

Tulsa, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Tulsa, OK
About Me:
Hi, my name is Chris. I got my first Corgi 10 years ago after I lost my last Australian Shepherd. Wouldn't trade her for the world.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Whisper, you have to understand is not a d-o-g but a PRINCESS and she's fully aware of her lot in life! She herds, goes to horseshows and has friends all across the country. She likes to talk on the phone and visit with everyone. She's never met a stanger unless your a d-o-g.
I have:

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  • Worthington Natalia

    Thank you, Chris, for the B-Day wishes!
  • Bev Levy

    Oh, thats funny! At least she looks happy in it.
  • MaryAlice Musante

    Thank you, thank you!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thank you for the ice cream advice,,I'll for surely ck, this out,,:o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    Chris ,,Whispers is so sweet..Love your pic's,,The one going to get a bath with that hat on is too funny,,,~tina` and Cooper
  • Tippy's mom

    Hey nice to meet you! You have a very sweet looking corgi! Love the pics!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Your welcome and all i can say is thank god for digital cameras with memory card's that hold's 1000 pics lol,, He is a good boy though i just have to wear him out,,frisbee for 10 hour's usualy
    dose it :o) ~tina~
  • Tina and Cooper

    Ohh and lots of editing tools too :o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    Have a wonderful week end,,Cool temp's coming to Missouri for the week end,,wow cant wait :o)
  • Carol & Ein & Widget

    thank you for the friend invite! Ein can understand spelled words, such as w-a-l-k...c-a-t...f-o-x..and p-a-r-k...took him all of 2 weeks to get the w-a-l-k spelling down....made me reach for the thesaurus for stroll, gamble ect.
  • Tabitha Sparks

    very cute photos
  • Jessica and Zero

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  • Melissa S.

    aww thank for the bday wishes :) hope all is well for you!
  • kj

    Hey Thanks so much! August just kinda snuck up on I am surprised by my own birthday. :)
  • Annette arnold

    thankyou very much
  • Edward and Gemima

    Chris, they do look a lot alike!!!! I love Gem's stinky Corgi ears, I even left a verse on the song John started on the main page about her ears!!!LOL
  • Lil' Guinness

    Hi Chris! Guinness says hi! His b'day was yesterday and it was lots of fun!
  • Lewis & Bumblebee -BJ -

    Hi Chris! Thanks for your birthday wish~ Lovely ...Picture.
    so Pretty!
  • Richard L. Brooks

    Thank you very much!

  • Edward and Gemima

    Whisper we want to come play in your FOUNTAIN girl!!!!!! When we're done drinking and swimming we can chase a couple of those geese around, then we can grab some chow and have a nice nap!!! YA!!
  • Chester

    thanks for the birthday greeting!
  • Brandy Coleson

    thank you for the birthday wishes!
  • YogMonster

    Thank you very much!
  • Charles Cutshaw

    Thanks for the BD wishes! NOthing special other than my favorite chicken cordon bleu and champagne!
  • Crystal,Dixie and Harlan

    Thank you for the Birthday wish! Whisper is sooooo cute!
  • Karen and Hardy

    Thank you for the birthday wish (I'm just a little late to respond :p) Your corgi looks very sweet. The picture that you have of the black headed tri looks a lot like my guy!
  • Deanne Fitzgerald

    Thanks Chris for the Bday wish, looks like you are on top of those bday wishes.
  • Hilary MacFarlane

    Thank you!! :)
  • Deanne Fitzgerald

    Thank you!!
  • Merri Rene

    Thank you for the birthday wishes :-)
  • Uni

    Ha, Thank you =)
  • Julie Tummons

    Thank you for the birthday wish from our corgi freinds it's greatly appriciated.
  • Debbie Algieri & Bella Boo

    I love your photo...
  • Boo Buchheit

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the birthday greeting. Hope is all well.
  • Dooby

    Thanks for the birthday card, I like it!!! ^^
  • Linda

    Thanks for the B-day card. It was a welcome sight to wake up to today. Have a great one.
  • Corgibyassociation

    Thank you for the Bday card! I just logged in for the first time in a sorry for the late thank you.
  • Teresa Gilpin

    Thank you for the Birthday greetings. I understand about having a princess, I have one also. She is the best part of my day. She brings a smile to my heart. She is also spoiled rotten, but I would'nt have it any other way. Teresa, Winky and Blinky
  • Barbara

    Thank you very much!
  • kelly

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I just love your pictures!!!
  • Boothill

  • Michelle K. Silver

    Hi Chris! Sorry for not responding back since August 10th. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I have been so busy with work and school, but thankfully I'm fixing to graduate this May...YAY!! Good to meet u via Internet. Greetings from the Navajo Nation in northeastern Arizona!!
  • Codie Bear

    a little bit of a late response, havent been on in a while. thank you for the birthday wishes for our little codie!
  • Marion and Vern

    Thank you so much for the invite. Would write more but hubby is cutting the roast. Will write more later. You have a precious baby!
  • Michelle

    I share this sory with you because I know that you will appreciate. My Husband is an AG teacher and we were attending the Alabama State Livestock Show. We had made our reservation with the understanding that the Hotel accepted pets...not. There were security cameras so our girl had to be smuggled into the hotel under a coat...Our princess was quite offended. She had to hang out all day at the livestock barn.

    We had to give her LOTS of cookies for our smuggling transgrassions! LOL
  • Jane Christensen

    Awwww! Cute pics! we have an Aussie too(was my daughters) and he thinks he's a corgi! I only want my females to have 1 litter a year but the cat door from the house into the garage got the wooden panel knocked out so this is an oops! I just would rather have spring babies! But...I can't do anything about this one. Next time there will be 2 doors inbetween!
  • Michelle

    Great to know. We stayed at a Motel 6 and was a very pleasant suprise. Like you said it was not the most fancy schmancy but was clean and come to think of it our girl was with us! Did not know that it was a corportate policy related to doggies! ^,,^
  • Jane Christensen

    Livvy and Wynn say "thanks" they love their little ones!
  • Joe and Quila the Corgi

    Hello New Friends!

    Whisper is absolutely adorable!!!
    She's certainly quite the PRINCESS...

    I hope to see more pix in the near future...
    Thanks for sharing! ^___^