

United States

Profile Information:

Northern Indiana
About Me:
Love my Corgi
About My Corgi(s):
Chester- Born 11-21-06

Comment Wall:

  • A & P

    Chester is very handsome and he was born 1 day before my dogs! Corgis are the best!
  • Laura Jones

    Welcome. What a cutie.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Kristen

    Thanks for the comment on Fern. I love this picture, it is such a contrast to the one on the Rescue website from when we got her. Such a happy girl. She did have the surgery. We had to take her Iowa State since it is not a common surgery and my vet didn't want to practice on her! They were great and the surgery went well. She still drips a bit, but not from the extopic uretur. Probably spay incontinence. It is nothing compared to what it was. We will be starting her on meds soon, but still doing some investigation on her urine. She has very high ph so we are working to bring that down. She is a delight. Interesting that you had the same thing. Her kidney on that side was questionable because of the back up of urine, but after the surgery it was perfect.
  • Kristen

    How is Chester doing with his diabetes? I know what you mean about having nice pictures of your babies. I lost my first Corgi suddenly and didn't have nearly enough pictures of him. He was my best friend. How many children do you have? I have two girls 19 and 22.
  • Kristen

    Corgis are the Best! My daughters laugh at me! Sounds like we are the same age...although I turn 46 in two weeks...ouch!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Happy New Year! I just posted on your Diabetic Corgi blog, we had a dog with diabetes, it is very manageable. Do you have to give insulin shots?
  • Kristen

    I have had one other Corgi, his name was Basil. When he was five (three yrs ago) I was taking him, Lizzie and our other farm dogs for a walk near our farm acreage. A trapper had set a trap in the road ditch, Basil found it and was killed. I worked to get a law passed prohibiting trapping int he road ditches. It was passed and they named it "Basil's law" Every year there is one senator who tries to repeal it. I expect to see a bill when session starts next week. I'll probably be posting on it as a reminder. It is hard to lose one of these furry little angels. They sneak their way into you heart. My profile pix is Lizzie and Basil--he is the red and white. I can understand why you would do everything you can to keep Chester with you. He is a lucky dog!
  • Kristen

    It must have been hard to find Zorro. You are right. All they want is to love you. We have four Corgis right now. Can't imagine life with out them...Life without the corgi hair that would be nice! You can't have one without the other so I'll deal with the hair. Should have invested in Lint Rollers and Swiffer Sweepers!
  • Kristen

    Meant ot your son still at home? My oldest is off in Florida and my youngest goes to school about an hour and a half away. She is home for the holiday break. I'm so glad. Not handling the empty nest very well. Love to have my girls around.
  • Kristen

    I would think it is terribly hard to raise a son by yourself. No one to take the pressure off. Kudos to you! Give you an opoortunity to focus on yourself. Something I bet you haven't been able to do. Will he graduate this spring? In the long run the old high school GPA is meaningless. I would think a Community College or satellite campus would be an ideal way to get back into the traditional academic environment. I think it is always good to talk to college admissions counselor--they can offer good advice on making the transition. My youngest goes to a small state college--Division II school. Perfect for her. Her graduating class in high school had 52 students and I think going to a larger college or university would have been overwhelming. Her school has an outstanding Teacher's program. She is majoring in elementary education and she plays on the Wayne State College softball team--short stop. good position for her--she is only five feet tall!
  • Karen

    Thanks for the info. My 14 1/2 year old has some liver issues, and I have been under the assumption that her increased water intake is because of that. BUT, I think I am going to have her tested for diabetes too, because she drinks and pees, drinks and pees. Oh, and eats in between!!!
  • FrankT

    Thank you! Chester is a very cool dog, I hope he is feeling better (and Zorro is pretty snappy as well!)

  • FrankT

    Wow, so sad. I understand the money situations, so don't worry about the plates. I think the Rainbow Bridge is a great concept.

    I'm actually developing a similar site but the theme is more focused on an after-life for our Pets. I do believe they continue on.


  • Simi Corgi Girl

    So glad Chester is still by your side. I know too well how heart breaking it is to watch your "babies" suffer in ANY way.

