Sam & Maximus


Eagle River, AK

United States

Profile Information:

Eagle River, AK
About Me:
My husband our son and I live in Alaska. We love both our winter and summer out door activities. We have had little Max for a year now and he has fit right in. We try to stay active so that works out good for our little Corgi Butt.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Max was born on October 23, 2007. He is a Sable Pembroke Welch Corgi. He came to us from South Dakota when he was 8 weeks old. Little guy flew over 9 hours to get to us. He is, of coarse, very active, very sweet and has quite an attitude all at once. Max loves to spend time at our cabin running through the Corgi snow caves and chasing the birds and snowmachines. Max has now had the chance to experience summer. He has continued to chase the birds, although some have chased him also, gotta watch those owls, ravens and eagles, had to chase them off a few times. He has also chased the salmon in the creek, that doesn't last too long, they zip off too fast. Max is growing in to a very sweet, smart little guy. He is obeying very well most of the time and enjoys being with the family. He especially loves his new "Doggles" he wears when riding on the 4 wheeler. He is extremely vocal, I just love the way he talks to us. Sometimes it sounds like he's actually speaking real words.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Sam! Love the snow mobile pic :)
  • Francine

    Another Alaskan Corgi lover! I just logged on today and found this site. I sympathize with you...Max sounds like a willful little guy! My corgi girl has a mind of her own too, but lots of consistent training helps. Although she knows that she has me wrapped around her little paw. Good luck!
  • Cindi

    Welcome Sam and Max! Wow, two new Alaska corgi lovers. Cool. Max is just adorable. I'm digging the snowmobile pic!
  • Francine

    Kona will eventually sit down in the snow and look pathetic when her feet get too cold. I tried dog booties but she would have none of that. It's been really cold lately...I'm hoping for some warmer weather soon so we can get out and play. Kona is getting a little stir crazy.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Max is absolutely adorable! Love the pictures of him. Oh boy he must have you wrapped around his cute little paws. He sure has me wrapped. :-D
  • Mallori Shortridge

    Aw, he's a lowrider!
  • Carmen

    Hi Sam and Max! I'm from South Dakota originally. Where did Max come from in SD? He's a cutie!
  • Carmen

    Thanks for your wonderful comment. A lot of feeling went into my poem for Courtney. She was a perfect little corgi! She also came from a breeder near Plankington, SD. Probably the same breeder your Max came from. It is so long ago, we aren't exactly sure which breeder she is from. I can't wait to see how Max changes. He does look a lot like Courtney. I need to get some pictures of her up on my page!

    Looks like we may be long lost relatives, at least through our corgis!
  • Mallori Shortridge

    Yea, I'm hoping to get a bunch of them soon... I think i'm gonna wait until they are a little older and have their tails docked though lol. Oh and that picture of MAx sprawled out on the floor is just priceless!!!!!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Sam,

    Max is ADORABLE!!!!!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Generally, breeders will have a kennel name and then you attach whatever name you want. Doesn't have anything to do with what you actually use as his "call" name. If you got Max from a small family breeder then you can call him pretty much anything. For example, Timmy came from working dog lines and they left the name up to me entirely. His AKC registered name is Humboldt's Gold Triple "T". GSD's I had were from established and I only got to add one or two words to the name, since their kennel name had to appear on the registration, i.e. Covy Tucker Hills-Myah, Oshi von Haus Anton, etc.

    For example you could call him "Max, Born to ride Harleys" (Just for fun)

  • winnie_the_dog

    i am happy to say as of tonight winnie did a whole flight by herself. They learn so quickly.
  • GusBus

    Hi Sam,
    We got Gus from a breeder in SD as well. Was your breeder near Sioux Falls?
  • Bama Girl

    Hi Sam. Thanks for your comments. Max has the best eyebrow mrkings ever and such an adorable mask. You have a great Libra on your hands.
  • Kristen

    Love your choice for Max's registered name. Do you still have your snow tunnels?
  • Kristen

    Is it starting to warm up for you at all?
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Hi there! Thanks so much for your comments and sharing your experiences with your little nipper. =) Baxter is getting better, I've not had another face nip incident with him, when he is excited and decides to bite my hand, he's never bitten really hard, but he definitely responds to a firm NO and an immediate cease in play. He still likes to grab hold of a shirt sleeve and pull with all his might but we're working on that too. I really want to enroll him in a puppy class. Unfortunately there are none that are very close by but I am looking into a couple of places that are about an hour away. Your little max is just gorgeous, I love his sable markings. Looks like he's having a ball at his puppy preschool and with his friend kali there. =) Best of luck with your little Max, he is a handsome boy, and I'll bet a real sweetheart too. Of course they are only sweethears when they want to be heheh.
  • Cindi

    You can introduce "time out" anytime. The kicker is to be strong and not give attention until your pup is quiet. It shouldn' t take long! They hate to be removed and ignored. And, generally, they get the idea pretty quickly. Just remember to only use it for one behavior, like nipping. If you use it for everything, the dog gets confused.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, Max and Lance both have October birthdays, Lance's Birthday is October 30, 2005! Hard to believe he will be three in October, seems like we just brought him home!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Sam!

