Geri & Sidney

58, Female

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

North San Diego County
About Me:
I have three teenage kids and I just love being a Mom to a Corgi also! I live in sunny Southern California with the three kids, three dogs, two cats and a most wonderful husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sidney is our first purebred corgi and we are thrilled to have him. He was born 7/11/07. We planned to start him in agility training, but there was a long waiting list. So while waiting for an opening, we took classes for therapy dog training. As it turns out, he's a pretty good therapy dog, so we stuck with that and never got around to agility. Now he is training as a Rally dog. We love it! He's one smart little character! Oh, and he's undocked, so his beautiful tail attracts a lot of attention - good attention.

On August 30th, Sidney suddenly came up lame in his hind left leg. The next day we got xrays for him and found out he has severe hip dysplasia. On Sept 7th he had a Femoral Head Ostectomy to relieve the pain. His right hip is not in great shape either but we're hoping that with glucosamine supplements and exercise we can keep it healthy. *Update* You would never know Sid has surgery now. He moves beautifully. The water therapy and supplements have worked wonders.


Bruce is our corgi/elkhound (?) mix. We rescued him from the brink of euthanasia when he was approximately 10-11 years old (he had a day or two left to go). He's about 16 now and his only sign of his advanced age are bad teeth and slow mornings. I adore Brucie and he worships me. He's my funny short angel with a puffball tail (thanks to the elkhound side). He's about 18 now and going strong.

Chester is our "tall dog". He's a black dane/lab mix that we got from a "free to good home" ad in the local newspaper. He's also old, about 15 years old. We know his age because we've had him 14 years, and he was an adult when we brought him home! He's a very serious dog and not very affectionate compared to the corgis, but he has been a very good dog, just aloof. We can't take Chester as many places as the shorties because he does not travel well. He's almost 17 now and has definitely slowed down. *UPDATE* Chester had a sudden decline and was sent to the bridge on April 15th 2013 at the age of 17.

In February 2013 we added Connie to our family. She's a little tri corgi who was picked up as a stray and put up for adoption at our local Humane Society. She's a real sweet girl and loves to play ball. She's learning a lot from Sidney about life here. We can't believe that her family never came to claim her.She's got good manners and she gets along well with the other dogs and the cats, and everyone she meets is her best friend.

And the pack grows! In November we took in a black-headed tri who we named Copper. He and Connie were both born in 2009 and they are great buddies and a ball-chasing tag team. Copper is sweet and cuddly and eager to please.

I have:

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  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Wishing you a happy birthday filled with fun and goodies.
  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • Mary Anne Sharpe

    Thank you.  She does look like a corgi for sure -- that tail is magnificent! And she herds ... 

    Skijoring is a Norwegian thing where you tie them by a harness to your waist and they pull you along on skis. They can also be trained to pull a bike or a scooter. 

  • Ein & Mya

    Red Ribbon
  • Brooke jennings


    My dogs are named Bess and Grace. I have some cool pics that I will try to post.


  • Laura Kirkham

    Thank you Geri & Sidney! Wickett was very special and the one dog that everyone from our past remembers the most! Your Sidney sounds cute too...and the wookie call is funny especially to us as my husband and I are also Star Wars costumers! Woo woo!
  • Sheri

    Thank you :)
  • kim hasty

    Thank you Geri & Sidney.  I will take your advice.  My vet is kindly encouraging me to let go as she believes maggie has no quality of life, independence.  She is 12 years old.  I know it's true, but I look at that little Corgi face and I can't imagine life without her. 
  • Mary C. Powers

    Thank you Geri and Sidney.  I think so too!  She is also a real Lovy.. And, smart as all get out.
  • Ted, Beth & Jennyfur

    Thanks! It was basically love at first sight when we saw her with two of her litter mates. We were delighted to find this site, and to be able to connect with other Corgi owners. We have a lot to learn about this breed, and look forward to knowing more.
  • Paul Pejko

    Thanks, Geri and Sydney.

    Yes, we miss Tucker so much. And now our home feels so empty. We are trying to adopt a Corgi from Sunshine Rescue. I'm waiting on a reply. Being new to this site, I'll learn how to upload photos and will post some pictures of some of the Corgis we've had in our lives, and hopefully, will be able to upload newphotos of a new family member soon.


  • Lynn Leong

    yes i hope so too. this is my first corgi.  I got it from a very reputable breeder and of all 6 corgi that she had, i got a corgi that has auto immune disease.  I do not know what to do or even think.  She just turned a year old not too long ago.  Do i confront the breeder about this? or is this out of their hands? What should the breeder be responsible for?
  • Stephanie Givens

    Thank you for the welcome.  I apologize for the delay in answering you, having a a new dog in my life takes up alot of my spare time.  Not so much computer time these days. I will be back to find my way around the site and participate as much as I can.



  • Keleigh Beehler

    Thank you so much! You have no idea what that means to me! He was quite the character. I think that's what made me fall in love with corgis so much is how funny and what great personalities they all have!

    Now I'm looking for a Rodin Jr.

