Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax
  • 37, Female
  • Minonk, IL
  • United States
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Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax's Friends

  • Jason Fleming
  • Joelle Soupe
  • Ludi
  • Kathy Peterson
  • Carol
  • mia, herky, & kim
  • Debbie Gidley
  • Elizabeth
  • Neville Longbody
  • Alexandra Frank
  • Bella Ball Corrolli
  • Rita Louise
  • Kirby and Jo
  • Jessica Weaver
  • Emily & Willow

Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax's Discussions

IL meetup

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stephanie Apr 12, 2013. 2 Replies

Herding 101

Started this discussion. Last reply by MagnoliaFly Apr 12, 2010. 9 Replies

Illinois corgi meetup

Started this discussion. Last reply by Aj Mar 15, 2010. 1 Reply

Gifts Received (1)


Welcome, Cooper, Nora, Grady, Jax & Finnegan

Profile Information

About Me:
Hello, I'm Krystal a 25yr old vet tech, living in Minonk with the love of my life with our 7 dogs and 7 cats. I am the proud mom of 3 dachshunds, 2 PWC, and 3 CWC. It's a crazy house but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cooper and Nora are by far the best dogs ever! They are absolutely inseparable, having to be with one another at all times. They came from Sandy Johnson at Sunny Garden Farm Corgis in Oneida, IL.
Grady came from a family in Bowling Green, MO. This was their first litter, they do not have a kennel. Their son does FFA and wanted to breed his dogs, and ta-dah.......that's how I got Grady.
Izzy came from Connie Whan over at Davenitch Cardigans.



I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax's Photos

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Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax's Blog

long time no post....

Posted on January 16, 2011 at 1:00pm 1 Comment

man-o-man have I been neglecting mycorgi. I've added another Cardigan to the pack (Izzy) she's a little black and white female. Grady is 1 now, Nora just turned 2, and Coop with be 4 in Feb. Holy moses does time fly! I added some pictures of Izzy to my profile. Hope you enjoy them!

17 weeks

Posted on March 29, 2010 at 11:21pm 5 Comments

Grady is 17 weeks old, and all of a sudden, he's looking like a big boy. I don't like it. :( He's growing up so fast!


Posted on February 19, 2010 at 9:01pm 2 Comments

Grady turns 12 weeks today, so I posted a bunch of new pictures! Enjoy!

A VERY corgi christmas

Posted on December 24, 2009 at 12:49pm 7 Comments


Another Corgi Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas,

It was quiet as a mouse,

Not a Corgi was stirring,

A rare treat at our house.

Treat bags were hung on the X-pens with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The Corgis stretched out, hogging the bed,

Feet pointing up, acting unfed.

Mamma's in her flannels, I'm in my briefs,

Trying to get comfy in a bed full of… Continue

ck this out

Posted on November 28, 2009 at 11:56pm 4 Comments

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At 10:19pm on May 7, 2013, LA Stewart said…

Will you join us for CORGI-CON 2013?

Tonight I noticed a message from Stephanie to you and she mentions CORGI-CON.  Urbana is about 1 1/2 hours from you.  Hope to see you on May 18!

Check out the details on the Main Events Page.


At 5:48pm on August 24, 2010, Gail and Ashton said…
<--- Ashton says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

May all your birthday wishes come true! <3
At 11:41am on June 29, 2010, Alice said…
I am on FB but I rarely use it. I'll send you my name anyway so you can find me. :)
At 4:38pm on April 22, 2010, Dawn Kellogg said…
oh you are sooo kind !!! I tell you the Lord brought this guy to me at just the right time in my life. I am home alone quite a lot of the time and Fin is such a faithful friend and companion. I am thrilled that you love this breed as well : )
At 2:52am on April 19, 2010, Liz Hart said…
What a beautiful dog. Amazing eyes!
At 11:13am on April 16, 2010, David said…
Love the new pics. Grady looks like he should be a cartoon character with those big smiles and big blue eyes.
At 7:12pm on April 14, 2010, Alice gave Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax a gift
Something cute to brighten your day and bring you good luck. :)
At 6:16pm on April 14, 2010, Alice said…
I just realized you're a vet tech. That's convenient!

I'm sorry for you and Grady. Hopefully it won't cause him problems.So I take it they don't know if it's effecting his nerves?

At least you've made the breeder aware. I don't know if there is anything that can be done to prevent it with future litters or not. It would be nice if the breeder would help with the medical cost or refund some of your money. I know some do, but my breeder didn't do any of that either when I proved to him that Finn has HD. He did offer to buy him back but I'm not about to get rid of him.

Maybe Grady will be able to do herding when he's older if no problems present themselves. I'm sure he'll be happy even with the activity limitations; I know Finn is. :)
At 11:35am on April 14, 2010, Alice said…
How did you find that out? I'm sorry to hear that. I wonder how bad it is. I was only vaguely familiar with the condition so did some reading on it here and it sounds like no matter what, it is treatable. We thought in the beginning that Finn might have something like that causing neuro problems because of the walking, the weakness and his incontinence (which we still experience now though it's not extreme). Te specialist said he didn't move like a neuro dog but he may have a deformity inside causing him to dribble. :(

Did you talk to the breeder? I wonder if any of the other pups are experiencing anything like this.
At 5:57pm on April 13, 2010, Alice said…
That would be really fun to see!

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