    Lance is all corgi, he is a cardigan welsh corgi, blue merle. His Dad is a blue merle as well. His Dad has alot more gray to him. Lance has some gray mixed in, doesnt show up real well in pictures but you can see it in person. Love the igloo picture! When Lance was younger we couldnt put anything in his crate! We tried to be some type of bedding in there and he would just eat it! Luckily now we gate him in an area of a bedroom and are able to put a dog bed in there for him. Talk to you soon. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Sam,
    There are alot of people who have not heard of blue merles, they are not as common as the other corgis. It is fun to see the other blue merles on The blue merles have a wide variety of coloring too. The other blue merles have alot more gray to them. I did not know of blue merles untill we got Lance. Now when I see other breeds I can pick out the other blue merles only because I own one. We actually started out looking for a pembroke but we came across a cardigan breeder and ended up with a cardigan! Thanks for the compliment on Lances blue eyes, they make up for all the barking, lol!!! Natalie
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Sam, the reason is most brands owns other brands as well, and they tend to share the same manufacturing plant and sources of ingredients. I certainly understand and share your frustration, message our member Aloha, she's quite knowledgeable in the food area.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Just found your page...I love the pictures of Max! What a cutie! Our Corgi, Spencer, LOVES the snow...he is not fond of rain at all!
  • Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt

    Thanks for the comment! Max looks like a cool little dude. Great photos! I love his doggles!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for your comment. I am so sorry for your loss! 6 1/2 is so young but you just never know what or why things happen for. Maximus is a beautiful corgi.
  • Nancy Liu

    Hello Max and family -
    Hello from the smallest state (Rhode Island) to the biggest!

    You live in a beautiful state and have a great looking corgi.
    I just wanted to tell you that our corgi - Radar, also came to us from So. Dakota in 2006. His breeder is in Souix Falls, SD and he was transported via mini-van all the way by another breeder in MA.

    Can't wait to visit Alaska again someday - went there in '98.
  • Elaine

    Keep the pictures coming of your beautiful corgi Max.
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Max is one very out-doorsy Corgi! Love-love-love your pictures. Happy Birthday little guy.
  • Molly Lais

    Thank you! Your Maximus is adorable!
  • Davlion

    aww, thank you! You're corgi is precious too. Looks like a wolf almost!
  • Max & Cody

    Greetings from San Antonio! Thanks for the comment. We actually sometimes call him Maxwell....well when he's in trouble. lol
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks Sam & Maximus :)
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    How is Max doing? He is such a pretty dog! I love the sable corgi;s! I am getting a new puppy that will possibly be a sable but we will have to wait and see. From the photos I have seen of him I think he might have a black back.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks I will put more pictures on here one day of the little guy.That video with Max is so cute where the box is stuck on his head. Our old dog molly (a basset hound) used to do that. We would give her the empty dog biscuit boxes and she would get her head caught in them lol
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Thanks for finding us. Max definitely looks like Murphy's older brother. I think that's awesome. Max is such a handsome dog, it'll be great to see Murphy turn into him when he gets bigger.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How have you been? Long time no talk!

  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Hey, How's Murphy's big bro doing? We're doing alright here. Just a bit chilly this morning, but I'm almost always cold. Murph's getting big and he and Stella have been getting closer and closer. Sometimes he gets a little too excited and knocks her over. She can handle it though, she's a big cat. He absolutely loves her though, he's always trying to eat her tail. How's your Spring been? It's been unpredictable here, it was like 35 degrees here this morning..brrr, I guess its supposed to get warm again. Who knows. It's weird to know that Max and Murphy are half brothers, but weird in a really cool way. Max looks like their dad and Murphy definitely gets his looks from his mom.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hope you are having a great memorial day weekend. I added pics of the corgi meetup from March. I have a link to photobucket on my page and also a slideshow of the meetup which are the same pics on photobucket for now until I add the other 123 pictures! : O

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, how are you doing?
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Hey how's its going?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you guys as well! Hope it was all great. I can't believe he's a year old either. It's like we turned around for a second and he's no longer a puppy anymore. It's kinda sad, but I'm glad he's healthy and happy. Oh my goodness, I didn't know that Murphy has new brothers and sisters, but I'm looking at the site now. Sooo adorable. Makes me want another one.Thanks for letting me know. I like checking in every once and awhile to see the puppies. Murphy is doing great, he loves the snow. He just plows on through it like no one's business. I'm glad Max is doing well. I can't believe he's two. How much does he weigh? I think Max looks bigger than Murphy, like taller. I'll see pictures of other Corgis on here and most of them look taller than Murph does. He only weighs 20 lbs. I was just curious. I wish those two could meet sometime. We just live too far from each other. I wish Murph was more vocal. He barks, but I prefer it when he just makes noises. Its so cute. Next time Max is being really vocal, you should record it and post it on here, I'd love to see it.
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Good to hear that you all are doing well. Max's name suits him well since he's such a big boy, he's a cutie though. It's crazy how they can be all different sizes. Murphy isn't a very big guy at all, not even average and then I see Corgis who are Max's size and bigger and I am just in awe. It's cool to see the comparisons. Have you found any other siblings on here of Max and Murphy? I was just curious. i haven't found anyone else yet except for Max of course. Take care and tell Max hi from his little brother!