Ray Lee



Hong Kong

Profile Information:

About Me:
Home with two Corgis and a new born
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Boy Bon Bon love running and playing ball and frisbees. Our girl Sa Sa prefer quietness and likes sleeping more.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Nicola Porter

    Welcome Ray.
  • Adrienne

    Welcome Bon Bon and Sa Sa, from Dash.
  • Ray Lee

    tk you!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Ray! Bon Bon and Sa Sa are so beautiful!
  • Nancy Geddes

    Happy New Year Bon Bon and Sa Sa! Your photographs are fabulous and we are so jealous that you have a beach in your backyard! You will see the Atlantic North Carolina beach that we go visit in March in our photographs...but it's not as tropically beautiful as Hong Kong. Our NanMom makes us work - herding lessons, sometimes agility and all those "sit-stays!" Most exhausting! Your guys look like you are on a perpetual vacation! All the best from Williamsburg, VA: Nancy, Bear, Tasha and Linus

    Hello and welcome! Love the pictures! They look very happy!
  • A & P

    So cute! Do your Corgis swim? They look really happy!
  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome. Good looking dogs!
  • A & P

    I been to Hong Kong a few times...it hot all the time! : ) The food and the shopping makes up for the heat. Did you teach your dogs to swim? My dogs love the beach but will only walk in the water. Maybe one day...keep loading pictures of your dogs. Have you joined the Hong Kong Corgi club?
  • Tammey & Caven

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Darlene Hennessy

    Welcome to mycorgi...I love your pics... can't wait to see more. Your dogs are beautiful
  • Ray Lee

    hi all, our Bon Bon who is 4 and a half just suffered a raptured cruciate ligament. hes been to three vet for independent opinion and all confirmed the same and Tuesday he just had his TTA operation and the op was a success. he is recuperating at home atm. healing will take a couple of weeks. He had his accident while sprinting in the park. I guess warm up and also keeping them in lighter weight will help to prevent such accident.
  • Buddy & Wynstan

    your photos are amazing, such beautiful corgis
  • Darlene Hennessy

    Poor Bon Bon...hope he will be on the mend soon...
  • Christine Hau

    Poor Bon Bon! You two will pull through, I'm sure. Oh yea, you're right. Zoe does have Bon Bon's eyes!