
Jersey City, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

jersey city
About Me:
Lost my first rescue corgi year and a half ago. Rescued a second last year and have been running "remedial education classes for institutionalized corgis" ever since.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Angus was thrown away by a puppy mill breeder at age 2. Then he didn't know that dogs had names. Actually he didn't know a lot of important dog things. Over the past year, he's learned he's got a name, how to climb stairs, what dog toys are, toddlers and strollers aren't dangerous, and much much more.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Mary and Rosie

    Welcome Susan and Angus! The picture of Angus in your vest is SO adorable! :D
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Susan and Angus...and thank goodness you rescued him!
  • Angus

    Lucky for both of us. Turns out that I'm one of those people who needs to live with a corgi. Turns out that Angus won the mega-millions jackpot when I grabbed him from the shelter.

    We're having a grand time. Even if Angus looks better in my clothing than I do, I'm delighted to live with a clown.
  • Miri, Bailey and Cali

    awww thanks...corgies make such great herders...Whenever we get new people show up at our herding place (we are the regulars now, going every week for the past 4 months), people look at us like we are crazy trying to get Bailey to herd sheep. We get so many questions like, "How is she going to run after the sheep with those short little legs" etc...Then, Bails goes in and proves them all wrong. She is far from being an expert sheep herder, but she goes out there and shows the sheep who is the boss :-) She is truly loving it, and that is all that matters to us. We are not planing on entering her in any herding competitions. It is just a fun way for us to be with her and get some of her energy out.

    We actually found our herding place through an episode of the Dog Whisperer. no idea that we had sheep herding so close to us. Hopefully, you'll find something one day that you can take Angus too. I am sure he would love it just as much as Bails..
  • Edward and Gemima

    WELCOME Susan! Ed and Gem and I think you are pretty special!!!! Glad you found the site...lots of happy stories and only a few sad.
  • Angus

    Thanks. Glad that I found you. Awkward Little Sleepers has already made me laugh out loud. I can't imagine ever tiring of reviewing the newest sleeping poses. Maybe Angus will pick up a new position or two...
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Angus

    Thanks. Happy to be here. Paws seem correctly positioned for a corgi but I'm not so sure about the ears and tail. ; )
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    As far as your dogs weight issues. I would like to see pictures of him. I like to keep them at the hour glass look when you look down on them but most your hands over shouldn't feel back bone or hips but easily feel his rib cage. Thats the lightest you would want him and would benefit his hips. Your not going to like this next thing I say but I hate Royal Canine. Sorry!!! I know a couple breeders who swore by it but I thought there dogs looked crummy and as soon as they switched I couldn't believe the how much the dogs had changed and then they believed me. I also had someone elses litter of pups and they had diarrhea and just didn't look that great so I changed them over to Eukanuba and they looked better and stools firmed up. Anyways...I don't believe you need to buy diet food...its the amt you feed that is important. I feed a cup a day of Eukanuba to my since its cold out and we spend alot of time outside running constantly I am feeding a touch more but during the summer they get a cup a food w/probiotics. Your guy may be smaller and not using as much so may need alittle less then a cup specially if feeding a non diet formula. If you think his portion is to small then you can add some green beans to his food. Portions all depends on activity level, size of dog, and metabolism. Like us...all need something different. Make sure you keep nails short so your not adding undo stress and more lameness issues to his front end and most importantly keeping weight off. Keep him active with warm ups and cool downs. Bedding and no damp areas..sometimes you may need a heated bed. Eukanuba has glucosamine in the food w/probiotics. Or offer a glucosamine tablet w/msm which is an anti inflammatory and pain reliever. I take MSM for my fibromyalgia and it does help. Offer chews to keep him busy so he isn't looking for food.