    Love all your photos, the "bed hog" t-shirt cracked me up! I need two of those shirts!
  • Cathi

    Thanks, we're planning on having it done this month, probably around the 15th. We keep checking it for any sings of change. I've been thinking about getting pet health insurance since we have Bunny and two cats. We're thinking about adopting another corgi about Bunny's age from a corgi rescue group I'm familiar with. Do you know anyone that has pet health insurance and their experience?
    Glad to meet you! Cathi
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the friend add! The mystery picture is up....which one is it? LOL Natalie and Lance
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! Good Morning! I was going through my comments on my email and saw you posted a message to one of my pictures that said, thats a scary movie! Cant find the picture with the comment, do you remember which picture it was? I am going batty trying to figure this out...hehe

    Thank you he is a dude isnt he ha ha
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you had a good day today. : )
  • Geri & Sidney

    HI Chester's Mom!
    Yes, Sid is a Pem that was left undocked, Thank you so much for your compliment. We think he is one awesome little dog.

    Love the "Bed Hog" t-shirt. And it looks like Chester and you cat get along really well!

    One of our other dogs, a lab/dane mix, is also named Chester.
  • Laura & Lola

    Thanks for the add!!! Your little one is adorable!!!!
  • Chester

    Hey Chester from Indiana! This is Chester's mom from California :) It's funny that your pup's wearing a hat in his profile picture too! This photo was taken this halloween. Chester was dressed up as a "mutt mail man". hahah. How is he doing with the diabetes? I hope all is well. Best wishes.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you are having a Super Sunday too! Thank You!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Its pretty cold here in Chicago, it feels like -8 and schools are shut down because of the extreme temps tommorrow!!
    Hopefully my work will be shut down too! Lance is ok, last night he felt like being outside and stayed out a bit too long because he wouldnt come when I called him in!! He finally started coming in and collapsed right before the door, cause he was soooooo cold, poor baby. But as soon as I opened the door he came right in!! Oh wow, that is alot of snow to get.....sorry about your back that cant be any fun!! Maybe you could get a neighbor to help out?? Hope so. Lance did enjoy laying in the snow earlier today though, like he used to, yay!!! I took pictures, of course, lol. I was looking through some cds of pictures looking for a certain picture and came across his puppy pictures....awww!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hi chester and chester's mom! =D thanks for checking out our pictures! Yes, its super warm here in San Francisco right now, VERY unusual - . It was freezing two weeks ago, this week has been t-shirt and shorts weather... who knows - next week there might be thunderstorms!!! I doubt that, but it'd be nice - we have not even hit half of our average rainfall for Jan yet, and it's almost over.

    I hope the weather gets better for you on the east coast! Wish we could send a warrrrmmmmmm hug!
  • Butter

    How are you and Chester doing? Joy & Baby Butter
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, just thinking about Chester hope he is ok. Hope you are doing good as well. : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi, how are you and Chester doing, I hope well. I saw that I just missed you on chat a couple nights ago.....and you said your walmart carries the tombestone garlic bread pizza, awesome, now I really cant wait for our walmart to open!!! I loaded 2 videos of Lance!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    So progress is coming along on the new walmart.....the letering is done on the outside of the store, now they are starting to work on the indside...whats with the new logo though, not a big fan of it...i like the smiley better, and they have the logo on the oustside of the building, oh well. Hope your doing well.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is everything going?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! come out, come out wherever you are! :) Hope everything is ok, havent seen you on here in awhile. : (
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! Good to hear from you! The new chat is now located at the bottom of the mycorgi page. The new chat is run by adobe flash 9.

    Corgi hugs sent your way.

    -Natalie and Lance-
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! Good to hear from you! Yes that is Lance on the credit card! : )
    Thanks for the compliment. : ) Ive been thinking about you and Chester too. So our Walmart is finally open and I am able to get my garlic bread pizza there whoo hoo!!! Cant wait for the parking lot to be finished though, it is a mess! Hope your doing good, hope to talk to you soon! Natalie and Lance

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello Hello, Come out, Come out, wherever you are!!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you and Chester are doing well.
  • Tauna and Kota

    hi. been a loooong time. hope things are ok where you are. things are ok here. miss talking to you. hugs from me and kota
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Im so sorry to hear the sad news, it breaks my heart. Praying for you during this very diffucult time.
  • Bev Levy

    So sorry for your loss! Another sweet corgi over the Rainbow Bridge at way too young of an age.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Hey ChestersMom...Thank you. How have you been?
  • Cathy & LadyBug

    Welcome - glad to be yor friend