

Oklahoma City, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Oklahoma City
About Me:
I'm a pet owner who has loved Corgis for a long time.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a 9 month old Pem named Rufus who was originally bought to be my daughter's. Graduate school intervened, and he's going to be ours semi-permanently now. We just added a little boy named Ffionn (pronounced Finn - I had to find a Welsh spelling for the name I liked) to our family from McDaniel Quarterhorses (Wyldrose Corgis) in Texas. Ffionn and Rufus have progressed from abject fear on Ffionn's part when Rufus came near to tug of war buddies. Rufus has tried vainly to get Ffionn to play chase, his favorite game, but I think we'll get there. We recently lost Chloe, our 3 year old, to lymphoma.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Betts and Chloe!
  • Edward and Gemima


  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jane Christensen

    Welcome Betts and Chloe!

  • Betts

    Thank you all! I will try to get a picture of Chloe up soon. And hopefully will have one of little Rufus in a month or so after he is born.
  • Buddy & Wynstan

    Wynstan is 10 months old. Saying that made me realize how fast the time is going by
  • Wind Dial

    I have, seen you posted in siblings. You likely to find lots of half siblings but Rufus only has 1 full sibling and she was a girl. There were only two in the litter. Rufus' mom had some difficulties delivering her pups that I think would have been perpetual issue's for her so she was spayed. But Jon, his dad is a fairly well known sire and has children scattered about the country.
  • Wind Dial

    She is in a pet only home now.
  • georgeine jo coffin

    They are wonderful!
  • Carol Rea

    Wishing you the best, it is so hard on these "anniversaries" Carol, Lucky and Sonny
  • mel g

    Red Ribbon
  • Lisa & Tia

    such an adorable puppy. I think Corgi pups are the cutest.
  • Molly and Isabella

    Betts...Day after tomorrow, day after TOMORROW! Whoo Hoo! I'm so excited for you!!!
  • Molly and Isabella

    Have fun! Here's to a peaceful ride home and a warm, comfy night!
    P.S. Litter of 9! Wow. I feel bad when the pups have to leave their siblings. I have to remind myself that they all DO adjust!