
43, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Aurora CO
About Me:
I'm a cancer biologist living in San Antonio TX with my fiance. I like to go out and check out local bands, run, or stay in and snuggle with the pups!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Maddi our 2 year old is the corgi that rules the house! If she had a choice she would play tug 24/7 and bark her little heart out. When she's not rambunctious she loves to settle down and snuggle up to us in her fav position, head on the shoulder! Mikka our newest baby who is about 4 months old is who I call Sweet Pea! She's very quiet, observative, and loves to give kisses. Her favorite game is to have Maddi try to catch her around the house while she hides into places Maddi is too big for (though it's starting to become a tight squeeze for her as she grows)!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • scotthoutx

    Welcome from Carson & Logan, Dallas TX
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    What a cutie pie! Welcome to mycorgi!
    Corgi hugs!
    Chantel & Bella
  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! Maddi is adorable
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Jessa and Maddi!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome aboard!
    Come check us out! It’s a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    So glad you could join us! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of Maddi the cutie!

  • Dot Brooke

    What a beautifull face! I love it! Welcome!------------Dot
  • Max & Cody

    Hey great pic of Maddi. Do ya'll ever go to any of the dog parks in SA?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday!
  • Chris

    Happy Birthday!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt

  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!
  • Max & Cody

    We actually go to McAllister Dog Park every other weekend or so. Max enjoyes it and he goes to sleep on the ride back home.
  • Ein Danger

    aww it was great meeting you yesterday :) ein's in love now. lol. oh and i see you know ein's bff (max). he's the best! see you around the neighborhood and on cyberspace!
  • Ein Danger

    UPDATE: Ein's Party/Corgi Meet-Up has been re-scheduled to Oct. 11th!
  • Ein Danger

    The Corgi Meet-Up/Ein's Party has been cancelled due to weather once again. Our apologies for any inconveniences. Please refer back to Ein's page or the South Texas group for more information when it becomes available.
  • Levi Tibbs

    Hey Jessa...thanks for the comment. It is always nice to see that the puppies are being enjoyed! I have one of the puppies that I kept out of Fiesty so it must be your dogs full sister. I can see the resemblance. Funny you ask about puppies, because I just got Fiesty and Concho bred to a nice stud in San Antonio and hopefully if the breeding took (it didn't the last time) I should have puppies around the end of April :) I'm excited and am crossing my fingers!!!
  • GoGoRainbow

    Yes! Pooka came out of Madi's mom (same daddy), so it is like Pooka is Madi's half-aunt, half-sister =) Your girl really looks like Fiesty, how cute. Hopefully there will be meet-ups when the weather gets better
  • Levi Tibbs

    Hey Jessa just was going to let you know that puppies are due any day!!! Fiesty is really large now and they could come any day starting today!! I'll keep you in formed ;)
  • Levi Tibbs

    No I have had no problems at all with having females living together. I have 3 females all living in the house and they have there little spats and arguments at times, but nothing they wouldn't have with a male I'm sure. It usually involves food, invasion of space, or jealousy! I personally prefer females. The problem with males is that they tend to mark all over the place and that isn't flattering....I'm not sure how bad Corgi's are with doing that, but with a female around they like to mark their territory. I'm excited about the puppies!! I'll let you know when they arrive!