Codie Bear


Lynn, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Lynn, MA
About Me:
I have a pembroke welsh corgi named Codie
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Codie is a 1 1/2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He's so full of energy it's ridiculous. He enjoys taking baths after rolling around in whatever gross thing is around. Codie has lots of kitty friends but would like some corgi friends. He's a snuggler. He loves going to the park, or long walks on the beach. Codie's favorite toy is a tug rope. Codie recently discovered he likes to swim, and play volley ball. He gives high fives, and loves to dance (for the right treat, of course) He's a very talented little guy. We love him!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Caitlyn and corgi pup! Jillie says hi from South Carolina! Your baby is old is Codie?
  • Nicola Porter

    That's weird because I was looking at your pics and LO looks similiar to your Codie. LO is older at about 26 weeks or so, he was born 7/21/08 but the vet mentioned that he may be even a few weeks older based upon teeth eruption. No biggie for me, I will keep his birthday as is.
  • patrice

    Codie looks like such an energetic sweetheart!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tracy

    Hi! love the pic of little codie, my toby is full of spunk and loves empty water bottles too! toby and i live in brockton mass not to far away from you. I have had lots of health issues with toby due to allergies but she has been doing great these last couple of months ( thank god) she is my little daughter, i never thought i could love a dog as much as i love her. Toby is a year and a half and still keeps me on my toes, she loves to play, bite things, and run around like a maniac. If you need advice on anything let me know, traing school really helped! well keep in touch.
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    so darn cute! Rueben came to me when he was 3 so I often wonder what he looked like when he was little. How much does your little bundle of joy weigh?
  • Frankenstein

  • Cory & Adri

    haha poop. our cody does that too. sniffs it like he wants to eat it. when he was 15 wks, he did that same thing, chew on shoes, table legs, DESTROY toys, eat everything he sees.
  • Frankenstein

    yes i definitely want Frankenstein to have some Corgi friends....once the weather gets a little better we should have a play date!
  • Jane

    Wecome to New England Corgis group. I live in Salisbury Ma and try to organize playdates under a group we call Coastal Corgis. We will be meeting in another month or so at North Beach in Hampton NH. Hope you will come up to join us with Codie. June
  • Kelly

    Codie is adorable!!!! You have a beautiful corgi!!!!
  • Lulu

    Aww...Codie is so cute! And, yes, I see the resemblance to Lulu!
  • patrice

    Hi Caitlyn -- so sorry for the overdue response. Yes, we live in Boston and would absolutely be interested in a playdate, but Maggie has some lingering dog aggression issues so it might not be the best idea. We have been working with her and she's much better than she was when we first adopted her, but I'd feel terrible if we met up and Maggie was unfriendly!
  • Chris