Ree, Erica & Mr. Belvedere


Long Beach

United States

Profile Information:

Originally Orange County, but we live in Belmont Shore (Long Beach) now.
About Me:
My wife Erica and I got married in June and just got our first Corgi in November. I work in advertising and she's a social worker. Our dog however is still looking for a job...the economy's bad.
About My Corgi(s):
A male red and white Pembroke born Sept. 16th named Mr. Belvedere. Our little guy has replaced much of his sleeping with barking and running in circles now.

Comment Wall:

  • Zach and Lisa

    Awesome Profile Picture! Welcome to MyCorgi!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ree!
  • Gail L

    Welcome, hope you find a puppy soon.
  • Sazu

    Cool profile picture:P And welcome!
  • Keahi and Kai

    we got our first corgi (keahi) 4 months after we got married. its been the best thing that we've ever done - besides getting married :)
  • Sasha

    Welcome to my online group of Corgi Wanters on! I hope you enjoy the time you have single without a corgi. I'm looking for one myself! I hope you don't give up the search! And welcome, again!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome, look at that precious baby!!
  • Kristen

    Thanks for the friend request. Mr. Belvedere is adoreable. You are in for so much fun. I love the puppy stage! Enjoy!
  • Sasha

    Hope you find one under that tree, it sure would be a cute christmas gift for your wife!
  • Sasha

    Nice page! Like the design!
  • Trice

    aww Mr. Belvedere is so cute! We love our little Trice. Corgis are just the best. I see you guys are in LBC. Not too far from us in La Habra. We are planning to hit up the LBC Dog Beach this weekend. Because we have no kids either, our Trice is our baby for now!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Hey, it was great meeting you at petco on saturday! hope to see you next week too!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Yes, that sounds great! Hope to see you guys on saturday
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    hey, when did you guys start taking mr. b to socialization classes? zeke has had 3 rounds of vaccinations. Im just wondering what other owners have done/are doing. thanks!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    yeah, Zeke is actually 12 weeks now, and has all of his shots except for rabies. Tell mr B good luck from us! What vet are you using for the neutering? Im going to have to do that with Zeke eventually, so im starting to research now.
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    $200 really isnt that bad. Some vets in los angeles charge over $500 for the procedure, unless of course you have a pit bull mix, in which case you can often get it done for free. From what I hear, Vets in areas without the huge stray pitbull problem that we do in Los Angeles charge around 100 dollars or less for it. Mr. B is going to do great! Hope to see you guys next time!
  • Susan Stanton

    Mr. B is adorable, and your videos are hilarious. Good luck with the neutering -- it was really just another day for my Bertie W. Where did you get (or did you create yourselves?) the art for your avatar, it's terrific!
  • Susan Stanton

    Glad to hear Mr. B. is doing well post-surgery. Frankly, Bertie doesn't even know anything is missing! Definitely talk to a trainer about the resource guarding -- we learned a game called "get something better!" -- if he had a toy, we'd take it and give a treat, if he had a treat, we'd take it and give cheese, etc. That's very simplistic, but the gist of it. I also fed kibbles by hand and would sit with him at meals and play with the kibbles in his bowl, so he got very used to me being around anything edible, and now I can take anything away from him at any time, and it's really good. But talk to a trainer to get specifics on the "positive" approach, it does work!
  • Susan

    We use just about anything to trade. When we go to dog school, we use left over steak, hotdogs, pork chops, etc..... Dogs just love CHEESE. We just use really small pieces. Susan
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Hey guys,
    we miss Mr. B! We missed the last 2 weeks at petco. Were you there? We've been taking the Z man to huntinton dog beach a lot because i surf, and I was wondering if you guys ever took mr B there or to Belmont Shore dog beach? Anyway, we are excited to see how much B has grown, and show you how big Zeke has gotten. Maybe we can schedule a mini corgi meet up at one of the beaches one day if thats something that you guys let mr B do. talk to you soon!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    are you going to puppy playtime today? We will be there and hope to see you!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Casey will be at petco on saturday, so maybe you guys can hang out again somewhere afterwards again! I have school stuff all day, so unfortunately I cant hang out. See you soon!
  • Marie Ploof

    Hello. Cute cute dogs. =]
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    were going to be there! you will also meet our new boy, dexter, allthough he wont be touching the ground or meeting any other dogs!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    She was jealous just hearing that? Then she's really going to be jealous when she sees him, hes a very very handsome little guy. see you sunday at 10!
  • Trice

    Hi! How was the meetup? Sorry Trice couldn't be there. We received your message after the fact as we were off spending time with our dad's for Father's Day. Please let us know when the next one is!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    AHHHH Zeke and Dexter are SO sad in their post-op neutered state :( They want to wrestle so bad, and they are so long that the cone doesn't prevent them from licking their stitches at all!!! How long until Mr. B was back in commission?

    Also, we're totally in for any upcoming Long Beach corgi meetups :)
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Thanks! Yea, we got married in August- hence why we were MIA at Puppy play day most of summer! The corgi tuxes were a big hit :)

    The boys are doing much better now... we picked them up and they couldn't even lift their heads until about midnight that night! They must have gotten to them late in the day because they were in bad shape. Zeke's a little tender because he wouldn't stop licking... even with the cone on!!!

    I'll tell Dom about agility classes- he's been wanting to do that for a while!!! There's a herding trials grounds in LB, too!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    Welcome to the "my corgi is too aggressive for puppy play day" club :( its sad isnt it? like the end of an era? oh well, the way i see it is that were moving on, and the boys are growing up. I think that they get sick of little tiny pups after a while. Yes, casey and I did get married! thanks for the congratulations, and were glad that you like our profile picture. we had that one taken a few weeks after the wedding at the photographer's studio, where she had some dog costumes. the funny thing is that due to their long bodies and short legs, its hard to find ones that fit them well! anyway, we would LOVE to get our boys going on some kind of agility or behavior classes or anything fun, heck, theres even a place in long beach where you can have your herding dogs learn to herd real sheep! Let us know if you guys end up doing anything like that with Mr. B, because it would be a lot more fun as a group i would imagine!

    i hope all is well with the three of you, and we look forward to talking soon!
  • Dom, Casey, Zeke & Dexter

    hey guys!
    how are you? how is mr B? we moved up to glendale and we found a great dog park in pasadena. if you guys are ever around here give us a call and we can show it to you. hope all is well.
    dom and casey