent pics of Jack and I swear he and Baxter could be twins! Well accept Baxter is of course still half the size of Jack! lol I am going to have to post and updated pic of Baxter so you can see how much they look a like. No doubt they are brothers! They both have the black on the face and the same expressions it is so cute! I think Baxter is up to about 6 lbs now, growing slow but steady!
  • Toby

    I guess it happens alot then. I am so anxious.......!
  • Toby

    Jack and Emma are so cute !! I love the pictures.......btw, where did you get those adorable collars from ???
  • Dannielle

    Aww what would be great Zero would love a play date!!
  • Dannielle

    Yep just let me know, Zero only has his big brother which is a lab mix that he plays with on a regular basis so it will be nice to let him socialize with other corgis.
  • Tracey

    Hello just wanted to check in and see how Jack and Emma are doing with potty training? Baxter is still lot getting it!
  • Tracey

    Baxter barks too! He will walk out in to the middle of the floor, sit down, and just randomly bark! It's cute at first, but can get annoying very quickly! He also can spend an hour outside come in and pee in the house. Puppies.....gotta love them!
  • Dannielle

    Aww thats great. Just let me know when will work for u and we can make it work! :o)
  • Tracey

    Wow they are growing up so fast! Baxter is up to 15 lbs, hes a chunk! I am going to try and put some new pics up this week he is soooo round! He is getting Nudered on Tuesday, he's not very happy about that! lol
  • Tracey

    Hello are Jack and Emma house trained yet?
  • Tracey

    Yes Baxter does like to chew, but he's not that bad he mainly likes to tear up papers for some reason. He is 0% house trained! He was doing well then he just stopped for some reason. He can be outside for an hour and he'll come in and go on the floor. I have no idea what the issue is, it's like he's got inside and outside confused. He doesnt go in his crate though, thats a bonus! He had his first day at doggy day care on Friday and that is how Butterball became %100 house trained so we are hoping it does the same thing for Baxter! He sure is getting big, I can't believe how quickly he is growing. He sends hugs and kisses to you guys too!
  • Tracey

    Its funny Baxter was the "runt" and he is now one big chunk! He is the cutest thing ever, but boy is going to be big! He is almost passed Butterball in size now. I hope Emma and Jack are doing well?
  • Tracey

    Om my they look so grown up! I can't believe how big they are! I will post some new pics of Baxter so you can see the difference, he still looks a lot like a baby!
  • Tracey

    Hello I am posting, or trying to post, some updated pics of Baxter and his brother. Baxter is over 20lbs now, he is such a chunk! He still has a baby face though, he is definately not the runt now! lol His brother is almost 2 and hes maxed out at 18lbs so I cant wait to see how big Baxter gets! Vet says hes healthy and not to worry, I think he just got the "fat gene" ! lol
  • Kyoki

    I have actually gone to the dog park in Mount Dora, it's like 5 minutes away from me...there is never anyone there though...which is sad. I really want Kyoki to meet another Corgi, I'm sure she would have a blast.
  • Kyoki

    I would love to come during the week but I don't get home till 6:30 - 7:00 from work. Maybe we can set up a play date on the weekend or something...not sure what your schedule is like.
  • Kyoki

    Yeah, that would be great!!! Kyoki would love that! She loves other dogs, don't know what she would do with ones that are actually her size and species...lol!
  • Tracey

    Hello I was wondering how big Jack and Emma are now? My "tiny" Baxter is huge! He has already outgrown my older Corgi and he's still going! He is still cute as a button, and man can he eat! I have to watch him or he sneaks his brothers food if you are not looking! He is turning in to a real chunk!
  • Tracey

    Yes we are going to the picnic! I can't wait to see Jack and Emma in person!
  • Tracey

    I was just curious on how much Jack eats a day? Baxter is a chunky 28 lbs! He excercises a lot and goes to day care so I know he active, but he seems to be hungry all of the time. Vet says he's healthy and just growing, but I am not sure if he is eating to much? I figured since they are brothers and both the same age I would see how much Jack eats?
  • Tracey

    LOL Funny how Baxter was the smallest one and he is now the biggest! I updated my picture and that is him today, he's proportioned well and not really fat just solid. I started him on regular food after 6 months the doctor advised the puppy food had to much protien in it for him and with his size he could start on regular food. He has the best disposition and personality, it's adorable. He eats 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night also, and I have to watch him or he'll sneak his brothers food! I look forward to seeing Jack and Emma at the picnic, and I know Baxter is excited too!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Adorable puppies!!!
  • Tracey

    Hello! How are Jack and Emma doing? You going to the Corgi Picnic on Saturday ? Baxter and Butterball are soooo excited they cant wait to go!
  • Tracey

    Oh great I am so excited to see Baxters brother and sister! I told him he was going to see some family at the picnic! lol Baxter is hard to miss he is such a "chunk" but we will keep an eye for Jack and Emma! See you there!
  • Tracey

    Hey guys just wanted to say it was great to finally meet you, and to see Jack and Emma in person. I still cant believe how much Jack and Baxter look and act a like! Both the boys were so tired they slept all the way home and are still "resting"! Next year I will bring a tent so we can be in the shade! Can't wait to see the pictures you guys took!
  • Tracey

    I love the video! I still cant belive how much Jack and Baxter look alike! We sure were blessed with some good looking dogs!