Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Rebecca

    Hi Jane   we pick up the little guy on thursday, can't wait we are so excited. I hope he settles in ok. They say hes a bit shy.
  • Roger/Laurie

    Things are fine here.  Tulips are up, and it is starting to warm up (I hate winter). Zip is so lucky becoming one of your "herd"  I am sure you will have the weight off him soon.  I think just running around with the others will help.  Chepstow had his first teeth cleaning yesterday and he did great.  Vet said his teeth are good and no problems, he is 5 1/2.

    I have been really busy with my photographs.  I have them in 3 galleries and I am always trying to find new things to take pictures of.  I have a little show end of April and a really big one end of May.

     In early April I am driving from Spokane to home so I hope to find some good photo ops along the way.  I am spending a few days in Spokane before the drive and hope to add to my waterfall collection of photos.

    Our bluebirds are checking out the boxes and we should have some nests started by the end of next week.  We usually get 3 broods of 4 or 5 eggs in each box. (we have 3 boxes)  We grow our own meal worns otherwise we would need a loan from the bank to feed them all including the Carolina Wrens.  The bluebirds give me so many photo ops and are best sellers.

    Would love for you to come for a visit anytime.   Take care, Laurie

  • Taffy (corgi is Hercules)

    I don't know how you let the puppies go. I would love to have a litter of puppies but I know I would want to keep them all. I guess seeing how happy people are to get their puppy helps.
  • Roger/Laurie

    Thanks for the help
  • Cherie and Charles

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome to the site! I love it. Your babies are also so very cute. They are wonderful dogs!
  • April Wu

    Thanks! I am so happy to join mycorgi.com. Your babies are so cute!!!

  • Natalie Johnson

    than you for the welcome im just so pleased i have found a site like this
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    I've been laying low recently.  Hope all is well with you and the gang!  It's been cold here, and snowing.  I can't wait til Spring!
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    We're moving at the end of April.
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    Yup, we found a place.  Just waiting on a confirmation on whether we got it.  We should get it though. 


  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    For me it is. :)  I am just glad we don't have to live in the direct city anymore.  No more fears of needing to carry pepper spray when I go outside.  AND I'd be 10 miles from the airport! :D
  • ♥Deborah


    Thank you for your wonderful words at the Rainbow Bridge group regarding My Eddie ~ it's good to know there are so many kind people out there willing to take the time to say a few words to others... :)

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday Jane! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are!
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Happy Birthday Jane.  I hope you and the Corgis have a great day.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Have a wonderful B-day Jane! Whatever are you doing in the corgis caught in crime group? NOT YOU, JANE, haha. I can only hope the crime was not committed on your b-day. xoxo w & gang
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Tell your husband it's your b-day YEAR and really live it up!


    PS So, Jane, are you actually an April 1st baby?

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I didn't want to include Ricky/Rafa in the profile picture until I was VERY VERY sure he was a keeper forever and ever. He was a bigger challenge than I ever let on to anyone except Doug (& Gromit) because I emailed Doug and sometimes his wife, Debbie, outside of mycorgi postings. I didn't want to post anything negative about a rescue or a re-homed corgi on sam's site. Everytime we'd take one step forward and then two steps back. But, he's ours, hook, line and in our hearts forever. I've had some health stuff so I haven't been able to take a good outside photo of them together. So, in the meantime, this profile photo will have to do.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Fun is the spice of life!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Good. So my cake came on your birthday. That makes me happy.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Jane, you nailed it. That's why Ricky/Rafa needed to be rehomed. They had never owned a puppy, let alone a corgi puppy before. He was a neglected 16 wk old puppy when we got him, who had never lived indoors. I've owned corgis my whole life and never faced a bigger challenge than this one! : )

    But, as they say, no pain, no gain. So we've had great gains. He's a handful, but ours. I adore him and so does Jack. He's J's sidekick all weekend...Home Depot, you name it. Princess Lucy hates the car. He and Lucy are the loves of our lives...enough to make our kids nauseous! haha.

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Ricky's the type of Corgi puppy that would get passed around from bad home to worse homes and then give Corgis a bad name. I'm so glad that we got him. It was meant to be. What a dog.
  • Carry Mackenzie

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Belated Birthday, hope it was a great one!!!  Was not on the computer much today, so sorry for the late wishes.  Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!  Natalie Lance and Tucker
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    You've got a good eye. But, they both are waiting for a treat. Lucy is just way more focused when she wants something. No corgi I ever owned can stare with the concentration of Lucy. It was a little unnerving when she was a tiny pup and would just lock eyes with me and stare! She was a tough nut in her own right during puppy training. She is probably the smartest corgi we've ever owned, which is saying a lot.
  • Leanna M Bellinger

    Thank YOU!!! She is a Blessing and very loved. Snickers is a love, she is 1yr old..


  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Jane! Yep, my birthday is on Sunday, and my son's is on the 18th. He was almost born on my birthday!

    For my page, all I did was go to settings, then page appearance and changed the background. Just a couple of clicks is all it took. It looks like you really customize yours, so it'll take longer but be well worth the effort!

  • Yuki & Ellie

    Thank you  :)  His name is Yuki (yoo-kee) and he's a total ham. 


