Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon

58, Female

Hollywood, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Chicago- Northwest Suburbs
About Me:
I moved to South Florida in the fall of 2005. I manage an embroidery and silk screening company. I bought my first home in September 2008, and got my first Corgi in November 2008. Now I have another from the same breeder- Celeste. My family is still up in Chicago.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Nutmeg was born 9/14/08. Cinnamon 9/12/09. I found them online through http://celestialstarkennel.com/pages/Home.

I picked both up at the Corgi picnics, this year and last, where I was able to see a whole bunch of Corgi's at many stages of life.

Having Nutmeg who is the love of my life has really opened my eyes to the breed. I just had to get another for Nutty to play with. Cinnamon is going to be just great! Now we are complete....except for that man....hmmmm....
I have:

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  • A & P

    Thank you for your comments...glad people look. My dogs love the beach but we live about 45 miles away and wished we lived closer. I understand about having limited time, especially after a long week of working! :)
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    I was looking at Celeste's website and saw a pic of Cinny!!!
  • Ashley and Chloe

    Born in Schaumburg Memorial Hospital! We moved to Streamwood shortly after, but still stayed around the same region of IL. Quite a difference from IL to FL! Just waiting to finish my Masters and then we hope to move back (I can't take the heat here anymore).
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    new pics of them:) can't wait lol
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Cinny is adorable!
  • Nicola Porter

    Looking for my new bro/sis pair to join my home I came across cinnamon that is joining big sis Nutmeg. Sure enough it's you...YAY how lovely.
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Cinnamon is sooo tiny!!! What an adorable face!! Yay, Congratulations!
  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Hopefully! We have to check our schedules & funds. Ha Ha. I'd LOVE to see that many corgi's running around!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    LOL! I've been checking my phone every 5 min today...they are getting big!! Are you going to be at the 6 week meet up?
  • Jane Christensen

    Love your names!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    hey jacki, how are you feeling? i looooove pennsylvania! i love the extreme cold rather than this hot and humid weather....but thank you for wishing me a happy birthday!:)
  • Susan , Radar and Cooper

    Cinnamon is a cutie! She can take of herself with all those brothers!!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    I am glad a few in this litter will be at the picnic:) It's just like last year for you huh?? you get to celebrate their bdays together!
  • Nicola Porter

    Hey, we'll be there and I can't wait. I hope their are no pups available otherwise I'll be going home with one LOL... Will you pick up cinny then?
  • Lauren & Emma

    Nutmeg is a pretty little girl! :) and I didn't know corgis like deer antlers? Do tell!
  • Nicola Porter

    Don't be jealous cos Odin is home, you'll be next....LOL
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Your wish is my command! :)
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    2 days!!
  • Nicola Porter

    You looked SOO busy, I was gonna get y'all when it died down so we could chat more but we left early as the allergies were playing up.
  • Nicola Porter

    We didn't get there until about 12:30 either so everything was in full swing at that time.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Congrats on your baby Cinnamon! Where did you get the deer antlers am very interested in hearing about them! come join our Knee High Herders Holiday Lovers group on MyCorgi.com. would love to see some holiday pics there of your babies!
  • Lisa

    She reminds me of Reiki when she was a baby. Adorable!
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    shes getting tall! ...and big:)
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Yes! Especially today. I hope hes ok, but I am thinking its from a busy morning. He's been asleep since 3pm and its now 7:30...
  • Danijela

    OMG!! You got Cinamon!!! She's so,so beautiful...and so cute!
    We are back in the US. Moved to Miami. Sorry we haven't been in touch for a while. It was a crazy year. All is good now and we are back!!!
    Would love to meet up sometimes for some Corgi's playtime.
    Congratulations on your new family member...I bet they keep you busy.
  • cheryl rodriguez

    wow, enjoyed your nutty and cinn photos. very precious!
  • Emiliano S.

    Greetings! Beautiful Corgi you have there. Good to see other Corgi owners in Hollywood.

