

San Jose, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm an Executive Assistant for a software company in the bay area. Love to spend time outdoors, hiking, biking and just simply walking. Love to spend time at the beach and playing canasta with the gal pals!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I've been a Corgi mom since I rescued my first Corgi Tara, in March 1992, when we believed her age to be 2. Tara lived to the wonderful age of 18 and then went where we know all dogs go, heaven of course. In November 2006 my long haired (fluffy) Corgi Sadie (then 8 weeks old) came home to live with me and my then 1 year old Maltese - my first Corgi puppy! I adore her!!! She is my baby girl and she is beautiful.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Linda and Sadie!
  • WhiteDove

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    welcome to my corgi!!!:)
  • Molly and Isabella

    Hi Linda! Thanks! Yes, it was love at first site. She is so spunky and fun! We got her from Ann Marie Buonanno and Vicky Lubarsky (Brnayr) in Livermore, CA. Her brother was a total sweety, too. Very cute. Almost wish we had room for 2! All of their dogs and pups were outstanding.