Samantha, Daxter and Seeka!

36, Female

Golden, Colorado

United States

Profile Information:

Littleton, Colorado
About Me:
I have two dogs, one of which is a 4 year old male Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Daxter. My other dog is a 5 year old husky/golden retriever mix named Seeka.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have one male Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Daxter. He is my first corgi and I, and my other dog, Seeka, love him! He's not really the brightest crayon in the box, but that's okay, we're working on it. He know's how to sit, say "please", lay down, wait, beg, roll over, and give high fives.....that's pretty much it for now.
baby growth

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Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Samantha and Daxter!
  • Steve

    Welcome! Daxter is a handsome little guy! Cute picture of him and your other dog.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! where did you get Daxter from?
  • Samantha, Daxter and Seeka!

    I actually adopted him from the Denver Dumb Friends League...i definitely lucked out when i found him!!!
  • Cheryl

    He is a cutie pie! Em's light bulb didn't come on until she hit about 7 months old. We almost flunked out of puppy preschool! LOL! ;)
  • Karen

    OUTSTANDING photos!!!
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Ha! Cool! I sure do. I really like it except that right now we've taken in a whole bunch of dogs and employees from the DIA camp, so it's a real nightmare with the overcrowding and the clashing of opinions... Also, the pay is not so great, because our previous camp owner almost ran us into the ground so the employees suffer for it. Oh well. Wow, Golden is really close too!
  • Ginny and Diggory

    They usually just do the meet once a month. It's kind of a new group, but it's fun. You can sign up on and look for the group called Littleton Corgi meetup. The next one is going to be on 3/7 at Wynetka park off of Bowles. I think it actually went a little better at the smaller doggy park because we were able to all stay together. The meetup at the reservoir was fun, but it was hard to keep all the pups in the same area.
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Well, since there are SOOOOO many dogs there right now, I don't take him very often anymore. With that many dogs, and with a bunch of bigger dogs jumping all over him and in his face, he gets really stressed out (yeah, bigger dogs in the SMALL DOG YARD, another clash of opinions). I usually wait for a sunday afternoon now, when we're not doing daycare and some of the dogs have been picked up from boarding. That way he's not there for a huge amount of time and there are far less dogs.
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday!
  • Quincy ^,,^ & Michelle : )

    Daxter is just too cute! Great pictures!!
  • Linsey & Grissom

    Haha, thanks, I think he's pretty cute myself! A lot of his pictures are from when he had some pretty insane digestive problems but he's much better now and has put on a little weight, still a skinny guy, though!
  • Marianne Timko

    Hi Samantha,

    Yes, we remember you from Hobnob. I did not realize you are a Corgi owner. She looks just like our Brooke. I am so sorry to hear about her itching problem. Allergies. Our little Boston has the same problem. Sometimes it gets so bad she has large bumps all over her body. I give her a Benadryl which stops the itch. Other than that it comes and goes. Hard to believe it has been one year since Corgi's surgery. She is doing OK. Take care.

    Marianne and David
  • Amanda

    I love to find other Dax's. And another corgi Dax? Awesome. People ask me the same thing about his name.

    "What's his name?"
    "No, Dax."
    "DAX. D-A-X."

    I didn't realize it was such an uncommon name. Haha. Your boy is adorable by the way. I wish there were more corgi owners around Louisiana, Dax needs some playmates that are his size. :)
  • Cindy

    Thanks for taking a look at our site. Little know fact, we have good friends that live in the Littleton area. They travel to Iowa on a regular basis. Now I just need to find the time to head out their(your) way.
  • Steve

    How is Daxter with the itchies and how is he on the Only Natural products? I appreciate you posting the product link on the forum I posted about Steve's allergies. I looked through the website and liked what I read so I purchased some products. I hope we both find the itchy-busters for our boys.