Dara and Gracie


Lawrenceville, GA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Adopted a 9 week old fluffy Pembroke Corgi on May 10 (Mother's Day). Was owned a 15 1/2 year old Corgi-mix for over 15 years until she went to the Rainbow Bridge on April 28. We found a breeder and got Gracie. She was born on March 5, 2009. She keeps us laughing all of the time. My husband and I don't have kids so we feel that Gracie is our baby. If we survive puppyhood, we hope to adopt a baby Corgi brother in another year or so. It is a challenge having a puppy after all of these years with an adult dog!

Update: Gracie is growing into a wonderful dog. She has calmed down a lot. She is still a bit mischievous but we love her to death. We're hoping to get her a brother puppy later this year!

Update: We brought in another fluffy Corgi pup on Father's Day of this year. His name is Dyson. He and Gracie get along great. It is wonderful having two now!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gracie - Fluffy, but beautiful Pembroke, Dyson - Fluffy, Born 3/28/2010
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Dara and Gracie! I can't wait to see pictures of her.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Geri & Sidney

    HI Dara! There are so many things corgis love to do, it's hard to choose. We were going to try agility, but there was such a waiting list that we went into therapy dog training instead. IF he passes his test tonight he'll be an official Therapy dog in training, and after 10 hours observed visits he'll be fully certified! We've also had him instinct-tested for sheepherding and he was a natural. There are also things like flyball and lure...so much! Have fun checking it all out and be sure to let us know what Gracie chooses :-)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Most places will give you a free intro session so you can see what your pup has aptitiude for. That's a good way to go! Also look sfor clips here or on youtube so you can see examples and know if it's something YOU want to do.
    CGC is a great thing to get! Sidney got his last October.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the sweet comments on Lance. : ) Sorry to hear about your corgi mix. Your Gracie is beautiful, love fluffies, they are so adorable!
  • Marion and Vern

    I'm very sorry to hear about your corgi-mix. Gracie is just unreal, she is sooooo cute! Can't wait to see more pictures. Those eyes look so loving.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    This is a seriously fluffy bunny pup!!!
    Super cute!
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Your Gracie does remind me of Twinkie when we first got her. She even has a little beauty mark on her nose like Twinks. Are you going to Puppy Class at Petsmart? We went there too and our trainer, Deb, couldn't help but laugh everytime she looked our way. If she is your trainer, tell her that you know us. Keep us updated on what Gracie's up to. I have been trying to plan a playdate with a fluffy owner from Suwannee. Maybe we all could get together.
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    I have joined the Georgia Corgi group. We haven't done anything but there is talk of some future outings. Maybe you could join too?
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    The Georgia Corgi group is just one here on mycorgi.com. Another place I think one would meet more corgi owners from the area is Canine Capers. I checked their website after I started to talk to Victoria from the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Greater Atlanta. Canine Capers is a facility for Agility training. Its sounds like she is pretty involved there. Twinkie is pretty socialized but lacking in good obidience training. She went though the Petsmart class and a class at the Lawrenceville Kennel Club and she still won't come when she is called! I'll be curious what your trainer says about their hard little heads. I swear Twinkie will look away from me when I am talking to her just to dis me! :)
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Oh, you found the Georgia Corgis. Great!
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Twinkie had her first birthday on April 26th! It was this time last year we were planning our trip to pick up her up. She is from Kansas (where my mom lives) so my mom met our family in St. Louis. Best road trip ever!! I'm sorry to hear your class was cancelled. Have you looked at the Lawrenceville Kennel Club site? They have a puppy class that ran while we were there for intermediate obedience. It looked like they covered a lot of things that would have been helpful with the Twink-ster, like not rushing out an open door and not jumping on people. Its not too expensive either, I thought. I do not currently work outside the home but I do have more open evenings now that school is out. I have kids 13 and 11. Twinkie is our THIRD dog!! Our oldest will be 14 this summer and we didn't want a new puppy to come only because we lost our big guy, Hoover. We would love to play with a new fluff some time. They are the cutest of the cute!!
  • Evelyn Kay

