Emily & Willow

40, Female

Spokane, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Spokane WA
About Me:
Willow is my first corgi and she has made me a huge fan. We are excited to have this wonderful dog in our lives.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Willow is a 1 year old Cardigan. She loves running, cuddling, chasing her tail, meeting new people, and learning tricks.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Gail and Ashton

    Welcome to the site! Ashton and I make frequent trips to Spokane for doggie events and the SCRAPS dog park. We would love to meet other corgis and hope someday our paths can cross. Take care!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Alice

    Welcome! Where is Willow from?
  • Alice

    Well she's a cutie. :)
  • christy fry

    welcome to my corgi !!
  • Michelle

    Welcome from a fellow Cardie Lover! She certainly tolerated her antlers better than my two.......!! ^-^
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Emily and Willow!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi and welcome!!

  • Michelle Anderson

    Welcome!! Where did you find your Cardigan? She is gorgeous! I too am adopting a brindle/black and white Cardigan this month! It took a year to find a breeder after my Samantha passed away! I feel like I never see Corgis in Spokane! Did you find someone in Spokane that was breeding? Welcome to you and your pup!
  • Michelle Anderson

    I was able to find a breeder in Pullman! It looks like I will be getting my little guy next weekend! The breeder had a litter of 6 male pups! I am really excited!
  • Michelle Anderson

    Well that is good to know that someone else has had a pup from there! I am excited, but nervous too, haven't had a pup in 12 years! I have forgotten what it is like! I think I will be better prepared this time, or at least that is what I tell myself!
  • Oliver and Libby

    Wow, that is funny. We're at Comstock at least once a day, but the time really varies. Did you get Willow in Seattle? When I got Oliver, I was looking at some black and white corgis from a breeder in Seattle as well. These next two weekends are a bit busy for me, but maybe we can get them together soon for some play time and a picture. They would look so cute together. :) I'll look for you when we're making the rounds at Comstock.
  • Oliver and Libby

    Sounds good! I think we may have seen Willow a couple of times out on a walk/run while we were driving by. I saw a Cardi walking about a week ago w/ a black dog. If it isn't you, we must have another living close by. This one was on the corner of 33rd and Bernard.

    We could meet Monday's or Friday's anytime. Maybe at the big open area w/ the baseball diamonds at Comstock? Let me know what works for you.

  • Oliver and Libby

    Sure, do you want to meet right when you get back, or a bit later? We're flexible that day, so you pick the time that works best for you.
  • Oliver and Libby

    4:00 works for us. Looking forward to meetig you and Willow. I have two dogs, so we'll bring Rosco too. he is a friendly little border collie mix.
  • Oliver and Libby

    Thanks for meeting us today! Hopefully we can try it again sometime. I can even leave Rosco home if Willow would prefer not to see him. :)

  • Oliver and Libby

    Hi Emily,
    I'll be home tomorrow if you and Willow would like to meet up before the rainy weather arrives. Let us know.
  • Oliver and Libby

    Sure, we'll see you at Comstock--5:15.
  • Oliver and Libby

    That's funny! I'm glad she likes it! Rosco and Oliver have been on a toy destroying kick the last week or so. I've been picking up piles of fuzz every day. If you guys are around this weekend, we could meet you at the park. Max had his last soccer game last weekend, so we don't have anything scheduled. ~Rachel
  • Oliver and Libby

    We should be. When it gets closer, let me know what time works for you.