Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Greg Zaffuto

    My daughter-in-law Nicole called back after talking with the shelter. The corgi is not scheduled to be euthanized because she is purebred and housebroken. If she is not adopted over the weekend, Nicole will go evaluate her on Monday for her rescue organization to take her in. She should have a good chance to be adopted. GZ
  • Carol Rea

    Thank you for your friend request, I am glad to accept! Before I came to your page and read about Calvin, I thought I wanted to foster/rescue corgis, maybe take in a corgi for a deployed vet, but I cried when Calvin went to his forever home!! I now don't know if I could do what you do...I know that I can rescue, I have done that twice! Carol
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Ha ha! Calvin walked off with MY shoe last night.
  • Carol Rea

    Jane, thank you for asking about Lucky! He is doing well. He loves to go out and play ball again. We have a VERY steep driveway, and he was playing in the graveled parking area out front when the ball got away from him...he took off not realizing that he would not be able to stop - well, good thing our "soil" is like sand, he pulled into that like a runaway truck ramp! My husband had to carry him up, as it was too steep for him to come on his own. We have plans to make skis for it for the snow this winter!!
  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    thank you!! We still have a little ways to go to get all the nerve control back but I think Ollie will get there :)

    What gorgeous pups you had in your litter! Is there really anything better (or cuter!) than a corgi pup? I think not ;)
  • Carol Rea

    Jane, do I remember correctly that you thought that people might purchase dogs laugh with their tales boxes as a fund raiser? You know, I think if priced right, they could sell! We need to live closer together so we could brainstorm this! Carol
  • Carol Rea

    Hey! If my husband croaks, just kidding, I could come and run the doggie home, I am medically disabled and don't work. I cannot lift more than 10 pounds - we could find someone to help. My son once told me (he was 8 at the time) that when he got to be President I could come live in the White House and have all the dogs I wanted!!! We have 5 acres, but only about 1 acre is flat, fenced...not much yet, only as needed but talke of fencing more. Spouse says no more pets, he's no fun! I'll write about the box
  • Carol Rea

    Yeah, we would have too much fun! I love to cook and bake! I am a former dietitian, so have experience with food service - I am sure it crosses over to corgis! My husband's degrees are cooking and hotel restaurant management - but he's no fun!
  • Carol Rea

    thanks, Jane, somehow I knew you would be the one to answer! I wasn't sure about the abx cream. I haven't checked him yet this morning (it's early here) I have been too busy cleaning up after Lucky and writing to the wheelcorgi people to find out about incontinence pads and expressing urine UGH, but I think we are to that point with Luck. well, feeing time at the zoo...the cat is starting to stomp her feet, even though I know there is food in her bowl!
  • Marion Hebert

    Hi Jane....sorry it has been so long since I have contacted you.....Things have been a little busy here.....but did take time for a vacation in Northern Minnesota and enjoyed the beautiful weather, and the lakes. We had a family reunion there.....what a great time we all had. It has been so darned hot in the state of Virginia that our lawns are turning brown....Dogs and I stay in except for early morning and after dusk.....Just too hot to go out....Temps in the high 90's and low l00's....Thank heavens the humidity is not too bad. Sam and Merry find the pavement too hot for their little paws....so we try to stick to the grass when playing or walking....I even plan my trip for Starbucks Peppermint Chai when it is cool. Sam and Merry are happy though...they still get their meals and oh....those yummy bones....Hope you had a wonderful 4th...
  • Kitty Kirwin

    We had a great 4th of July. Gwenie had her music on & I petted her. Silly girl loves Bollywood, who knew. Your baby's are just so cute! Hope you all had fun too.
  • Marion Hebert

    Oh my gosh.....I remember the Minnesota mosquitos....We have them here too....but I think they have all burned up this summer along with the grass...We did not make it to Hibbing...but of course went through Duluth. Stayed at a beautiful private home on the lake near Giant's Ridge Ski, Golf and what have you resort. Weather perfect.....No mosquitoes.....I really knew then how much I miss Minnesota and the lakes. Could go back there in a heartbeat....at least in the spring, summer, and fall....Winter? Not too sure.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Jane, love your new pics. I'm confused is Sage one of the pups that didn't sell and you decided to keep her?? What about Calvin?
  • Carol Rea

    thanx for asking! Still red, no puss, keeping collar off & site clean - letting granddaughter help, Sonny has taken a real liking to her. By the way, have been so busy with Savannah I forgot to check on Bella - how is she doing? Can the vet do anything about getting the collar off the market? (or maybe we should all write letters? My spouse loves to "jump on desks"
  • Carol Rea

    We have two! Savannah is our youngest at 9, Marcus is 12 and comes later. Marcus is the I can do it all and do it best kid, so we opted to have them seperately to give Savannah a chance to shine - go figure, she WANTS to mow the field with the riding mower! YEAH. Mike will give her a "pre-test" as her dad doesn't let her ride at home. How is Bella doing today?
  • Roger/Laurie

    We are southeast of Rockwell about 90 minutes. If you look on a map we are in Seven Lakes. When are you thinking about taking this vacation? We are in town until middle of August. Consider us a vacation stop!!
  • Roger/Laurie

    Rockwell is very close to Charolotte so your 20 hours is probably close. We live in a forest with "free" (really) fishing, boating, horseback riding and golf (if you play). Our area is known for its pottery with over 100 potters. If you have time you could spend a few days here and have a great mini vacation. We leave for MI the middle of August so we are here and would love to have your company.
  • Beth & Dave Milthaler

