Daniel M


mississauga ON


Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Mississauga Ontario and love the corgi breed. I now own a wonderful corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cooper is a energetic Red and Corgi, he was our first corgi. When he reached the age of one we added Suzie to the family, who is a very calm Tri coloured corgi
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Rea

    Welcome Daniel! Carol, Lucky and Sonny - I assume that the picture is of the puppy you are getting? CUTE!
  • Carol Rea

    I just read through the blog about what you will be needing/getting for the pup, sounds like you are getting all ready. we crate trained our first corgi as we got him as a young pup, worked out great and he loved his crate! I think I saw someone recommend a non buckle collar, and I would second that, our last rescue came with a leather collar with a buckle and I hate it! I think it is a hazzord where we live also. Good luck, hope you can sleep while waiting, we sure had trouble with those last weeks of waiting!
  • Viola & Mia

    Hi Daniel,
    Oh I recognize this picture :) what a sweetheart. I went through this breeder before finding my little Mia. Lynda I believe? her corgi had a litter of 3 or 4. Congradulations and welcome to mycorgi.com
  • Viola & Mia

    No I didn't get Mia from her. When I came across Lynda the puppies weren’t born yet, she said her Corgi is pregnant with 4 puppies and she said she had a waiting list of 8 people, so I didn't bother and continued my search. But it looks like she is now still trying to sell the other 2 that are left, because I just received an email from her yesterday.
  • Viola & Mia

    Oh my you have a long drive ahead of you almost 7 hours! Even my breeder is half way closer to you hehe. I had almost 4 hour drive... I was so anxious the whole way! Well congradulations again!!
  • Viola & Mia

    In any case I don't think you should be worried. He is so adorable your pup! You must be so excited! :)
  • justine moeller

    Hi Daniel. I was just about to leave a comment for Viola and Mia and noticed your comment to her so I was just reading through them. I am assuming you are getting your puppy from Lynda Laferriere, she is a great woman and seems to produce pretty healthy pups. As for a waiting list, people back out all the time. Corgis are also NOT a popular breed in Quebec and sometimes the breeders have trouble finding homes for their pups. There are not many litters produced in Quebec.
    As for the puppies age, 9 weeks is PERFECT! Alot of good breeders wont let their puppies go til 10 weeks. The longer they are with the mom and siblings, the more socialized they will be and you will have a much easier time. Personally I think 8 weeks is a little young...some even go at 6 which is insane... 9 -10 -11 weeks = perfect :)

    Good Luck with your puppy!
  • Monica, Orion, and Laika

    Yes I did, I was torn between the 30 and the 36 but finally settled on the 30
  • Geri & Sidney

    welcome Daniel, and congratulations! Hope you will post some pictures as soon as you get your corgi.
  • Viola & Mia

    6 more days!!! you must be so excited! I can't wait for you to post some more pictures :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Daniel! Talk to Justine, I think she knows a few in the area and will be able to give you good advise. My dogs were born in Florida and they just became Canadian last year :)

    Puppies are a lot of work, older corgis are easier and take shorter time to adjust, either way, a corgi with the right personality should match your lifestyle. Check out this FAQ and read other topics there too. Last year I've fostered 1-2 corgis a month, they range from 2-9 years old and they were given up for various reasons, some were divorced, some had to move, some owner died of old age, so rescue dogs come from all walks of life, it doesn't mean they are not perfect. I've had a rescue that was already housetrained, knows all commands and how to fetch :) Anyways, let me know if you have any questions.
  • Sam Tsang

    Also there's one at the shelter if you wanna check him out.
  • Sam Tsang

    ic, make sure the dog's personality matches your lifestyle, remember it is a commitment for the next 12-17 years. I just remember several breeders in ontario, Curig and FaeireTale were the ones that I looked at before.
  • Sam Tsang

    And that's okay, good breeders always have a waiting list and you want a low production great breeder that only breeds for the right reasons. What you have is time, you'll be rewarded big time and save yourself from unexpected medical bills. Your first year of dog ownership is going to cost you at least $2XXX. Take your time and read everything in the FAQ. There's no need to rush.
  • justine moeller

    Hi Daniel, what about the puppy from Lynda? You can PM me for a more private chat?
  • Lauren + Winston

    yes yes i am very happy. i talked to marla through e-mail when i found her. i didn't have a whole lot to spend on a puppy (i told her 250) so she said she had a friend who just had a litter and had 2 males left. winstons dad is star views action jackson (he's on buckeyecorgi.com) and his mom is carsons redneck girl (i think i put up a few pics of here on here). if you have any more questions e-mail me.. i get my email straight to my phone so i can answer almost immediately and i check it more than here! :)
  • Lori A. Haskett

    Welcome to Corgi life Daniel & Mindy. Love the pics. I too have a very independant red head! Nothing better Wish you both all the best Lori, Callie & Cooper
  • Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall

    I want to steal your puppy, he is so cute!
  • Steve

    Thanks Daniel. Cooper is soooo adorable!
  • Caitlin Silies

    Hi Daniel!
    Cooper is SO adorable and only a week older than my little Ein! They could be buddies! :P
  • Sabrina & Sebastian

    omg hes so cute
  • c mansubi

    I love it
    train him well!!!
  • Kasha

    I probably could get together. See how it goes. I will tell you tho that picasso sometimes doesn,t get along with some dogs. He likes his personal space.
  • Caitlin Silies

    omgomgomgomg.... Cooper is looking to be a handsome little devil. :P
  • Lindsay Dobbin

    I guess there isn't many of us in the GTA? I am glad to have found this site!
  • justine moeller

    Hows the pup??? :)
  • Micaela

    Your Corgi's name is Cooper...?

    That just so happens to be the last name of the person I named Korey after... And what I named my bass! XD Lol. He's such an adorable dog! And congratulations on the new dog, by the way!