

Vinton, LA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We're a Cutting Horse operation that is supervised by our Corgi kids. I've had Aussies and Border Collies, but the Corgi will be the last and only breed for me.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gabby is a black tri female, born in May of 2005. She is the sister to two Aussies and two Border Collies. Although she is almost the smallest of the pack, she rules the roost. I'm sure that surprises many other Corgi owners.... NOT :-)) Sage was born in September 2009. I count my blessings for her EVERY day. She is the reason for me to get out of bed in the morning and gets me through the toughest of days.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Buddy & Wynstan

    Thanks for showing your puppy pics! I think my boy will have the same coloring as your Gabby.

    She is extremely gorgeous
  • Jane Christensen

    Welcome Dawn and Gabby...beautiful girl!!!!
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Thanks! Gabby is so cute. =)
  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome. What a very fine looking corgi, nice and chunky! :)
  • Leasa

    Welcome Dawn & Gabby!

    Trinity Corgis
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Edward and Gemima

    Welcome, Gabby is a beautiful girl!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Dawn and Gabby!
  • Jessica Lea & Sydney

    Welcome and congratulations on Cupid! My Sydney is her half-sister and best furfriend. I can't wait to hear updates. :)
  • Jessica Lea & Sydney

    The wait was well worth it. Monday will be here before you know it. Sydney is just waking up from a nice nap, so I'm sure we will be headed back out to play in the yard shortly. :) Cupid's new toy is too perfect! Love it!
  • Jane Christensen

    WOW...only a few more days! Congratulations! Hope the time goes fast!!!! Gabby is a beauty too!
  • Tammey & Caven

  • David

    Welcome from David and Yoda!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. To get them to pose is quite easy but thats because they do live with us and they have to be respectful and mannerly or they'd destroy the house. hehe They are an excellent group of dogs and again have to be with so many under one roof having pups and coming into heat w/2 males around but with having them all together really helps with pups having great personalities since they learn from imitation. Basically I just place them how I want in what position and tell them to hold it..then I say watch me and they get the alert look watching my hand and where ever I place my hand is where they aim their head. DONE!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much. Just work with them during playtime in the yard and whenever you treat them. You'll be amazed how easy it is. Try it
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!

  • Dawn

    Hey Natalie, and beautiful blue eyed Lance! Thanks for the welcome. The girls and I are really enjoying all the fine folks on this site. Finally a place that understands my COMPLETE devotion to Corgis. Lance is such a handsome fellow, LOVE the eyes! I think it's probably a good thing he doesn't talk. I think he had something to say about the bumble bee costume.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Dawn, Cupid and gang!
    Thanks for the compliment on Lance. :) Mycorgi is an awesome place to be, because we can all talk about our corgis until we are blue in the face and everyone loves it :)

    You are so lucky to have Cupid!!! She is beautiful. Our family thought long and hard about adding her to our family but the timing just wasnt right, but wow, looking at her picture made it so hard to say no. My daughters also so wanted her as well, but had to explain to them that now is not the time. The video that Leasa put up, youve got a friend in me is just toooooo precious!!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Enjoy her as she grows up, as Im sure you already know how fast they grow up! We will enjoy watching Cupid grow up through your pictures and stories. :) Cupid already has a big fan club!!! Did you rename Cupid, Sage?
  • Dawn

    Hi Natalie, Oh, we are SO enjoying her! She's been here a week, and she's already growing. Yes, as sweet as Cupid was for her name, Leasa had a good point that when called in public it can sound ilke "Here Stupid". Didn't want to do that to her! So, Sage is her name.
  • JILL

    The Secret is - they are only allowed into the living room to pose on it after they've been to the groomer!! That's why they are so cooperative - they think they are getting away with something. Merry Christmas