    Your dogs are beautiful, as well!  I love Bella's coloring!  A red/white is what I really want to get, though I've also developed a soft spot for blue tri-color corgis.  ;)

  • Ted, Beth & Jennyfur

    Hi, Jane,

    Thank you for your welcome. We're very glad we found her and were able to rescue her. Corgies are a whole different world of dog, so we're also very happy to find this site and meet so many other Corgie owners. Your pups are so cute, and the puppies are just adorable! We'll need to share more pictures of Jenny on our page, too.

  • Emily & Scout

    Thanks.  I got bored the yesterday and decided to play in my photoshop program.  How did you get the corgi to come up as a cursor on your page?  My default cursor on my computer is a Cardigan (b/c it is black and white) but I would like one to show up if people visit may page on here like yours does.
  • Alain Nguyen

    Thank you for the welcome
  • WhiteDove

    Good Morning Jane,

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Pupsters loved their baskets. . .LOL

    May I ask another favor please, can you send me another e-mail from this account up at the top "send a message". I'm still having problems receiving alerts when someone sends me a message? I've written to Sam again. Hopefully he'll be able to help.

    Thank you Jane and have a great day. . . .
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Calvin's fence posts are going up today.  Pretty soon he'll be able to run around without the leash outside! 


  • WhiteDove

    Good morning Jane,

    Hope you and your pups are having a wonderful day. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Jane,

    That's really sad about ZIP. Was he an elderly dog. I have a friend who lives in Lake Lida, MN and she spends her winters in Yuma, AZ. Her sister and I visited her two weekends ago. She's headed back to MN on 5-7. DNA testing? Science has come a long way. I think I told you but I got my 2 little girls from a breeder in Frazee, MN called Lakeway Corgis.

    I'm still not receiving notifications that someone has left a comment, etc. Don't know what else to do. Left another message for Sam. Waiting to see what he says.
  • WhiteDove

    Good morning Jane,

    My friends call me "Corgi in human body" LOL. I admire you for helping our Corgi friends. I find homes for our little friends because I am at my limit as to how many I can actually have. Now, when I retire and can leave the "city limits" I too will have as many Corgis as possible. I can only imagine how these little critters have had a superb life with you and your pack. Keep up your tremendous work. So glad to have you as a friend. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    And YES, they are worth EVERY penny. . . .Hoo Yah!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you Jane, there are actually two that I would love to have if you don't mind. They are absolutely stunning!!!

    I don't think I mentioned this but my favorite part of any day is the sunrise and sunset. They mean a lot to me. My Grandpa Whitehorse and I would sit outside before the Sun would "wake" and he would chant. He would do the same when the Sun was going to "sleep". Thanks so much.
  • WhiteDove

    Cool thank you Jane. Have a wonderful Mothers Day tomorrow. . .kiss those babies for me. . ..
  • Ted, Beth & Jennyfur

    Corgies are such cute dogs, and she sure shares that trait. Your pups are adorable  - I especially enjoy the snow pictures. Jenny still has to experience that, and it should be fun. Thanks!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Vet:  Calvin is the perfect weight.  He is 28 pounds.


    Art:  He is becoming more food motivated now.


    Vet:  Yes, there ARE a lot of fat corgis out there....


    I thought you could appreciate his convesation Art had when Calvin went in for his check-up.  His fence is also up and finished.  Last night, he ran like a wild man.  I told my mom to bring over her camera so we can tape him.  :)  Rainy thinks he is an annoying, stinky boy, but she looks for him when she comes over.

  • Roger/Laurie

    Welcome to Tank and the new grandbaby.  We only have one (grandson) and would love to have more.  I am off to Florida this week to see my daughter and enjoy the heat and humidity.
  • Bev Levy

    Hi Jane, We had a very hot day but no rain so far. Thunderstorms are predicted so it is probably the same system that hit you this morning.  This has been such a wet spring! Yuch! It must be a muddy mess at your farm..


  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman


    Where did you get the jester collar for  your Corgi when you went to the Renaissance Festival?

    ps I find it difficult to read your page - maybe it's just my 'ol eyes:(


  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    When I E-mailed the Renaissance Faire in Chippewa Falls, WI. to ask if I could bring my Corgi, they responded that " Pets are welcome, especially Corgis - they're with the Royals you know."  I hope to find a jester collar there.  We had our first camping trip of the season in Viroqua, WI.  Our friends brought their 9 months old English Bull dog - 40 pounds already, and Gretzky did NOT like him at all!  He growled and showed his teeth every time the pup would come near him!  I was horrified.  We are still thinking about getting another Corgi, maybe 2 yrs old or so but now I don't don't know how Gretzky would react.  Maybe he's too old for a young pup. ( he'll be 9 in June) What do you think?
  • Sarah Baugh

    Wow.  She does!  I think Tank is a bit bigger.  That tail is awesome.  How does he get along with the natives?

  • Sarah Baugh

    That's huge. Galli's only 15 inches to shoulder and 27 lbs. Your guy must be a bulldozer :)
  • Anna Morelli

    Thanks for letting me know, and I'm glad that pup is doing better and may have a home waiting for him :-)
  • Ellen Andersen

    Happy Memorial Day Everyone!
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks Jane! Izzy had a little to eat and is enjoying all the attention she is getting. She is really good at being pitiful anyway. She had an infected tooth so will probably feel better with it out. Probably broke it chewing on something. Poor thing!
  • Hana

    Jane...I need some suggestion on pet food.  We are going to be switching Hana from puppy to adult.  For the puppy you had recommended Large dog formula.  What kind of formula do you recommend?  Thank you!