Darlene Hennessy


Dearborn Heights, MI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am married to my highschool sweetheart Patrick. We have 1 child Ethan and 2 corgi's and 2 cats. I am a stay at home mom, I homeschool our son. We just love corgi's (of course). We had one prior to our 2 now and he was a great dog and we miss him very much. His name was Otto. Gunner (our red) was born April 24 2007, and due to vacation we didn't bring him home until Aug. Gracie (red head tri) was born July 14th 2007 and we picked her up late September. Our cat Noah has been tolerant of them. He will sleep with them, but doesn't play much with the dogs. Nellie on the other hand is very frisky and loves to play with the dogs.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gunner is the more serious one, he is red and likes to cuddle more than our other one. Gracie is our funny girl and at the same time can be the little devil. She has a little tuft on the tip of one ear so we say she has a horn and is part devil, part angel. Gracie is a red headed tri.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • christy fry

    welcome to the group!!!

    Welcome Darlene, Gunner and Gracie!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Puppy kisses and stump wags to Gunner and Gracie from Edward( the funny one) and Gemima(the little princess)!!!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Darlene, Gunnar and Gracie! Hope you can post a picture of Gracie's "devil horn", it sounds precious.
  • Edward and Gemima

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Darlene Hennessy

    Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones
  • Lisa and Mousse

    Lol, I call mine chicken-sticks... Her legs look like little chicken drumsticks! :)
  • Bev Levy

    Hi, Yes we did get together at my house and had a great time. I will probably set something up again soon so will be happy to let you know. I live just outside of Lansing.
  • Chris

    Thanks Darlene! Yup, they are great fun to watch play. I especially like the one where little Cricket is grabbing hold of Kirby's mouth and she looks so tiny next to him. She is fearless!
  • christy fry

    thank you!
  • Bev Levy

    Love your photo's!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Thanks for letting me know you had your pics up!!! they are awesome!!! I love the snow pics even though I hate to think of that coming!! Anyway, Gunner and Gracie are real cuties!!!
  • Colleen and Oliver

    Thanks, Darlene! It looks like a fun place! :)
  • Renee Kovacs

    Hi, Darlene! I am so delighted to hear from you and sure do hope to some day get to experience 'multiple Corgi's at play'! I didn't know there was a dog park at Hines - but I don't have much interest in dog parks, for a variety of reasons. One of them being the municipal requirement for vaccination regiment that I don't support =(

    I do have a decent yard, and my daughter has a full acre fenced in - but she's in Auburn Hills. Perhaps I might investigate hosting a Corgi-Thingie over there some day? Another plus - my daughter's a photographer.
  • Renee Kovacs

    Hi, Darlene - I found the info on the dog park in Hines Park, it's actually in Westland and it sure sounds good. The reading lead me to yet another park, a private one in Howell and I think I'm going to head out there today (forecast says lots of sun today!). This one is www.ezdogpark.com and I love that the owner is a follower of Cesar Millan's philosophies (so am I). I absolutely KNOW that all Ed needs is one good 'pack' experience to learn that dog-to-dog play is GOOD and fun! I'll report back!
  • Renee Kovacs

    I spoke to the woman at EZ Dog Park, and didn't go - she said nobody ever shows up until after work and I didn't want to drive 25 miles for Ed to play by himself. Instead, we hit the trails at Hines Park - it was a gorgeous day, eh?!

    Interesting conversation with this woman though - she said typically, Corgi's don't "do very well" at the dog park because they want to herd the whole pack. She has one who comes daily, but she had to insist it wear a shock collar to be stopped from herding the others (to avoid fights from dogs who don't WANT to be herded). I wonder if other Corgi's have issues like this at dog parks? I can easily imagine Ed wanting to herd the pack, actually.
  • Renee Kovacs

    The shock collar - that was the woman in Howell, the EZ Dog Park. I didn't get the feeling she was using those collars in any harmful way, she definitely seemed to be quite knowledgeable. She's VERY heavy into Cesar Millan, claimed to have trained one of his assistants and says she has another facility in CA, right next door to Millan's.
  • Sam and Finley

    Hey! Thanks for the welcome! I love the picture of Gunner and Gracie in the snow! How awesome. Finn is starting to be interested in water-- I'd love it if she came to like snow, too!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Thanks for the Happy Thanksgiving wishes!! I hope you also have a great Thanksgiving and blessed Holiday season!!!!! Just curious... were you able to comment on my profile page??? I have been having a few people who are unable to leave a comment there!!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi, Ed hurt his foot chasing Gem around our garden back in late September. He had a lot of soft tissue swelling so they put him in a cast for about a week. It healed quickly and so far no residual limping or pain with it.
    Glad you are enjoying the group. I am also enjoying seeing and hearing everyone's Holiday plans, pics and traditions!!
  • Katie

    aaw! I am sorry! I was just kidding! ;-) I put my dawgs in headlocks all the time (not really, but they think so!) ;-)
  • Elena Ignatova

    Hello. Pleasantly, that you like my photos. Weddings photos, it is a photo Annabel son (Bruno), he lives in Sankt Petersburg (Russia). It was him 6 months and his proprietors took him on wedding. In fact he is a family member.
  • Beth Brown

    Well Thank you so very much for the welcome! I think he is soo handsome and can't wait for Meydele to join our family. I know our Corgi names are interesting. I will have to put an explanation somewhere. Do you have Cardi's or Pems?
  • Virginia Dunham

    We got her from Oakview Kennels. Apparently Emma had a problem with her last litter of pups and they did not want to breed her any more...their loss our gain! We picked her up at the Orlando Airport (here in Florida) on January 2, 2007. She will be 8 years old in September...but she doesn't know it...even our neighbors do not believe her age as she acts so much like a puppy.
    Thank you for the welcome...Virginia, Roger, and Emma
  • Ray Lee

    tk you! you have lovely corgis too. I wish our corgi can play in the snow which is never going to happen in Hong Kong. We had planned to go to Japan with our Corgis but the recent accident will mean we have to prospone our idea until our boy gets better.
  • Ray Lee

    tks Darlene. I had a week off taking care of Bon and he is already using his leg abit but vet said its important to keep him in control and not to let him sprint and jump .
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    awww thank you. im happy to be friends with you too:) he loves the cats and they get along really well together
  • Virginia Dunham

    I am so sorry about the loss of your dog...but must admit that my husband and I are VERY happy that you didn't take Emma...she is the center of our lives...a "tad" spoiled...but that's OK with us!!! They just have that look that melts your heart...and makes it soooo hard to say "No"....
    Thank you....again...from Virginia, Roger and a spoiled Emma
  • Maya

    I dont think we can book hours. It is just a huge fenced in dog area off Elsworth and plat. It is public and people go there at all times of the day. Although if you plan a meet up there, there is limited parking. But across the street from it on Elsworth there is a playground with a huge parking lot where people can park.