Zach and Lisa


Louisville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Chesterfield, IN
About Me:
I am a recent graduate of Purdue University. Lisa and I live in Louisville, KY and we currently have 2 corgi's, Midas and Dozer.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Midas, born on May 24, 2008, is our first Corgi who made us fall in love with the breed. He is sable colored. Midas is a goofball who loves to play fetch and tug but will also cozy up with you as well. Sometimes he gets a little excited with his Corgi kisses and will leap all over you with joy. So beware, he is a kisser!

Dozer is our newest addition. He was born on March 30, 2010. He is a furball!!! He loves to play with Midas with ropes, still working on fetch. He definitely has a gator chomp! Dozer is a Black Headed Tri.
I have:

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  • Jon & Tyshia

    I'm IE and Tyshia's biology. Jellybean seems to be getting a little tiny bit more active as she adjusts to us. She still has to take a break partway up the stairs though. :D
  • Mattie, Dooley, and Duncan

    I love your avatar...did you create that yourselves? Very cute! Midas is really cute....he looks a lot like Dooley in some of his pics....also he has ticking on his tum :)
  • Jon & Tyshia

    Just let us know when/where would be good for a corgi meetup. :)
  • Mike and Lisa

    It will be a heck of a drive but my brother was a purdue grad we would love to have you join us if all possible
  • Cristi

    Thanks for the congratulations on the photo contest that Beezie won. She is all grown up now--well almost--she is 9 1/2 months old. Midas is very cute too! I see you live in Lafayette, IN. That is where I grew up. I don't come across many people from there.
  • Jo Ann Farmer

    Well we have 4 males right now if you want one sooner. Just give me an email and we can talk more.
  • Sam Tsang

    Sweet! The corgis are taking over the world :) Thanks for sharing!
  • Barn

    Thanks. He was given to my fiance's parents, who also have a corgi, by a family who found him lost and hurt. They kept him until he was healthy again, and then gave him to us.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Puppy kisses and stump wags from Edward and Gem!! we really like your profile pic and page!!!
  • Michelle and Vesper

    Hi, thanks for the welcome! Vesper is named after Vesper Lynd, the Casino Royale "Bond girl." Strangely enough, I finally joined mycorgi BECAUSE of the September meet-up. I met Sara (mom to Keenan and Anna) earlier this summer, and she told me about the site. We'll be there!
  • Kelley

    Thank for the welcome. And the wonderful compliment. New pictures of Logan will be up soon. :)
  • Chris and Andrew

    Thank you for the welcome, Zach and Lisa. See you at the picnic :-)
  • Samantha

    Oh my gosh Midas is adorable! He reminds me of Cooper so much! Cooper tears apart all the stuffed animals we give him too!
  • Sunni A.

    Hey! Where can I order these antlers online? I don't want to end up going to the wrong site and buying fakes or something...
  • Sunni A.

  • Kelly

    Hope you can make the picnic so Midas and Gibson can resume their wrestling match! :)
  • Kelly

    Here is Midas's glamour shot from yesterday :)

  • Chris and Andrew

    Nice meeting you yesterday. Midas was a good wrestling partner for Jeter. He seemed to enjoy being with Midas a lot. Hope we can meet again in the future so our corgis will have rematch :-)
  • Chris and Andrew

    Zach and Lisa, here's 2 pictures of Midas and Jeter :-)

  • Beauty and the Beast

    Hi Lisa, here's to your comment on tail docking.
    How did you manage not to chop that woman's ear off after hearing such a horror?
  • Kelly

    That is my site :) haha, I actually made one of those w/a corgi on it for my corgi store. I made the dachshund one sooo long ago!
  • Brad & Whitney Wilson

    she is just about 10 months old! still a little spitfire
  • Kelly

    They are just online.. just kind of a side hobby of mine (although I used to do it full time). I work at a design studio during the day :)
  • Beverly Phillips

    You asked if Cinder ever herded. The answer is no. By the time I rescued her, we had already quit dairying. We currently have no livestock other than the barn cats which Cinder is after in a flash if they are near the back door. It is funny. I feed them on the front porch and when I open the front door, Cinder just watches them intently but does not go after them. I find this amazing considering how she goes after them at the other door.
  • Sam and Finley

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome!! Bleu (aka Finley now! I was a bit excited to make a mycorgi page I didn't wait for the name debate to settle :) She's about 9-9.5 weeks old now! Midas is so cute-- and what a good name! All gold and white :)
  • Britney Piercy

    Are you going to have another Corgi meetup in Indiana soon?
  • Kelly

  • Kelly

    Aww that is wonderful! Glad I saw him :)
  • Britney Piercy

    I have never been to any kind of meetup, but i would MOST DEFINATELY come! I would have to bring my mom with me too!
  • Stephanie Johnson

    Thanks for the welcome! It's always great to hear from other hoosiers!! Midas is so adorable!!!
  • beth van tassel

    Thank you for your Hoosier welcome.
  • Christopher Hayward

    Sorry for the delay in response. Totally forgot about this site. Will have to get more loaded up.
  • cheryl rodriguez

    "Corgizilla" Would really like a sticker like that. Are they available? Very Fun. Your pup is a very handsome guy!
  • Luke Parker

    Burke is thrilled to have more snow! Within a few days of getting him there was a big snow. Now whenever it snows he's his happiest.
  • Katie and Yuki

    My stomach is practically in knots im so excited. But now the new problem is how are my cats going to cope?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Zack and Lisa, when will you be visiting? will you drive from IN or fly in? What kind of entertainment are you guys into? Tell me your ideal vacation and I'll see what i can suggest :)
  • Katie and Yuki

    I was thinking about Yuki but im still deciding about the long name. OMGOSH! I totally didnt know you lived in Indiana!!! Where did you get your corgi? it was chaos trying to find one in state.
  • Katie and Yuki

    yes it is my first corgi, im so nervous and excited I should have pics soon!
  • Katie and Yuki

    Believe it or not she was really good in the sleeping department (at first) I guess all the excitement really tired her out. Now shes demanding ever since we had her sleep on the bed with us she cannot stand to be on the floor.
  • Goober and Emily

    Did you ever get Midas' stair issue sorted out? My Ein WILL NOT do stairs! He may go up a few, but he won't go down if there is more than 4 for all of the treats in the world. He will sit at the top of the stairs and HOWL! It's actually pretty cute and not annoying since I live in a ranch style =]
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Lisa,

    Just wanted to say good luck with your move. Are you moving there for a new job?
  • Aj

    Just wondering, what color are the parents of your to-be puppy? I'm surprised to see a whole litter of black-headed tris!
  • Becky Ivey

    We go pick up Memphis on the 15th. We can hardly wait!
  • Ashley King

    Hey! His name's Oliver :)
  • Natalie P

    Thanks! Gus is almost one year old! My baby is growin up!
  • Murphy Brutus Heidorf

    Are you still looking for a tri corgi pup?
  • Tauna and Kota

    Midas is so handsome. I love all the pics. Your new puppy is adorable. Hope you have found something out about Louisville. I have never been there. Good luck with your move. I love puppies. They are so amazing.
  • Kelly

    Your new pup is so cute! Congrats :)
  • Jane Hughes

    Thanks for your kind words.
  • Murphy Brutus Heidorf

    Hi Zach and Lisa - Yes we were in Louisville. In the middle of a move from one house about three miles to the other....unbearable heat!!!