  • Emily and Charlie

    Hi little happy family! Charlie's never met another Corgi before, I think he would love to play at Snyder sometime with your little ones. Just drop us a line if you are heading there one weekend. Cheers!
  • Aj

    Please do post a picture of the fence when you get a chance. :)
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    Cinny is sooo cute with the black on her ears! Her and Cooper look so much alike:)
  • Emily and Charlie

    Hi! I know it's short notice, but from 11 am - 2 pm on Sunday there is a once a month get together called Jazz in the Park across from the Museum of discovery and science. It's only the first Sunday of every month (super bowl Sunday this month). Everyone is invited, especially doggies! Charlie will be there If you and your low rider crew are interested. If not, we'll definitely get to meet at Snyder in two weeks. Looking forward to it. Take care!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Happy Birthday Jacki!
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!
  • Edward and Gemima

    No your babies are sooo cute!!!
  • Marion and Vern

    Thanks for the invite. Watching your pictures gives me hope that when we get our second they will get along just fine. Sami is so used to getting all the attetion etc. Hopefully we will be getting our second baby late summer early fall.....if all goes according to plan.
  • Candy

    Hi Jackie.
    Your babies are beautiful and cute! I see you have two girls too. Bonni and Faye are the loves of my life. We are going through a bit of a rough time due to Bonni's recent spinal cord injury and now rehab but I have hope that we will get through this. And Bonni will one day run around again. Perhaps then, we can meet up with other South Florida Corgis for a fun day.
  • Lisa

    I absolutely love them on a boat!!!!! Cute!
  • Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck

    nice to hear from someone close to home, both places. Where is the dog beach in Hollywood? We prefer Hollywood beach to Fort Lauderdale. Even though we got kicked off the broadwalk when Poopdeck was just a pup. The garbage man yelled at us and pointed to the tiny "no" sign on the banner hanging on the street light.
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    is Cinny a protection barker? I have no idea how to get Odin stop barking when he hears people outside the door...( i live in an apartment so we have 3 other apartments in our hall) Anytime someone else enters there apartment he runs to the door and barks..ahh! And it is only when I am home...like he's protecting me.

    I try the pinning that Celeste showed us at the 6 week meetup and he bites me! he hates When I try to grab him when he is in trouble....I have no idea what to do. I know with some barking habits you normally just let the dog bark and show them they get no response...but..that doesn't work with the door :(
  • Stanley & Charlotte

    Happy Birthday Nutmeg! Stanley can't wait to see you at the picnic this year!
  • Donna & Jake

    Hi Jacki,
    Jake and I met you, Cinnamon and Nutmeg at Hollywood beach on Sat. 10/2 You told me about this site and I signed up and made reservations of the Florida Corgi Picnic. I just wanted to thank you so much for the info. Hope we will see you again at the beach, or even at the picnic this year. :)
  • Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck

    Poopdeck loves boat rides, but not a swimmer at this time. I took him to the lake at Snyder Park, he got in the water ,but would not go in past his chest. In time I am sure he will swim. His favorite thing to do is hang over the side of the inflatable boat and bite at the bow wake. That also includes a very strange bark that is not used in any other situation. I can't even imagine what this looks like from another boat.
  • Bob and SparkPlug

    HEY!! It was great meeting you Saturday! Yes, we are on Facebook. Bob Marotta. Some say I'm obsessed with my dog and pictures! What do they know?
  • Bob and SparkPlug

    HECK YEAH!! GO BEARS! I'll be at Legends on Orange ave by ORMC watching the game with dozens of Bears fans. Thanks for the awesome picture of Sparky!
  • Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck

    when and where are dogs allowed on Hollywood Beach? Last August we were down by McGowan's when the garbage man yelled at us that we were going to get a ticket if we did not get off the Broadwalk
  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Nothing but Fine Dining for Nutmeg!! Do I see a fresh vegetable garden in your future???
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday!