Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax

37, Female

Minonk, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hello, I'm Krystal a 25yr old vet tech, living in Minonk with the love of my life with our 7 dogs and 7 cats. I am the proud mom of 3 dachshunds, 2 PWC, and 3 CWC. It's a crazy house but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cooper and Nora are by far the best dogs ever! They are absolutely inseparable, having to be with one another at all times. They came from Sandy Johnson at Sunny Garden Farm Corgis in Oneida, IL.
Grady came from a family in Bowling Green, MO. This was their first litter, they do not have a kennel. Their son does FFA and wanted to breed his dogs, and ta-dah.......that's how I got Grady.
Izzy came from Connie Whan over at Davenitch Cardigans.



I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome!! Hope its a great one!!!! 23, wow, Enjoy!!! :) The years go by way too fast. :( LOL
  • Deanna

  • Chris

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you for the birthday wish
  • Maggie and Judy

    Hi! We got our Maggie from Sunny Garden Farms 5 years ago!! And, looking at your pictures, Maggie looks quite similar to Nora and Cooper!
  • Kelly

    Thanks! I use a Nikon D40 :)
  • Kelly

    Sure! Know of any place?
  • Kelly

    not really in between us. There is a park here where I take Gibson to run off leash but you are not really supposed to..
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Krystal, thanks for the birthday wishes, Lances birthday is tomm, he will be four!!!!
    Thanks for the bday balloons, that was sweet. :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    oops, meant to tell you it was Lances birthday today, not mine. :) Lance says thanks for the balloon and wishes, that was sweet. :)
  • Teresa Kannard

    That is okay! I know how that is...our Aunt Fran passed away this last week :( Hope all is well for you! Do you have any questions?
  • Teresa Kannard

    Merle are the same price for me. I do not price them on color but on quality. The average pet price is $600-$700. The average show price is $900-$1000. Blue merles can only come from a breeding of a blue and a black. I do not have a blue girl but I do have a black boy. My friend has a blue litter coming up soon. She is from Davenitch Kennels in Andulusia, IL. I would consider you for a puppy later on, but I do not have a blue female and will not be having blue merle puppies in the near future. Some breeders do charge more for blues but my friend does not. Otherwise I will have another litter coming up is a year or two depending on when she takes. I do not breed often, but I do breed quality puppies.
  • Teresa Kannard

    Closer to springfield then?
  • Teresa Kannard

    I will be going to the Rosemont,IL show with Sandy December 19th and 20th. You are welcome to come and see my puppies in the show ring. It will be the first time for this litter since they will be 6 monthes old. I also will be showing their mother and my black and white male Tobi.
  • Kristen

    It is a bit crazy with six Corgis, but we also have a shi-poo inside with the Corgis and a Leonberger who is the consumate farm dog--he resides primarily outside. So all totaled that makes eight. It can be very noisy when they are all excited at the same time. Living on a farm makes it so much easier. We walk all together off leash when the fields are harvested, otherwise we take walks in shifts to simplify things. Six is not much differnt than five...
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Actually I have 8 rescue that is part Chow and 7 Corgis...2 males 5 females and then just had 2 litters making an additional 12 puppies. I have a big yard...the back yard is 500 ft deep and all the dogs live in the house which makes for alot of grooming and cleaning. LOL
  • Jane Christensen

    It can be a bit crazy at times BUT I wouldn't trade it for anything!They all live in the house and I take 1-2 to work with me most days! We have 5 acres for them to roam and play! I do have to get up about an hour earlier to get chores done but my husband usually helps! The hair does occasionally get frustrating so the brushing is a biggie! I am looking forward to a litter in early Feb. and then maybe one in May...that's like another full time job as Bella had 8 for her 1st litter! It is fun!!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello, Hello! How are you doing? Have you decided what to do about your next puppy?

  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks youl :)
  • Cheri

    What a cutie pie Grady is!
  • Lee Moy

    Greetings from Tasmania! What a gorgeous pup. Luther was 9 months old when I got him, so I didn't see him as a baby.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Grady is adorable, love his coloring! Gradys eyes are soooo blue and just love his markings!! Which breeder did you get Grady from?
  • Nanmar

    I love your photos. I get my tri baby girl at the end of February, I cant wait. Good luck!
  • John Wolff

    We've had 3 Pems, so this is heresy, but I feel the draw of the cardi too. Those huge ears and otter tails. Maybe you'll have to wait a few more years, but I'd like to hear some owners of both breeds hold forth on the differences. I've never known a Cardi. Grady sure is cool looking.
  • Alice

