Bobbi & Penni


Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska

United States

Profile Information:

Omaha, Nebraska
About Me:
I live with my husband and our Corgi, Penni on 40 acres west of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. We have 2 sons, grown but still living close by. My husband is from upstate New York and I am from Omaha, we moved out here in the mid 90's to experience rural life. (My husband, being from a rural farming area in upstate NY, wanted to move out of the city) Our boys went to a one room school house until Junior High (or Middle School, depending on where you live!), then went to school in Cedar Bluffs. A small town (around 600 people). We love our little acreage and plan on staying here for quite some time!

Penni is 8 years old, born in Nov 2004.

Penni has a brother, Zeb, a Saint Bernard. His birthday is June 6, 2008. He is 4 years old and weighs around 160lbs. I have posted pictures of them together!
Penni is our first Corgi, and I'm sure not our last! I love their little quirks and I think they are just so adorable! I am hooked!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We got Penni from a nice family just west of Cedar Bluffs, she was one of 9 puppies born to her mother, Nellie, but only Penni and her brother survived. She is such a fun companion! So much energy! We love her so much!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Bobbi, Penni, Duke and family!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Bobbi. . .Penni is precious. . .so sad about the other 8 that didn't make it. . . a sad day indeed. . . .Penni looks like she is sooo much fun. . .aren't they the cutest little critters?. . . .glad you joined our family. . . .by the way, your last name, Pelo, means hair in Spanish and believe me, I've got lots of it. . . .LOL
  • Kitty's Corner

    Hi Bobbi! Penni is very cute and I love the photos on your page.I think Corgis are the best! >Bethany
  • Pa'ani

    oh my gosh! i love the picture of Penni of the floaty in the pool! how did you get her to do that?
  • Kristen

    Hi Bobbi, nice to know there is another Corgi lover close. I'd say we are within ten miles of each other. We are one of the "tweeners" our address is Colon, but our phone is Cedar Bluffs. Penny looks very happy. Thank you for the comments about Basil. The trapper that killed him is actually from Cedar Bluffs. We made it through the session and we were able to stop the repeal from going anywhere, so for another year it is illegal to trap in the ditch. Perhaps we can have a Corgi play date someday. Enjoy the website. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here!
  • JennFerguson

    beautiful doggies!!
  • Kristen

    Our girls both graduated from Wahoo. About the only time we are in Cedar is to vote...
  • Pa'ani

    hahaha! pa'ani does the same thing when my boyfriend goes under a blanket. he just cant figure out where he went. thats amazing that she just climbs into the raft like that. one day maybe pa'ani will figure out how to swim.
  • Cindi

    Welcome Bobbi and Penni!
  • Juel

    What a pretty red head!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I am sorry for your loss of Duke. Doesn't it feel like you have been cheated when you loose a dog so young? Thank you for the post it just feels like something in my life is missing right now its so wierd without him, I'm sure you understand. Your pup penni is adorable!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Hi , im new to My Corgi and iv'e been looking through the sights and groups,,,I realy liked your's because you had a St.Bernard too,,Im so sorry to hear about your loss of Duke.I had two St Bernards years ago and their both gone now,and i still miss them alot,I've always wanted a Corgi so last year i went in search and found Cooper,,Their so smart and fun to have ,,,Your little Penny is so sweet,hope she gets a friend soon ~tina~
  • Tina and Cooper

    We are moving to the country this summer and i hope to get another Saint,,that would be great i really miss him,,his name was Bruno and her's Sassy,,,thay were so much fun,,Now with Cooper hes my buddy and i love to take him with me every were,,,
  • Kristen

    Our Tess (16 year old golden retriever/black lab) has had two strokes this year, but she is like the energizer bunny. Still going...She is slowing way down. Still does the stairs to go outside, but getting harder for her Our place is right at the intersection of 19th and T so we are pretty close to you. We also have an older Leonberger--about the size and shape of a St. Bernard. Rust colored.
  • Kristen

    This might be too much for a coincidence, but Tess was a Fremont Humane Society dog as well. They would have been the same age. Wonder if they were littermates? My Lizzie got hit and left in front of our house. Thankfully we found her right away. She suffered a shattered pelvis, but is still with us! Six years old now.
  • Kristen

    Here is Tess taken earlier this year. When I look at Jakes face I see Tess. Like Jake ,Tess is an amazing dog. Smart and loyal. It will be devastating when her time comes. She had cancer surgery about two years ago and we opted not to do Chemo. Seems like a good decision--she is still happy at 16! Thats a long life for any dog. She still walks with me and goes outside to play in the snow whenever given the opportunity. we moved her inside about three years ago. The heat and the cold were taking their toll. She is spoiled, but has definately earned the right> She has lost her hearing and her vision isn't as good as it was. Kinda like me! I amconvinced they are littermates.
  • Kristen

    Tess was the fluffiest in the group. The others were more smooth coated. That last picture of Jake looked even more like old Tess. Stop by any time!
  • Kent and Lisa Kubie

    Good evening. Your pair are a adorable. We live in Elkhorn.

    Kent and Lisa
  • Morgan Stromberg

    I totally agree. Your little girl is gorgeous!! Yeah I am really drawn to the corgi's with the darker coats!!!
  • Beth

    Thank you for the nice comment on our photo page! That particular St Bernard was a young female we used to see sometimes. Very sweet dog, and she played well with Jack. We haven't seen them in awhile. Your two are adorable together!
  • Chris and Andrew

    Thank you ! Jeter says hi :-)
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Hi Bobbi, I just joined the NE Corgi group. My husband is from upstate New York as well. Our corgi is from Berwyn Nebraska and is three years old. Penni really reminds me of my Tommie Girl. We live in Millard.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    My husband is from Kingston. His dad died when he was 12 and he mom moved to the City. He went to high school there. Then went to medical school at Creighton in Omaha and stayed. lol. I met him here in Omaha. We go back almost every year to see his best friend in Kingston. Sometimes just to the city, but sometimes to Kingston. My dad was in the air force and we lived all over. Ended up here in Omaha.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    My husband loves Omaha. He works for Creighton Medical Center. Loves it here. Would never leave lol. He works with all his best friends. My dad was in the Air Force and we moved all over the place. I like it here now too. Just staying in one place is good for me. Just looking at your pictures again. Penni looks so much like my Tommie. She is so cute. I am thinking of getting a new puppy. My breeder has one ready to go at Thanksgiving, but I just don't know if I should. I have the older Shitzu and just don't know about three dogs. Tell me how Zeb and Penni were when you got him.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Did you go to the Nebraska Corgi group get together yesterday?
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    No I thought about it, but had a crazy weekend and needed to catch up. Now that I have joined the group, maybe i will have more notice and can plan for it better. It sounds fun.
  • Suzan and Tommie Girl

    Thanks for the input. Puppies are just so hard to resist. My poor Molly just sleeps all the time. I think Tommie would enjoy a friend to play with. I am worried about three dogs though. You have a good point.
  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    thanx for responding to our step issue with the corgis!!both are young.keri=18 months & merling=11 mos.we hope they don't have any problem with the steps!!tomorrow is the day we pick up the trailor to get it ready for its shakedown trip,so then we'll see!hope
    Hubby gets some good pics of them.he ususally does!!take care