    You have beautiful little doggies as well! And so old. :)

  • Yuka

    Thank you for the welcome post! And I agree, they are the best breed to have! They are forever adorable and always entertaining you, even if they're not trying to!
  • Diane M. Stefani

    HI Gerri & Sidney: 

    Thank you for the welcome to the Corgi Club.  Isn't it funny that we both have therapy dogs.  I used to volunteer for Hospice here and I don't see any reason why, if you put the jacket on, Hospice wouldn't welcome you.  Abigail Rose has actually spent 3 1/2 hours at the hospital here in the trauma unit in the ER.  She loves all the attention she gets and just lays down and allows the nurses and doctors to pet her.  Totally spoiled, I guess, however, we all have fun and it is so good for the patients moral.

  • Diane M. Stefani

    Is the Hospice in your town in the individual's homes or a hospital?  Abigail Rose will bark when someone comes into the yard or house, but not with other dogs.  When she is out in hospitals she is just a love to everyone.  Her biggest problem with visiting is that she always wants to jump up. I have her jacket on and her leash, in order to control her at first.   In Care Facilities, I have to talk to the Social Worker in each one to see if it is appropriate for her to jump on the bed after having walked on the flours.  In each place, their comment was "if the patient calls her up there, let her go".  So I guess the laws are different in each State.
  • Mark J Lawrence

    Thank you so much for the welcome. I am so glad there are other people like me with these nutty dogs.
  • Candace Rogers

    Thank you!  I've found some great tips on here already!  It's nice to know there's help out there.
  • Penny LeBlanc

    Thank you for the welcome. Nice to see corgi  lovers!!!   Will be posting pics soon of our two loves.
  • Katy

    Thanks for the welcome! It's nice to find someone who gets the name reference haha...everyone else that I try to explain it to (with the exception of Frodo's owner of course) has no idea what I'm talking about!
  • Alain Nguyen

    Thank You


  • Nicole Murphy

    Oh, Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm excited to be here!

  • Stephanie Raphaela Ho

    Hello! Thank you for the warm welcome, I'm uploading more pictures of Barney!

  • Kasey, Max, & Zoey

    Thank you for the welcome!

  • Beauty

    Thank you for the welcome Geri & Sydney. So many cute Corgis around here. I was just wondering how come your Corgi still have a long tale?
  • Jennifer Marie

    Thank you for your welcome!!

  • lumiwa

    Thank you very much.

  • Margie A Hayes

    Thank you for the welcome! My two cats are hoping that they can post an adoption needed for Holly on this site.

    His name will be NOBU. Thanks for the welcome, I will post pictures next week.
  • MyGlo

    Hello and thank you :) We have been taking pictures of lily all morning she is a doll.
  • Kelsey Baker

    Thanks so much for the welcome!

    Kelsey, Gus, & Clara
  • karen nguyen

    Thanks for the warm welcome! It took me a little while to join but I'm glad I did. I'm happy the corgi community is as warm and inviting as the breed itself - Karen & Boomer
  • June

    Thank you so much for the warm welcomw!
  • Pamela and Schatzi

    Thank you for the welcome!!! Aahhh, the penguin because Schatzi's coat hasn't filled out much yet, and due to the short legs, we find that when we stand her on her back legs she looks sort of like a penguin....the dance part is a little waving of the front paws lol. She get's the BIGGEST smile on her face.

    Your pup is adorable!! Love the wookie song!! Haha Schatzi sounds like that too when she stretches :)
  • Jo

    Thank you for your warm welcome! I love the story of how you brought Sidmey to your home, it's so lovely! I hope my girls are as happy- & I hope our boy will be as happy when he gets to his new home! :D xx 
  • Bearica Flynn

    Thanks! We're so excited!!
  • Daniel & Lyra

    I am with Pamela! Thanks for the welcome! Sidney is adorable. I wish we could get Schatzi to wear a bandana without eating it!
  • NMT

    Hi Geri and Sidney, I just saw your comment and have uploaded Toffee's picture.

  • Kara with Dasiy & Scout

    Thank you for the welcome! I am up late exploring the site and all the adorable corgi pics!!
  • lumiwa

    Thank you very much :)
  • jensen bee

    thank you! His name is bear, but you can call him bug. it's what he prefers.  I posted a few pics, he is quite the cutie pie! :)
  • Tina & Sophie

    Thank you for the welcome.  Corgi's are great.  Now that I have Sophie I don't know how I spent so much time without one!  I wish I had the time, room & $$$ for more.
  • Susan Worsley

    Thanks! Have a great day:)
  • Jesse Graglia

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Pics are on the way!
  • Kristeen Kowalow

    Yes!  We go as often as possible..we will be at Coronado on the 28th.  It will be Kirbys first meet up!


  • Nancy Liu

    Hello Geri,
    I really enjoyed Sidney's picture on the calendar!
    I have your page separated from the calendar and hope you are willing to do a SWOP.
    I can send you your page, if you could send me the the page of my pup - Radar, Portsmouth, RI (March).

    If you would like to swap then send me an email so we can trade mailing addresses to
    Thanks and have a CORGI DAY!
  • jeff bloom

    she went missing in the skyline area, right by the police station. i moved out to hawaii at the end of last year and my friend has been watching jo while the quarantine time period goes by. but she could be anywhere. i have another one that went missing at the same time and he managed to end up in miami! no idea how he pulled that off. but i have a friend in orlando that grabbed him from the guy who found him.
    but thank you and hopefully she'll pop up soon. i miss her soooooooooooooo much.
  • Kayla and Mason

    Thank you! :)
  • Kim Ales-Yan

    Hi hi!  Thanks for the welcome.  We can't wait to get our little pembroke!