    Grade's such a cutie. Love the new pics.
    Are those his dew claws in the back I'm seeing? I don't think I've ever seen them intact before.
  • Alice

    Well at least now I know what they look like. :)

    Now that you have one of each Corgi, how would you say they are different so far?
  • Jay

    sorry to take so long to read your comment. I got baloo from kim shira in oregon, her kennal name is coedwig.
  • Jay

    P.S love your pems, and your blue boy is darling.
  • Chris West

    Well, he is normal corgi super naughty monster, but that was to be expected! He has decided that rather than the big scary creatures he thought our cats to be when we brought him home, they must actually be giant moving squeaky toys placed in the house for his amusement. Any recommendations on how to get a corgi to stop chasing cats? lol! Other than that, he is learning commands very quickly and our 3 year old daughter has decided she is the boss of him, so she spends most of the night bossing him around. Which is cute cause he weighs 10 lbs more than she does. So other than his occasionally accidents in the house (which I don't really mind because my husband usually gets up first), he has been doing awesome!
  • Chris West

    That's funny! Guess I don't feel so bad about him chasing the cats now. They have been living in the closet since we brough him home, so I made them a little room in there were they could get out of his reach. It is complete with cat bed and pink plush cat couch. We now refer to our closet as the cat room lol!
  • Rachael & Waffle

    It occurred to me that I should have used your cardi for a reference instead of one on the internet--but only after I finished it! D'oh! Here you go. :3 I love merles.
  • Rachael & Waffle

    Yeah, I would. I don't have time to do it right now, but I will do it within the next week! Hopefully sooner rather than later.
  • Rachael & Waffle

    Sorry it took so long, lol. Spring break ending and a video game I've been dying to play came out this week-- plus I had 2 tests, so this got shoved under the rug a bit. I hope you like it. I tried to get his markings as well as I could with the minimalist style and ref pics I could snag.
  • Christine Jones

    Your Corgis...both Pems and Cardi...are beautiful! =)
  • Alice

    Maybe I've asked you before and just forgot but where is Grady from?As he gets older he reminds me of Finn. They have some of the same features.
  • Alice

    I looked on puppyfind when I started searching for a Cardi too but I wasn't trusting enough to get a puppy from a website like that. I know they are not all bad breeders though and Grady is proof of that. He may not come from a show line but that doesn't mean he can't be handsome.

    I wonder where they got the parents from? Do you have papers on him? I'm curious if there are any dogs from well known breeders anywhere in the line. It's possible that he and Finn share an ancestor somewhere in there. :)
  • Alice

    Oh, ok. Finn doesn't have have any Legacy in his pedigree but that doesn't mean Grady's parents don't have some of Finn's relatives in their lines. Either way, he's a doll. :)
  • Alice

    Does Grade seem at all shy like his parents?

    We had Finn neutered as well. he ended up with a retained testicle so it was in his best interest to be neutered.

    I agree that blue merles are the prettiest and I was set on having one too. A dog is something you are going to have for so long so I think you should get what you want and not have to settle. I'd be a lot more open when choosing a second Cardigan but for my first one, I was dead set on having a blue boy and I really wanted him to have one blue eye and the fact that Finn ended up having just that was such good luck.

    Finn is a year and a half old and he can still be a brat too but he has such a fun, loving, happy personality that the good times outweigh the bad.

    I've been looking into doing herding with Finnigan as well. You'll have to let me know how you (and the dogs) like it.
  • Alice

    That's great that you can take him to work with you and he's lucky to have an owner with an obedience background. I wish I were better versed in obedience because Finn could use more training. We did a puppy class and my husband and I taught him quite a bit at home but he has some habits that I can't seem to break. We'll eventually do another class but I mostly want to do the herding. It is expensive. I checked several places out here (they too are all breed) and they can be costly but I think Finnigan would love it and it would help him burn some energy. We have to be careful though because of his hips. They said he could work ducks and sheep but cattle may be too rough on his hips.

    Finn is like Grady in that he thinks everyone and everything is his friend, even birds. That's great that Grady isn't a shy guy. Sounds like you've got a great little Cardi. I'm sure he'll grow into a handsome dog. Finn went through some awkward stages so don't be surprised if suddenly his head looks too big or his body looks to long and skinny. :)
  • Alice

    Yes to all. Finn still just kind of scoots back to sit on his butt. It's definitely unlike long legged dogs and it does look funny. I think that's totally normal for Cardis.