    Thank you. I love your doggy door picture.
  • Beth & Dave Milthaler

    Your dogs are all adorable. I would love to have more than 2 corgis.
  • Ben and Louie

    thanks, I'm very excited to pick him up and take him home for the first time this Thursday. I was so dissapointed when I wasn't able to pick him up last thursday, but now i finally get to.
  • Amber and Kirby

    this is sam, our lab/weimeraner mix. she has lost some waight recently so this pic is a bit outdated :)
  • Carol Rea

    Jane! Are you having storms? My husband is usually at Oshkosh this week, not this yr, hears from work mates that it is a stormy mess! I know you aren't "next door" but thought of you. Carol
  • Hana

    Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • Carol Rea

    you have so many beautiful furbies, I hope they don't need to hide under the bed in the thunder and lightning! yrs ago, Odie and Lucky squirmed themselves under the bed in the trailor before we had our house here! Mike woke up from a nap and could not find them, then saw 2 noses peaking out from under! Now, I just have barky one and two in a storm. Oh, I saw a picture of one of Bella's pups!! Darling!
  • Carol Rea

    oh, Jane! you live in a zoo, so to speak!! I don't know how you do it. I thought I had it bad trying to rescue Lucky (with my one arm) who somehow got down the front hill (rocks) to the polebarn - how does a crippled dog do such a thing? He was seal walking down in the "pasture" when I found him - fence is still down from the septic fun, but I would have thought Sonny would escape, not Lucky!
  • Hana

    Hi, Jane! I have been working with Hana. Now she knows "sit" and "lay". She is a quick learner. We are planning to enroll her in puppy class next month. She is great. She loves shoes...she brings them to one side of the room to the other. It is fun to watch her.
  • Janet C. Bankston

    Thanks Jane. It took a while to get her in shape & acting like a pet. She has been a joy! Your pups are just too cute! : >
  • Kay and Eddie

    Hi Jane,

    Actually we got Eddie from a breeder in Zumbrota, MN. You're right, he looks a lot like yours!
  • Elaine

    It is so hot here! I never thought Puck liked the water because I've never been able to get him to go swimming. Well this year we took him to Lake Superior and he dove right in!! I couldn't believe it! I tried all last summer to get him to go in. It is just that HOT!
  • Lynne Cerny

    Hi Jane, I think I must be missing something because I can't find your comment.

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thank you so much!
  • Ella and Lily

    I'll repost it as soon as I get home. Very informative.
  • Ceri and upcoming

    Hi Jane, I just love your photo's, your dogs look very happy in them! With their tails waggin all the time!
  • Jacqualyn Sequeira

    Thanks so much, I'm really excited to be here
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Rafa is doing great. Lucy is enjoying him more each day. I'm going to have him neutered next week. Wish I did it a little sooner but I wanted to give him time to settle in first. He's just getting so much bigger each week & I assume the surgery would have been easier on him when he was smaller.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Great news. Our vet can "fix" Rafa tomorrow, a week early! No one will be happier than Lucy! haha.
    Thanks for your interest in Rafa. I'll keep you posted. Of course I'm not capable of posting a post-surgery photo like Doug (and Gromit). All I hope is for an easy surgery and recovery for my baby boy.

    Thanks again Jane for your concern. xoxo W, L & R
  • Carol Rea

    Well! He did a very good job of it, some were 1/2 gone!! He is staying out until it all passes.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks for asking about Rafa's surgery. Couldn't have gone smoother. He was ready to frap a few hours after the surgery. He didn't need that collar (cone?). It was like nothing happened. Yay. I was so relieved. Lucy will be relieved, too. ; ) He was starting to "bother" her. Hope all's well with you!
  • Roger/Laurie

    All girls so far!!! Hope all is going well, can't wait to see them
  • Carol Rea

    Are you accepting congratulations? 7 total, good job Livvy!
  • WhiteDove

    By all means, would love to help you with your page when you're ready. . . .Love the Corgis Rule Chest. . . .and your Beware! Guard Welsh Corgi on Duty sign. . . .lol
  • Chris

    Beautiful puppies, Livvy & Wynn!
  • Teresa

    I find it real helpful.
  • Roger/Laurie

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Chepstow also has a "ball" obsession. When Tenby wants to bug him, he will lay on Chepstow's ball. Chepstow whines until we get it from under Tenby.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Jane, thank you so much for your kind words :) Here's to 3 more years!
  • Carol Rea

    Forgot to tell you the other day that I love your beware of guard dog sign! I don't think I have ever seen one like it! Of course, at our house, the last time we had deer on the porch, it was the cat who woke us up, the corgis slept through it!!! go figure.
  • Tammy Shreve

    Some people might think its to much...but everyone complements each other and with my husband gone so much I am alone all the time so they keep me from being lonely
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Jane!
    Sidney, I think, is getting tired of being confined. Oy, it's going to be a looong two weeks. I take this as a good sign, that that deep grinding pain in his hip is gone and he's dealing with the fading surgical pain now. He's going great in going outside to potty, though when he motors it's still on three legs. When he walks slowly (almost never) or stands, he's starting to put the foot down. He loves it when I take the procollar off, sit on the floor with him and give him a good long scratch around the collar area.
  • Hana

    Hana had her 18 weeks check up the other day and she is 16+lbs. She is growing!
  • Elizabeth

    Yes, I'm a reader; not always a follower, but, I believe it's a great source of information, especially where diet is concerned. :)