

Colorado SpringsCO

United States

Profile Information:

Colorado Springs
About Me:
I'm a retired teacher.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Winnie (aka Winnifred!) is a rescued 3 y/o spayed F Corgi.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello and welcome John and Joey. What a great looking pup he is. Bear is also a resqued Corgi.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Welcome John
    Joey looks very comfortable in his new home and I'm so glad he found you. Thanks for helping out a corgi in need.

    Looks like Joey likes to play, that should help him settle in and enjoy the new digs!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome John and Joey!
  • Dominique

    He's adorable! Welcome and congratulations!
    I'm thinking I'd like to rescue my next corgi.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome, great pictures. Joey looks like he likes to have fun.
  • winnie_the_dog

    welcome. i just read your first blog. i think the closeness might also have to do with your pup's treatment as a puppy. winnie at fist was rather aloof, but i have "broken" her habit and now she usually wants to follow and be near me. I don't know if you can really get that puppy bonding with an older dog. it might just take longer time for joey to get accustomed to you.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Joey is so cute! And they thought he was a sheltie! Well, shelties are also adorable. You've only had him 2 weeks, and I'm sure with some time he'll come around. I've heard it takes about a month for a dog to feel at ease and "home" when coming into a new house.
    I'm so sorry about the loss of your sheltie.
  • Sophie

    Thank you. I just love her to pieces.
  • Anne

    Well my husband & I know what you have been going thru with your dog. We got ours from a breeder but she is so 'fearful' of people. When we 1st got her she was scared of everything new which was everything plus us. She would startle and jump when she heard noises and even our shadows crossing her path. We had a crate for her & that was where she hid or she would hid under things. Amazing the small places she could get in. She would not come near us for over 3 weeks and would seem so scared of us. Was very difficult. Gradually we started seeing a difference. She would follow me and it took my husband giving her little pieces of lamb or other meat that got her to come near him. I worked at making her sit in my lap at night even though she would fall within herself when I came near her. I would just pick her up and hold her on my lap or next to me and pet her. I talked to a few obedience people to help me and I was told to give treats every time she looked at me. I found her not interested in a lot of the treats, too nervous to eat them but she likes peanut butter ones that are soft. We are now just over 4 months into having her & she is much changed. Still hates to meet new people but likes us a lot. She is very sweet and is now learning to play with toys and sleeps on the bed if we let her. It helped for her to meet other corgis and play with them since she was a kennel dog. My parents have a pembroke corgi who is very outgoing, friendly dog, plus my sister's border collie is sweet too. She does want to be boss and lets other dogs know when she has had enough, shows a few teeth though she is not aggressive. Anyway I hope this helps. I know how hard it is to go thru this. I made a lot of mistakes with her, waving my arms, getting too excited and just recently trying to run the vacuum with my ipod on. I had to work all might to get her back to liking me. She hates hats and will bark at us if we wear hats. This from a dog who does not bark. I think time is the best thing plus making the dog realize you are a good thing, food, body rubs and taking her every where. We also still have her crate & when we have to leave her at home she is in that.
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    It's nice to see another Colorado corgi! Joey is a handsome boy. Kudos to you you for rescuing him. I have several friends who work for rescues, and from what they tell me corgis are constantly being labeled as shelties or dachshund mixes.
  • Anne

    How has it been going with your dog? Our girl is really coming out of her shell now that it has been almost 8 months since we got her. She barked in fun the other night which was very funny. I have been doing obedience or shall I say socialize training her but mostly me on how best to help her. We feed her meat, chicken or any meat when she meets strangers and in class. Well just wanted to check in and hope all has been going well with you and Joey.
  • Erienne and David

    I love Joey's markings. Wellington has always let us hold him. Even now he lets us pick him up as long as we scratch his belly! LOL
  • Jane Christensen

    Hope this works for Joey! Best of luck! Keep us updated!
  • Marie Ploof

    Kipper says thank you. >.br /> =]
  • Tauna and Kota

    How is Joey doing? Well, I hope. He is so cute.
  • Tauna and Kota

    He looks like has been having a lot of fin according to your pictures. Is he doing a lot better with not wanting to be around people or getting a lot of affection?
  • Nancy Geddes

    Hey, that's it Joey!!!!  Make your Mom and Dad stand out in the snow like our NanMom!!!!!  We love snow and hate the second day crusty stuff!  We be friends!!!  Bear, Tasha and Linus
  • Ellen Andersen

    Enyoy the Bridge, sweet boy.