    As far as the waddling, Finnigan has always had a lot of sway in his hind end when he walks. My Mom's Cardigan has a little but not as much as Finn. When we saw a specialist about his hips recently she said he definitely doesn't walk normally.
  • Alice

    When we got Finn at 8 weeks, he was not using his hind legs much. The breeder said he had seen this before and it sometimes just takes a pup longer to get the hang on it and they move in an odd way because they are stiff, kind of like when you see a human baby learning to walk. Another breeder confirmed that this is true but I had a bad feeling about his legs from the get go but we took him because we were already in love with him. He would avoid standing if at all possible and when he stood his legs were very stiff and straight, he didn't bend his legs at all and they were wobbly. When he'd walk he'd keep them straight and kind of swing them around the side and he could bend them in ways that made me cringe. He couldn't run, he'd trip and he couldn't step/jump up onto anything over an inch high. The vet said the tendons were very loose and he probably just needed to strengthen his legs. He did start using them more over time and in a more normal way. I still was concerned by how he'd kick his back legs to one side when he ran and he still couldn't jump onto things like the couch or the bed so at 8 months we had his hips x-rayed and we found that he did indeed have dysplasia. My gut told me he did and we could have returned him to the breeder but he was already our little boy. he will now limp if he gets too much activity for extended periods of time and his hips makes a faint popping sound when he does that slow waddling walk but his legs are much stronger and he can finally jump on the couch (it took him a year and a half to achieve that). So, I'm thinking if you had Grady's hips checked and they are fine then he may just need more time to grow and become strong. Did you see his hip x-rays? How old is he?
  • Alice

    Here's Finn at 11 wks and this is about when he started bending his legs. You can see that they are bent in the picture.

    Is Grady clumsy? Finn has always been very clumsy. He'll trip with one of his front legs all the time and turn his head and smack his face on the wall or whatever he was standing too close too. He used to stand up on his hind legs (really just sitting on his butt) and lose balance and fall backwards. He can beg now without falling most of the time.

    Finn is the only Cardi puppy I've been around so I always wonder how different he is compared to others. I've seen videos of other Cardis and the biggest difference I see is how well they move at a young age compared to how Finn was.
  • Alice

    Since you've already ruled out the hips, I would guess he just needs to build strength. Like I said, Finn's back legs have been getting noticably stronger since the day we got him and now at a year and a half old he is finally able to jump up onto things such as the couch. Progress has been slow obviously but he has made huge progress none the less. We went for a couple 15-20 minute walks a day and tried to keep Finn at a steady fast walk, we also walked him up inclines when possible such as hills in the park and we started letting him climb the stairs when he was about 10 months old (but not go down) and that seemed to build muscle. Swimming would be great too but we haven't tried it yet. Just keep up with the strengthening exercises (but don't overdue it since he is still young) and he'll get there. If you have a way of filming him I'd love to see a video of him moving. ??
  • Alice

    That would be really fun to see!
  • Alice

    How did you find that out? I'm sorry to hear that. I wonder how bad it is. I was only vaguely familiar with the condition so did some reading on it here and it sounds like no matter what, it is treatable. We thought in the beginning that Finn might have something like that causing neuro problems because of the walking, the weakness and his incontinence (which we still experience now though it's not extreme). Te specialist said he didn't move like a neuro dog but he may have a deformity inside causing him to dribble. :(

    Did you talk to the breeder? I wonder if any of the other pups are experiencing anything like this.
  • Alice

    I just realized you're a vet tech. That's convenient!

    I'm sorry for you and Grady. Hopefully it won't cause him problems.So I take it they don't know if it's effecting his nerves?

    At least you've made the breeder aware. I don't know if there is anything that can be done to prevent it with future litters or not. It would be nice if the breeder would help with the medical cost or refund some of your money. I know some do, but my breeder didn't do any of that either when I proved to him that Finn has HD. He did offer to buy him back but I'm not about to get rid of him.

    Maybe Grady will be able to do herding when he's older if no problems present themselves. I'm sure he'll be happy even with the activity limitations; I know Finn is. :)
  • Alice

    Something cute to brighten your day and bring you good luck. :)
  • David

    Love the new pics. Grady looks like he should be a cartoon character with those big smiles and big blue eyes.
  • Liz Hart

    What a beautiful dog. Amazing eyes!
  • Dawn Kellogg

    oh you are sooo kind !!! I tell you the Lord brought this guy to me at just the right time in my life. I am home alone quite a lot of the time and Fin is such a faithful friend and companion. I am thrilled that you love this breed as well : )