Gary & Jo + Peb

Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Hong Kong
About Me:
Poor college student/artist with a dog

My name is Gary and I have a female PWC with my girlfriend. With live in Downtown LA!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pebble (named after Pebble Beach, CA) is a girl, she was born on 3/22/09.
One day we randomly saw her at a local pet store, played with her a little bit, and took her home. She is our first dog.

Pebble is a very smart girl (when it comes to eating). Potty training is okay so far, but accidents happen from time to time.

She has her own attitude, just like human. When Pebble is not in the mood, she doesn't bother to look at you.

Pebble likes food, all kinds of food. She basically eats anything that is edible to her, including newspaper, paper towel, bath towel, her own poop & pee, dog treats, dog food, and carrots.

Since she is still younger, there is still a lot of training to be done.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sunni A.

    Welcome Gary & Pebble!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Gary and Pebble!! She sounds like a typical Corgi pup!!!! Enjoy her.
  • Kari and the Pups

    Welcome fellow corgi friend
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Gary and Pebble!
  • Lindsay Bannister

    welcome to mycorgi! :D!!! cuteeee pictureeee
  • Beauty and the Beast

    OMG what a precious face! So cute!
  • David

    Welcome from Yoda and David!
  • Boo Buchheit

    Welcome to 2009 Puppies. Pebble is a sweet little Corgi girl.
  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    pebble is SO cute :)
  • A & P

    Pebble is so cute. Love her ears! I work in downtown in upper Grand (2nd / 3d). I can't believe there is a Corgi so near by!
  • Keahi and Kai

    hey guys! it was nice meeting you at the cathedral!
  • noel lutchkus

  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Hi Gary! I like your pictures :)
    Yes it is a plush ibone dog toy. I ordered it off the internet somewhere. Just google ibone and you will find it :)
  • ManTau 饅頭

    Pebble is so cute, and she reminds me of Mantau when he was a puppy! I wish I was in the U.S. so Mantau have all the space he wants to run around.
  • A & P

    Happy New Year! Pebble is growing up! Time flies! Haven't seen Pebble in downtown yet but maybe tha is because I am always at my desk : ). If you are ever up in Bunker Hill part of downtown (I am in the KMPG building) come on up!
  • Sam Tsang
