Boots and Superstar!

40, Female

Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Comerio, Puerto Rico
About Me:
I am a proud mommy from a red/white corgi named Superstar and a Black-Headed Tri corgi named Boots. They are so adorable and I cant wait to see them grow. I attend UCF for Biology and I would like to travel around the world with my friends!!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Superstar and Bootsy are the best doggies in the world!!!!!


I have:

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  • JH

    That's too bad. I know Lee had 1 litter of red/white boys a couple weeks ago and was supposed to have 2 more litters by now, but it looks like you got a good one anyway :)
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Alley: he is SO ADORABLE .. what a couple couple they will make. He Does look just like Gizzy when he was a baby. Nice symetrical markings. Give them a kiss.
  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Where are more pictures??
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    I think there were about 10 corgis total at this one. I just posted some pics on my blog. Check it out!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Awww, that's too bad :( Stanley and Superstar will have to celebrate together some other time.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Happy Birthday Superstar!! Party like a rock star!!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Yay, I'm glad you're coming to the next meetup! We can celebrate your b-day and Superstar's belated bday!
  • Fidencia Bonilla

    hola! aca en Puerto Rico no tenemos ni un solo amiguito Corgi :-(
    aunque Juno no es timida y hace amistades con todo tipo de perritos.
    Es un pequeño huracán mi nena! Cumple 11 meses el 20 de octubre y no le tiene miedo a nada! ( Entiendo que piensa que es una Gran Danés)
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Lucky you. I bet PA is beautiful right now. Well, at the very least, please tell me you're going to the Corgi picnic?!?!?
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi, glad you are feeling better!
  • Angela

    Happy Birthday!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a great one!! :)
  • Deanna

  • Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

    Happy Birthday!
  • Chris

  • harlin

    Happy Birthday
  • Shana

    Happy Birthday!
  • Edward and Gemima

    GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    I know!! We can't wait! It's gonna be corgi overload!!
  • Alice

    I'm much better, thank you for asking. :)

    I did see New Moon on Wednesday. I liked it. It followed the book really well. It's always nice seeing a movie after reading the book. My husband went too and laughed through most of it which was distracting. I feel like I need to see it again without him but I guess I'll wait until it's out on dvd.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hi there!! how is Boots? Post some pictures.. would love to see him.. How much does he weigh now? Hope our Thanksgiving was nice.. and your Christmas season is wonderful.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Alondra, how soon are you looking to board them? I may have a friend who might be able to help you.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hey Alondra. I tried to send a message but I guess that function is down right now. Anyways, just saw your post. I wish we could help but we wouldn't be able to take them for that long. We might be able to take Boots for a week here & there but we're traveling over the holidays. I take Stanley to East Orlando Animal Hospital for daycare. Their rates are fairly reasonable. Also, if you want me to send out a message to the meetup group, I could - some of them are on mycorgi but not all. What about Jacki? I know she takes care of them sometimes? Please let me know if I can help in any way....
  • Nicola Porter

    Hi Alondra

    We could look after Boots and SS, we live in Jacksonville. However long you need we'll take care of your darlings.
  • Nicola Porter

    Sorry Alondra that I didn't reply last night I fell asleep. Email is still down for me here. My email is Email me and we can talk about the particulars. Hope today looks brighter for you.
  • Nicola Porter

    No probs, just email me with the details.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Hey girl! The next one is on Jan 23 at the West Orange Park in Winter Garden. We'll be there at 3:30.
  • Pickles, Janelle & John

    Yeah! We're totally gonna go, super excited :)
  • Nicola Porter

    Boots and Superstar are very well behaved corgis, great job Alondra.
  • Nicola Porter

    Boots loves to hug.
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    lol thank you very much! and nothing is like a low rider! :D and you fur babys are so adorable that i wanna give them hugs and kisses lol
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    i think so. when i first went to he ladys house to pick him up he was an even brighter blue color. she said he might stay that color or he might turn black. i kinda hope he stays that color lol
  • Fidencia Bonilla

    Hola! Aca soy la humana de Juno, una fabulosa Corgi sable! Es un dinamo! Siempre esta metiendose en problemas! Es comelona, juguetona y...sinverguenzona! en fin la AMO! Lallevaba mucho al Pet PArk de Condado, al final de la Luchetti, y aun damos la vuelta aunque ya lo han descuidado muchisimo, lo lindo de alli es que una la puede dejar suelta y ella es excelente en agilidad, hace todos los obstaculos desde pequenita, tengo un video en mi pagina! En fin, que lindo saber que ya tiene dos amiguitos cerca!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Really? Hahaha! That's awesome! Stanley didn't start that till he was about 10 months old...
  • DR, Nala & Simon

    Oopps! Sorry for answering so late! Yes I close to the Disney area. Of course we can plan for a playdate. I hope I can finally make it to another of the corgi meetups next month.
  • Priscilla Alba

    OMG ur doggies are soooo cute.... i'm dying for a tri-color one!
  • Mike and Penny

    what up, chica?! It's nice to meet the babies!
  • Priscilla Alba

    I have family & friends in Florida so I may have to go down there to buy my next one - $350 is a steal, I paid $550 for Jerry which was also a bargain. The last one I tried to buy was $800!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Are you coming to the playdate on Sunday???
  • Nicola Porter

    Hey Alondra, hope u and the puppas are doing well.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    That sucks. Sorry to hear that. I'll definitely keep you posted about the next meetup! Give Boots & Superstar a hug for me!
  • Mike and Penny

    aww you're not with us anymore? That's ok, we can still have a playdate or 3. : ) gimme a holla 407-446-7237.
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Gotta figure it out, I"m thinking May 22nd.....
  • ♥ Kobi, Angel Kazi & Kiya♥

    Thank you for the welcome :)
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Oh yeah, sorry I did see your comment. I put you on the list. Now you HAVE to come :) Don't forget to fax off SS's shot records! Let me know if you have any questions!
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Sure, Bootsie can come too as long as you send in the paperwork. I had a feeling you might ask since I saw you were gonna be doggy sitting ;)
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Happy Birthday Superstar! You don't look a day over 23 (months). :)
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    Thank you for the comments on my photos:) teddy sure does get a lot of attention where ever he goes lol
  • Annemarie Kaufman

    Red Ribbon
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!