

Logan, UT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I had two wonderful corgis until my divorce now im left with my corgi Mario while my ex keeps peach, I do miss her so.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have one corgi right now

Mario the "Chubby Puppy" he is 7 years old born Feb. 24th 2004, Hes what I call my "tank dog" because if anytings in his way hes gonna push his way threw. Hes also my little trick pony, if its jumping threw a hoop or waving hes gonna do anything for food! He also Loves playing ball. After gettin Mario. My parents wanted their own, so they went and got Mario's younger guessed it Luigi!

Peach the Princess is 3 Years Old. She was born April 13th 2008, she currently lives with my ex but I still hope one day to get her back :)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Draftcat! Mario and Peach are so cute!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Mario and Peach! Love the names :)
  • Courtney

    I love thi pic in the box my bella would do the same thing!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Draftkat, Mario and Peach!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Paula Hess

    Hello, may I ask what you meant by, "interesting dog"?
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Mario & Peach...loving the names. They're also cuties! So glad you could join us.
  • Paula Hess

    I have not seen a corgi like him. He is not as round as any other, but, we do keep him on a strict diet. So, I thought maybe you thought the same way. He seems to be taller as well. I also thought that was because he was not as round as others. I agree he does not have as much white on him. His fur doesnt seem as long as most either. I hoped you might of noticed how different he looked. He is registered with the ACA and I know nothing about them. Thanks for your input.
  • JanRich

    Thanks for the comment! Your dogs are too cute. I like the comment that they look like snausages when they are rolled over. haha They are cute. We have a Canon 50D. It's one of those digital SLR cameras where you change the lenses out.
  • GoGoRainbow

    well thank you! I got Pooka from a breeder in Pipecreek, TX named Levi Stubbs.
  • JanRich

    Thanks, I highly recommend tris! :)
  • Sarah C.

    The park in that picture is the dog park at independence park in pearland.
  • Sarah C.

    I really like it. I go there all the time and I've only had a problem with another dog/handler once. Pretty good track record!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    I'm a little late, but thanks for posting that pic of Ziggy - we appreciate it. Our camera died that day too so we didn't have hardly any pics. We will definitely see you guys again. Gotta love Mario & Peach they are always having so much fun!
  • KyraMoonUnique

    ello new friends :)
  • KyraMoonUnique

    your right thanks for pointing it out
  • Lauren Rogulski

    thank you for the compliment :)
  • JanRich

    Happy Halloween!
  • Chris Wooten

    Thanks. My emails are as follows: (until the beginning of January),, and I'll give you a call tomorrow but will shoot for about a 12:30ish drop off. Thank you again for this. I just can't say it enough. Thank you!
  • Cathy & LadyBug

    Thank you so much fo rthe compliment - your dogs are also beautiful, I dont think I could handle 2 sadie's.
  • Avyon

    Hi Draft! You find a local group that does the trials/testing in your area. We found one through the PWCC The one we use is the but I'm sure there's one in your area. Just sign up, do the paperwork, make sure you have a good callback and your set. What they did with us is we did one round, which we tested the dogs to see if they were interested. Then a second round if the passed the trial to start explaining how to do things. Then you get a cert the third round if you can pass a test. For example Roxi had to move the sheep up the center of the ring... then back down without breaking them up too much. then you get a cert which allows you to take real classes if you want to get really into the competitions. If not you can just keep brining your pup back to the trials for fun :)
  • Andrea De Leo

    You have taken some absolutely beautiful photographs of your dogs! Love them... :)
  • Kathryn Johnson

    thank you! Its so funny you say that, because i have always been jealouse of the people with the lighter red corgis! I wouldn't trade my dog for anything but at the same time i would love a corgi that looked just like yours! You have gorgeous dogs! :]
  • Maggie May

    Hi Alicia, We got her in Visalia, CA Where did you get yours? They had a male who was not a fluff in Maggie's litter.

  • Maggie May

    Oh my, how could we spoil her more? hahaha We're almost out of peanut butter...maybe I'll give her the peanut butter jar. Have you ever done that?
  • Maggie May

    Funny! Have you seen the youtube videos of Corgis licking from PB jars? Their tongues are so long!
  • Maggie May

    It's amazing how long their tongues are. Nice talking to you!
  • Robyn

    yeah it is a cat toy
  • Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's

    It is a small world. Must be related to my Cody. He is definetly a "middle child" Quiet, but a big barker (if that makes sense..)
  • Max & Cody

    Awesome, we're moving to a house in Atascocita soon so hopefully we can schedule a play date for our kids lol.
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the prize bag! I bought the round felt part of the award and added the felt ribbons and the clip so the winners could actually wear their ribbon without fear of getting poked by a safety pin! My husband absolutely loves Mario, he was the sucker in the chair that threw the ball every time Mario would bring it over. Hubby is a fairly quiet guy so he may not say much at the meetups but he always asks if Mario & Peach are going to be there. Lol
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Oh no, saw your message and told hubby a member was moving and the first word out of his mouth were "It better not be Mario & Peach". He is very sad and says to tell you guys Mario is his third favorite Corgi, next to our own two.  Wish you guys the best, but your fur kids will definitely be missed!