    Hi there! THank you for your sweet message! Yes, I too am Corgi crazy :) We just have one and she's spoiled rotten. Bailey is almost five and pretty much used to having the run of the house. If my husband had his way, we'd have a whole fleet of Corgis! Glad to hear that you're a Kicks listener! And yes, I am expecting...in two weeks, as a matter of fact! Hard to believe it's almost here. It will be yet another adjustment for our Corgi to go through but we're hoping she'll cooperate and be very welcoming to a new family member. One of the many wonderful things about Corgis is that they absolutely love children so we're hoping this will turn out to be a great friendship between her and our baby boy :) So exciting that you've got a Corgi puppy of your own! You will have the greatest time!! :)
  • Victoria

    Hey Dara-I hve just joined-did not know about this siet-but its great-I have a fluffy also and we go to agility at Canine Capers-we have been going for over a year with my 2 corgi's-they hve great teachers and night classes if you need that-you can go there and observe a class to see how you like it-we have done several trials-Victoria
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    We just planned a playdate for Thursday morning with Victoria and her two Pems in Suwannee. I think you said you work outside the house but I was wondering if you have some flexibility and might be able to join us? If not, Twinks and I would still like to meet you and little Gracie.
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Absolutely! It would be so much fun. I was a little worried about Gracie with three big Pems. We will try to plan another time to meet up. Have a great day! Cindi
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Thanks! They are fun but work too! Pengu is a very strong willed razor toothed snuggle bunny! Has Gracie learned any commands yet?
  • Kimberly

    Thanks! I love your little fluffball, such a cutie! Her little face looks just like a little teddy bear. I would definitly have trouble saying no to that face looking up at me. Good luck with her!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Cindi & Twinkie

    How did puppy class go?
  • Mary & Mr Bill

    She is really a beauty! Gotta say I love the fluffy look!
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Oh, I hadn't seen the new pictures. She's so cute! I know for a fact cute does not equal good. We've learned the hard way. Twinkie was spayed at about six months. She did just fine with the surgery. She had a quick recovery and didn't need all of the pain meds. As for getting a brother for her, we have a waaayy older male here and she still tries to run the show. We have had the hardest time with her growling about food and treats. She spends a lot of time in Time Out with her stuff taken away. My mother (a breeder) suggested hand feeding her but the "Giveth & Taketh Away" method seems to be working pretty well. I will say that Twinkie is so much better now that she is getting a walk everyday. Her attitude and mischeif making are much mor in check now. Talk to you soon, Cindi
  • JW

    Gracie is beautiful! I love her markings! And of course I'm partial to Fluffs!!! :)
  • Carmen

    Gracie is adorable! Love the fluffy coat.
  • Bill Gotthelf

    WOW she is a little fluff ball Welcome to "Found by a Fluff"
  • Melanie Stage

    All my dogs are microchipped I only am charged 30 thats way out of line call your local humane society they can give you other numbers or do it for good rate. I wait till the dog is a little bigger so the chip is in right location
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Thank you for the kind words on Shockoe! Gracie is adorable too! =D So cute and fluffy!
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Gracie must be changing so fast! I wish Twinkie was still the little fluff ball we brought home last year. We had a lot of fun in Kansas with some of Twinkie's cousins. I'll get around to posting some pics soon. Do you have a busy weekend planned? We have a open weekend if you have some time.
  • Dolores G. Russell

    Precious pictures.
  • Dolores G. Russell

    For years I feed Nutro Natural Lamb & Rice & they had done well, but since Jimmy had been on chicken I gave him Drs Foster & Smith chicken & turkey. the food is delivered to the house, however if the time comes that my friend stops feeding it too (we order together) I'll try the Nutro lamb & rise, never had a gas problem with either one....Dolores & Jimmy
  • Dolores G. Russell

    Thank you for the compliment, Jimmy is a sweetie. I might be getting a blue bitch with blue eyes this weekend, hope they get along together.
  • Denise Jay

    hi hi! omg! gracie is too cute!!!!! Klaus gives waggy tail hellos! :)
  • Dolores G. Russell

    Dara, I ansured your questions & clicked to send, however I don't know where it went, I guess in cyber space. : (

