Sylvia and Sadie Mae

Near Calgary, Alberta


Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm raising my first Corgi and what an adventure it has been!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sadie Mae is my Corgi's name. She was born December 9, 2008.
Her favorite activities include chewing on doorposts, kitchen cabinets, electrical cords/cables, furniture, linoleum... you get the picture. They said she'd outgrow it, but she is still at it! Her energy level is unparalleled.So, every time she is home alone, I wonder what I will find when I return. As I said, it's an adventure!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Powers

    Hi Sylvia; I was looking for members close by and I see that you're near Calgary so thought I'd add you as a friend. Cheers!

    Hello Sylvia!
  • Edward and Gemima


  • Carol Powers

    Hi Sylvia; thank you for the note - so nice of you to take the time to introduce yourself and share your thoughts.

    Yes, blah; I know the depression feeling. I'm functioning, but certainly not happy. That's okay for now. Not ready for another dog yet if ever; still reeling from this loss still and lots to work through. I lost my 23 year old cat last summer also; it was just her and I for many years before I met my husband, then we brought Yardley on board several years later. It's a major, major commitment owning a dog and I enjoyed every minute of it with him but I honestly could not go through the same experience that we endured the last two weeks however. But I do understand the need to have that bundle of joy around; I love animals sooo much.

    As far as the weather goes up here, I was out at lunch time without my hat and gloves - just for a few minutes while I was in and out of Extreme Pita. It's bright and sunny, the one very good thing about our Alberta winters!
  • Adrienne

    Welcome Sadie Mae! from Dash. P.S. love the photos.
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Hi Sylvia!!! My Sadie Mae was born Feb 10, 2009 so our girls are only 2 months apart! :) How did you decide on her name? My sweet departed German Shepherd Dillon's natural mother was named Sadie Mae. I liked the idea of naming my Sadie after her. I lost my little Corgi mix, Sam in March 09. He was 15. I loved him with all my heart and soul. I miss him terribly. There will never be another like him. He and I had a very special bond. But I adore my little Sadie Mae! She is a bossy little thing :) Is your's bossy? And a little mischievious too. Thanks for your friendship request! I look forward to getting to know the two of you. :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Sylvia and Sadie!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Sadie Mae looks a lot like Gem right down to her crooked little white nose strip. Where did you get her????Is she a sable girl or a red and white??
  • Carol Powers

    Online meetings; now that's a great idea. I'm back from lunch again myself; but I did have to go out into it. Seriously cold out there today. We Albertans are such hardy souls, aren't we? And thank god for remote car starters : )
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Edward and Gemima

    Sylvia who is the other Corgi in your pictures???
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh Gus.....just had to taste the toilet water didn't he, I'm surprised he can reach it! I often think our boy Ed would love to take a taste but he hasn't figured out how to yet(I hope he doesn't either) So Sadie Mae's brother is close to you in location then?? and what about her parents are they also near u??
  • Edward and Gemima

    I can't believe Sadie Mae's puppy picture! She looks like Gem did when she was a puppy! She is an AKC registered sable girl with black markings around her mouth now that she is over a year old. Edward is our farm boy...not registered as AKC but purebred registered. We lost Gem's brother Phinneas to a fatal car accident last summer...still miss him alot! He is in some of our profile pics near the thru to see them faster...I am addicted to taking their pics! We got Gem and Phinny together as litter mates last Christmas so it was a bittersweet Christmas '09(try not to think about it too much)
    Edward is a goofball and thinks he can get away with stuff til Gem sets him straight!
  • Adrienne

    They do have the same look...... love the contrast in the Sables. Dash is still a little boy and has not quite filled in like a little man. Im not sure when they are full grown but Im hoping he stays a little boy for little while longer.
  • Julie Ellis-Jones

    I agree that one minute they look like puppies and the next like wizened old people. Phoebe is exactly the same. She can be lying asleep, looking all puppyish and cute but, when I take a photo, it looks like she is all grown up. Weird.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hello from Minnesota, how is the weather there today Sylvia and Sadie Mae???
  • Sylvia and Sadie Mae

    The weather here is lovely!! We get the bitter cold, but we are in the foothills of the Rocky's so we get what is called a Chinook on occasion. It's like the Santa Ana winds in California. The air mass drops its moisture on the other side of the mountains and we get a warm wind that thaws the snow just out of the blue. IThe temperature can rise overnight and suddenly, it's like spring! It was as cold as -26 one day and as warm as 50 the next! This week it is warm! Tomorrow it will be up to 50! But the snow has not all melted yet. This warm weather could be gone tomorrow and we'd be back down to bone-chilling cold again!
    I hear it is very cold in your neck of the woods! Is that so? How are the rascals doing?