

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Glasgow, Scotland with my corgi bilco, my partner and my baby daughter. Bilco is my fourth corgi. When I was born my mum had one called Guy. She got him 48 years ago from a zoo! and couldn't afford him so the lady said she could take him home and pay him up! A corgi on hire purchase). He died when I was 5 and I saved all my pocket money, birthday money and christmas money and finally had enough to buy a new corgi pup when I was 7 (if I remember right he cost £45 back then). I named him Rocky and had 12 wonderful years with him. When he died I didn't to have to wait 2 years for a new pup. I was very lucky to get a gorgeous wee pup which i named Buster just a few weeks later.
About My Corgi(s):
I adopted Bilco from the corgi rescue 9 years ago. He was badly treated by his previous owner and was very timid when I got him. He doesn't do quite as much as my previous corgi's but, is definetely the most loving of them all and brighten's my day. He's getting old now, I think he's about 15. He has recently accepted a new addition to our family without any jealously at all, our new baby who is 4 months old now.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome bilco and family! Man I miss the UK, especially the walker's crisps and Cadbury's chocolate :)
  • Dominique

    what a great story and wonderful relationship you have with animals. welcome to mycorgi!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Dominque and Bilco...LOVE your profile pic!
  • Melissa & Gary

    Wee Bilco looks like he's the life of the party.
    My grandparents and my mum came here from Scotland in 1953.
    Look forward to chatting
    take care
  • Butter your Corgi a Cardigan or Pembroke? I just adopted a 9 year old Cardigan. I am curious to know what to expect as they age. I'm from Nova Scotia in Canada (New Scotland). Hope to hear from you. Joy
  • bilco

  • Melissa & Gary

    Thank you for adding us as a friend !
    Cheers !!
  • Chelsey

    Bilco is so precious. =]

    Thats cool that you live in Scotland. I've always wanted to visit there.
  • Butter

    Hi, I am sorry to hear that Bilco is beginning to struggle. Our dog had a sprain about 2 weeks ago and I was worried that maybe it was the beginning of something but he is fine now. I hope he lives to be Bilco's age without many problems.
  • Helen

    Thanks for the note - need to update photo's ... Dolly has taken over as commander of the household - what a trip... 9 lbs of pure ambition!! Enjoy the weekend.
  • Butter

    I'm also sorry to hear about losing your other dogs. Do you mind if I ask if the one who died of a heart attack was overweight. I was told that corgis don't have high cholesterol and heart problems like humans but maybe I was told incorrectly. If so, then it is another reason to get my Corgi's weight down.
  • Cathy Dillman

    Thanks! We think he's pretty special - but I think that's just the bias of being a Corgi owner! I'll work on getting more photos of him now that he's an adult up on the page over the weekend. Yours is pretty sweet!
  • Steve

    Thanks!. We tried different names and the one he kept responding to was Scott (maybe because it's close to his brother's name, Steve?) But we still call him Turtle once in a while because it's such a cute/funny name to use for a dog. Bilco looks so sweet and I'm glad you were able to give him a loving forever home. Love the picture of him with the baby toy.
  • Chelsey

    Thanks. He is so much happier. I actually got a chance to talk with a woman in my town who owns corgis too. She said she saw him that day and also said she almost bought him too. She was so happy to hear that someone got him out of that place and was taking care of him. =]
  • Lisa P from WV

    Bilco looks like your new baby's protector! What a great pic of the two of them! Congratulations on your new baby and finding such lovable corgi...I'm sure that Bilco is happy you found him too!
  • Hiroko

    Hi, thank for adding us as your friend.
    I'm touched your story, you can't tell your life without corgis! Bilco and your baby look peaceful together. Berger is my first corgi, in fact, he is a first dog for me, but I'm already into corgis. They really adorable, smart, and always be our best friend, right?
    Have a nice weekend :-)
  • Dannielle

    Thanks arent they adorable the bredder I amgetting my baby from sends me those pics about once a week her webiste is if u want to check it out :o)
  • Trish

    Hi ! He's lovely ! Corgis are cute ! Tomorrow I'll have had Bentley for 1 week ! So far so good... though the cat has other ideas I'm sure !
  • corgichina

    Yes, she is my first corgi, I love her so mush.
  • Alina

    That was wonderful of you to adopt an older corgi -- it can be so hard to find homes for them. He also looks like a reliable guard for your little one -- congratulations!
  • Katie

    I saw Bilco's picture on the world map of corgis! I had to come check your page out. I've never seen such a happy corgi- esp. taking a bath!

    My two corgis have both been rescues. I just can't imagine them not being in my life!
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    Bilco is a lovely boy. What does his name mean? I love that you're a lifetime corgi devotee. Banjo's not even 2 yet, I can't wait for all the happy years ahead of us.
  • Lili

    Wow! A lifetime of corgis. That's so great and the bath pix is fabulous. I rescued my boy from a pet store and have had him about 1 1/2 months now. I was told not to bathe him frequently so I haven't done it yet. We've been out in the rain plenty of times and he takes well to puddles so I hope he does as well as Bilco. Any hints or advice?
  • Rabbit

    Nice to hear from our UK corgi friends! Welcome!
  • penny spencer

    What a happy looking chap! I remembe a TV show here in the states with a Sargeant Bilco character. Is that your Bilco? Looks like he's laid claim to the babys' little arbor type thing. Take care.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I am sorry you have had to go through this more than once! I really think Riley junior would help but my family isn't ready for it yet. As soon as I have more time I will put more videos on here. I feel like watching them helps me, it's like he is still there. I agree that corgis are the BEST dogs! We had a basset hound before and there was NO comparison between the two. Riley was a much better dog!
  • Dragster and Bailee

    :) thank you! very cute pictures of your baby :)
  • FrankT

    Thanks for the invite...cute pics.
  • Leif

    What a beauty. I get my Corgis in about 14 hours! I am very excited.
  • FrankT

    What a nice comment, thank you. We have more corgi's than the one plate showing, see them all here:

    Good luck with the move!
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Great pictures on your page and love your story! Thanks for the invite, I too have had 4 Corgis. Bilco is quite a handsome chap!
  • Kristina

    Oh my god, the bath picture is the best! Does he like taking them? My corgi HATES it!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    How is Bilco doing? We are doing ok here. We are feeling a little better, time does help heal. Hopefully we can start over again in Feb/March of next year with a puppy. Me and my parents feel ready.
  • Trish

    Just stopping by to say Hi to you and Bilco ! Bentley turned 1 year old March 20th! Can't believe I've had him for 8 months ! Take care!
  • Bojana

    Bilco is beautiful! Milka likes baths too! :)