    Dolores , Jimmy & Gemma
  • Nancy and Harley

    Thanks! Gracie is a little doll. I love the fluffies a little bit more than the regular coated Corgis. I guess I am biased...
  • Cheri

    You're going to have such fun with agility. It's SO addictive! We started a few years ago with our Pem and now we have a Cardi we're also doing agility with. We've met so many corgi's in the midwest who do agility. We have tons of fun. I put a video together of Dudley last April doing agility at Cardigan Welsh Corgi Nationals and then this year doing agility at Nationals. In 2008 he did 2, maybe 3 jumps and then got the zoomies. This year he qualified in 3 out of his 4 runs.

    Find more videos like this on MyCorgi.com
  • Cheri

    I wish it had been that easy teaching Dudley the dog walk and the A frame! It was nerve wracking! But you'd have to know my Dudley to be okay with this method. It would not have been a good thing to do with any other dog. But with my Dudley, it's the perfect method. He's a huge baby until you show him it's okay. For example he wouldn't jump up on the table because he thought it was too high. He'd try to scoot under it. Did the same thing with the tire. "it's too high! it's too high!" We lowered it down one jump height had him go through a couple of times, raised it up when he wasn't looking, sent him through again, he's fine. Hasn't had a problem since. So on the A frame, he's a slinky dogs. He's creeping up to it, sidling away, has his ears down and just wants to get away. I get on one side, the instructor is on the other we take a running start and hold firmly to his leash and make him climb up and over. He did NOT want to do it. But we go back and get in line for our next turn. This time I just lightly hold the leash and he runs up and climbs over. When it's his turn to go over it the third time I am taking his leash off and having to hold him back because he's trying to run at it and barking at me to let go. I let go and he runs full speed and is up and over! Poof! A frame learning is done! On to the dog walk.

    My instructor gets on one side of him, I'm on the other, I've got his leash and we force him to walk up the ramp and over the walk. He's digging in with his paws and leaning on me so hard that he's about to knock me off my feet! We struggle with him but finally get him all the way across. Whew! Back in line for turn number 2. I lightly hold the leash and he trots up the ramp and trots across and down. Back in line for turn number 3 off leash. Again I'm having to hold his collar to prevent him from taking off before the dog in front of us is off the ramp! He runs across at top speed! Silly boy! In about 10 minutes he's gone from being terrified and scared to "oh yeah, I got this! No problem!" That's my Dudley. If you just make him do it once and he finds out it's fine, he's good to go.
  • Mim

    Gracie is beautiful! She has such a feminine face and a great smile.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thank you. Gracie is a doll.
  • Kari & Jackson

    Aw thanks for your comments :) :) I can't wait to make it through this puppydom stage. Gracie is so cute!!
  • Diane

    Red Ribbon
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Welcome to Corgi's remembered. I hope to post photos of my 2 Sua Mah girls. They were way before digital cameras so I've got to dig through the old photos and scan them. But, I hope to get around to it soon. By the way, I had a corgi named Dylan, if you're still looking for D names for a boy.
  • Robyn

    haha it isn't easy sometimes, but since i don't work it's easier to train them. they can b little terrors but at the end of the day i know they r good girls. i have to spend alot of one on one time with them. ur babies are sooooo cute
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Your girlz are adorable. Sounds like you're having sooo much fun with them. Love the santa photos!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Lucy is finally starting to love her baby bro. They've been chasing each other around and puppy fighting for hours. It's sooo cute. I'm so pleased.
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Gracie has a brother? That is wonderful! I hope little Dyson is fitting in well. I have been off the site for so long, I feel really out of the loop. I had a note from another local (Victoria) about getting together. Maybe we can meet when/if the weather gets cooler. I look forward into seeing what a pretty little lady Gracie has become. Cindi
  • Brigitte Campanaro

    Would be great to get a group of cori's together for a play day/picnic. I see a lot of other cities that have big Corgi meetups and it makes me want to get something together for the Atlanta area corgi's.
  • Cindi & Twinkie

    Dara, are you bringing the gang to the Canine Ranch? I didn't see that you had RSVP'd. Looking forward to seeing more of you all.